module Kadmin class AuthController < Kadmin::ApplicationController SESSION_KEY = 'kadmin.user'.freeze # Don't try to authenticate user on the authentication controller... skip_before_action :authorize # @!group Endpoints # GET /auth/login def login if logged_in? && authorized? redirect_to dash_path else render 'kadmin/auth/login' end end # GET /auth/logout # DELETE /auth/logout def logout session.delete(SESSION_KEY) redirect_to auth_login_path end # GET /auth/:provider/callback # POST /auth/:provider/callback def save auth_hash = request.env['omniauth.auth'] if auth_hash.blank? Kadmin.logger.error('No authorization hash provided') flash.alert = I18n.t('kadmin.auth.error') redirect_to auth_login_path(origin: request.env['omniauth.origin']) return end email = auth_hash.dig('info', 'email') if Kadmin::Auth.users.exists?(email) session[SESSION_KEY] = email redirect_url = request.env['omniauth.origin'] redirect_url = Kadmin.config.mount_path unless valid_redirect_url?(redirect_url) else flash.alert = I18n.t('kadmin.auth.unauthorized_message') redirect_url = auth_login_path(origin: request.env['omniauth.origin']) end redirect_to redirect_url end # GET /auth/failure def failure flash.alert = params[:message] redirect_to auth_login_path(origin: request.env['omniauth.origin']) end def unauthorized render 'kadmin/error', format: ['html'], locals: { title: I18n.t('kadmin.auth.unauthorized'), message: I18n.t('kadmin.auth.unauthorized_message') } end # @!endgroup # @!group Helpers def valid_redirect_url?(url) valid = false unless url.blank? paths = [auth_login_path, auth_logout_path] valid = paths.none? { |invalid| url == invalid } end return valid end protected :valid_redirect_url? def omniauth_provider_link auth_prefix = auth_path provider_link = "#{auth_prefix}/#{Kadmin::Auth.omniauth_provider}" origin = params[:origin] # if the referer is a auth route, then we risk ending in an endless loop if origin.blank? referer = request.referer if referer.blank? origin = Kadmin.config.mount_path else uri = URI(referer) origin = referer unless uri&.path&.start_with?(auth_prefix) end end provider_link = "#{provider_link}?origin=#{CGI.escape(origin)}" unless origin.blank? return provider_link end helper_method :omniauth_provider_link # @!endgroup end end