# Encoding: UTF-8 {fileTypes: ["spec.rb"], foldingStartMarker: /(?x)^ (?<_1>\s*+ (?<_2>module|class|def |unless|if |case |begin |for|while|until |^=begin |(?<_3> "(?<_4>\\.|[^"])*+" # eat a double quoted string | '(?<_5>\\.|[^'])*+' # eat a single quoted string | [^#"'] # eat all but comments and strings )* (?<_6> \s (?<_7>do|begin|case) | (?~] \s*+ (?<_8>if|unless) ) )\b (?! [^;]*+ ; .*? \bend\b ) |(?<_9> "(?<_10>\\.|[^"])*+" # eat a double quoted string | '(?<_11>\\.|[^'])*+' # eat a single quoted string | [^#"'] # eat all but comments and strings )* (?<_12> \{ (?! [^}]*+ \} ) | \[ (?! [^\]]*+ \] ) ) ).*$ | [#] .*? \(fold\) \s*+ $ # Sune’s special marker /, foldingStopMarker: /(?x) (?<_1> (?<_2>^|;) \s*+ end \s*+ (?<_3>[#].*)? $ | (?<_4>^|;) \s*+ end \. .* $ | ^ \s*+ [}\]] \s*+ (?<_5>[#].*)? $ | [#] .*? \(end\) \s*+ $ # Sune’s special marker | ^=end )/, keyEquivalent: "^~R", name: "RSpec", patterns: [{match: /(?before|after)\b(?![?!])/, name: "keyword.other.special-method.ruby.rspec"}, {include: "#behaviour"}, {include: "#example"}, {include: "source.ruby"}], repository: {behaviour: {begin: /^\s*(?<_1>describe)\b/, beginCaptures: {1 => {name: "keyword.other.behaviour.ruby.rspec"}}, end: "\\b(do)\\s*$", endCaptures: {1 => {name: "keyword.control.start-block.ruby.rspec"}}, name: "meta.behaviour.ruby.rspec", patterns: [{include: "source.ruby"}]}, example: {begin: /^\s*(?<_1>it)\b/, beginCaptures: {1 => {name: "keyword.other.example.ruby.rspec"}}, end: "\\b(do)\\s*$", endCaptures: {1 => {name: "keyword.control.start-block.ruby.rspec"}}, name: "meta.example.ruby.rspec", patterns: [{include: "source.ruby"}]}}, scopeName: "source.ruby.rspec", uuid: "923F0A10-96B9-4792-99A4-94FEF66E0B8C"}