module Integrity module SCM class Git require File.dirname(__FILE__) / "git/uri" attr_reader :uri, :branch, :working_directory def self.working_tree_path(uri) end def initialize(uri, branch, working_directory=nil) @uri = uri.to_s @branch = branch.to_s @working_directory = working_directory end def with_revision(revision) fetch_code checkout(revision) yield end def name"::").last end def head log "Getting the HEAD of '#{uri}' at '#{branch}'" `git ls-remote --heads #{uri} #{branch} | awk '{print $1}'`.chomp end def info(revision) format = %Q(---%n:author: %an <%ae>%n:message: >-%n %s%n:committed_at: %ci%n) YAML.load(`cd #{working_directory} && git show -s --pretty=format:"#{format}" #{revision}`) end private def fetch_code clone unless cloned? checkout unless on_branch? pull end def clone log "Cloning #{uri} to #{working_directory}" `git clone #{uri} #{working_directory} &>/dev/null` end def checkout(treeish=nil) strategy = case when treeish then treeish when local_branches.include?(branch) then branch else "origin/#{branch}" end log "Checking-out #{strategy}" `cd #{working_directory} && git reset --hard #{strategy} &>/dev/null` end def pull log "Pull-ing in #{working_directory}" `cd #{working_directory} && git pull &>/dev/null` end def local_branches `cd #{working_directory} && git branch`.split("\n").map {|b| b.delete("*").strip } end def cloned? / ".git") end def on_branch? File.basename(`cd #{working_directory} && git symbolic-ref HEAD &>/dev/null`).chomp == branch end def log(message) Integrity.log("Git") { message } end end end end