= SchemaAssociations
== Overview
One of the great things about Rails (ActiveRecord, in particular) is that it
inspects the database and automatically defines accessors for all your
columns, keeping your model class definitions simple and DRY. That's great
for simple data columns, but where it falls down is when your table
contains references to other tables: then the "accessors" you need are the
+belongs_to+, +has_one+, +has_many+, and +has_and_belongs_to_many+
associations -- and you need to put them into your model class definitions
by hand. In fact, for every relation, you need to define two associations, such as
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :commens
class Comment < ActiveReocrd::Base
belongs_to :post
....which isn't so DRY.
Enter the SchemaAssociations gem. It extends ActiveRecord to automatically
define the appropriate associations based on foreign key constraints in the
database. SchemaAssociations builds on the
{+schema_plus+}[http://rubygems.org/gems/schema_plus] gem that
automatically defines foreign key constraints. So the common case is simple -- if you have this in your migration:
create_table :posts do |t|
create_table :comments do |t|
t.integer post_id
Then all you need for your models is:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
and SchemaAssociations defines the appropriate associations under the hood
=== What if I want something special?
You're always free to define associations yourself, if for example you want
to pass special options. SchemaAssociations won't clobber any existing
You can also control the behavior with various options, globally via
SchemaAssociations::setup or per-model via SchemaAssociations::ActiveRecord#schema_associations, such as:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
schema_associations :concise_names => false
See SchemaAssociations::Config for the available options.
=== This seems cool, but I'm worried about too much automagic
You can globally turn off automatic creation in config/initializers/schema_associations.rb:
SchemaAssociations.setup do |config|
config.auto_create = false
Then in any model where you want automatic associations, just do
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
You can also pass options as per above.
== Full Details
=== The basics
The common cases work entirely as you'd expect. For a one-to-many
relationship using standard naming conventions:
# migration:
create_table :comments do |t|
t.integer post_id
# models:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments
class Comment < ActiveReocrd::Base
belongs_to :post
For a one-to-one relationship:
# migration:
create_table :comments do |t|
t.integer post_id, :index => :unique # (using the :index option provided by schema_plus )
# models:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :comment
class Comment < ActiveReocrd::Base
belongs_to :post
And for many-to-many relationships:
# migration:
create_table :groups_members do |t|
integer :group_id
integer :member_id
class Group < ActiveReocrd::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :members
class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :groups
=== Unusual names, multiple references
Sometimes you want or need to deviate from the simple naming conventions. In
this case, the +belongs_to+ relationship name is taken from the name of the
foreign key column, and the +has_many+ or +has_one+ is named by the referencing
table, suffixed with "as" the relationship name. An example should make this clear...
Suppose your company hires interns, and each intern is assigned a manager and a
mentor, who are regular employees.
create_table :interns do |t|
t.integer :manager_id, :references => :employees
t.integer :mentor_id, :references => :employees
SchemaAssociations defines a +belongs_to+ association for each reference, named according to
the column:
class Intern < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :manager, :class_name => "Employee", :foreign_key => "manager_id"
belongs_to :mentor, :class_name => "Employee", :foreign_key => "mentor_id"
And the corresponding +has_many+ association each gets a suffix to indicate which one relation it refers to:
class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :interns_as_manager, :class_name => "Intern", :foreign_key => "manager_id"
has_many :interns_as_mentor, :class_name => "Intern", :foreign_key => "mentor_id"
=== Special case for trees
If your forward relation is named "parent", SchemaAssociations names the reverse
relation "child" or "children". That is, if you have:
create_table :nodes
t.integer :parent_id # schema_plus assumes it's a reference to this table
Then SchemaAssociations will define
class Node < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :parent, :class_name => "Node", :foreign_key => "parent_id"
has_many :children, :class_name => "Node", :foreign_key => "parent_id"
=== Concise names
For modularity in your tables and classes, you might use a common prefix for
related objects. For example, you may have widgets each of which has a color,
and might have one base that has a top color and a bottom color, from the same
set of colors.
create_table :widget_colors |t|
create_table :widgets do |t|
t.integer :widget_color_id
create_table :widget_base
t.integer :widget_id, :index => :unique
t.integer :top_widget_color_id, :references => :widget_colors
t.integer :bottom_widget_color_id, :references => :widget_colors
Using the full name for the associations would make your code verbose and not quite DRY:
Instead, by default, SchemaAssociations uses concise names: shared leading
words are removed from the association name. So instead of the above, your
code looks like:
i.e. these associations would be defined:
class WidgetColor < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :widgets, :class_name => "Widget", :foreign_key => "widget_color_id"
has_many :bases_as_top, :class_name => "WidgetBase", :foreign_key => "top_widget_color_id"
has_many :bases_as_bottom, :class_name => "WidgetBase", :foreign_key => "bottom_widget_color_id"
class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :color, :class_name => "WidgetColor", :foreign_key => "widget_color_id"
has_one :base, :class_name => "WidgetBase", :foreign_key => "widget_base_id"
class WidgetBase < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :top_color, :class_name => "WidgetColor", :foreign_key => "top_widget_color_id"
belongs_to :bottom_color, :class_name => "WidgetColor", :foreign_key => "bottom_widget_color_id"
belongs_to :widget, :class_name => "Widget", :foreign_key => "widget_id"
If you like the formality of using full names for the asociations, you can turn off concise names globally or per-model, see SchemaAssociations::Config
=== Ordering +has_many+ using +position+
If the target of a +has_many+ association has a column named +position+, SchemaAssociation will specify :order => :position for the association. That is,
create_table :comments do |t|
t.integer post_id
t.integer position
leads to
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments, :order => :position
== How do I know what it did?
If you're curious (or dubious) about what associations SchemaAssociations defines, you can check the log file. For every assocation that SchemaAssociations defines, it generates an info entry such as
[schema_associations] Post.has_many :comments, :class_name "Comment", :foreign_key "comment_id"
which shows the exact method definition call.
SchemaAssociations defines the associations lazily, only creating them when
they're first needed. So you may need to search through the log file to find
them all (and some may not be defined at all if they were never needed for the
use cases that you logged).
== Compatibility
SchemaAssociations supports all combinations of:
* rails 2.3, 3.0 or 3.1 (prerelease)
* MRI ruby 1.8.7 or 1.9.2
== Installation
Install from http://rubygems.org via
$ gem install "schema_associations"
or in a Gemfile
gem "schema_associations"
== Testing
SchemaAssociations is tested using rspec, sqlite3, and rvm, with some
hackery to test against multiple versions of rails and ruby. To run the
full combo of tests, after you've forked & cloned:
$ cd schema_associations
$ ./runspecs --install # do this once to install gem dependencies for all versions (slow)
$ ./runspecs # as many times as you like
See ./runspecs --help for other options. You can also pick a specific version of rails and ruby to use, such as:
$ rvm use 1.9.2
$ bundle update rails --local
$ rake spec
If you're running ruby 1.9.2, code coverage results will be in coverage/index.html -- it should be at 100% coverage.
== History
* SchemaAssociations is derived from the "Red Hill On Rails" plugin foreign_key_associations originally created by harukizaemon (https://github.com/harukizaemon)
* SchemaAssociations was created in 2011 by Michal Lomnicki and Ronen Barzel
== License
This gem is released under the MIT license.