# Sets up file sync on an arbitrary host # -------------------------------------- # # This class installs the pe-puppetserver service in a customised configuration # which means that it only runs the file sync client service, no jrubies, no file # server etc. This can be installed on any hosts that for whatever reason need an # up-to-date copy of the Puppet code without having to create a new mechanism to # keep it in sync # # @param puppetserver_conf_dir Directory where config files are written # @param enable_gc_logging Whether garbage collection should be logged # @param code_dir Where to sync the code # @param java_args Java arguments for the pe-puppetserver process # class profile::file_sync::client ( $puppetserver_conf_dir = '/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d', $enable_gc_logging = true, $code_dir = '/etc/puppetlabs/code', $java_args = { 'Xmx' => '256m', 'Xms' => '256m', }, ) { # Set defaults that all settings are for puppetserver Puppet_enterprise::Trapperkeeper::Bootstrap_cfg { container => 'puppetserver', } # Install all packages required Package <| tag == 'pe-master-packages' |> # Ensure that the pe-puppetserver service is managed puppet_enterprise::trapperkeeper::pe_service { 'puppetserver': } # Remove all config files after install to get rid of default stuff exec { 'remove default config': command => "rm -rf ${puppetserver_conf_dir}/*", path => $facts['path'], refreshonly => true, subscribe => Package['pe-puppetserver'], } # Ensure that all hocon settings come after the exec Exec['remove default config'] -> Pe_hocon_setting <| |> # Create config files that were delete and are now unmanaged $new_config_files = [ "${puppetserver_conf_dir}/metrics.conf", "${puppetserver_conf_dir}/webserver.conf", "${puppetserver_conf_dir}/global.conf", ] file { $new_config_files: ensure => file, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', require => Package['pe-puppetserver'], } # Set the metrics server ID pe_hocon_setting { 'metrics.server-id': setting => 'metrics.server-id', path => "${puppetserver_conf_dir}/metrics.conf", value => $facts['hostname'], notify => Service['pe-puppetserver'], } # Set log config location pe_hocon_setting { 'global.logging-config': setting => 'global.logging-config', path => "${puppetserver_conf_dir}/global.conf", value => '/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/logback.xml', notify => Service['pe-puppetserver'], } # Ensure that the /status endpoint exists pe_hocon_setting { 'web-router-service.status-service': path => "${puppetserver_conf_dir}/web-routes.conf", setting => 'web-router-service."puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.status.status-service/status-service"', value => '/status', notify => Service['pe-puppetserver'], } # Set the authorization version as this is required pe_hocon_setting { 'authorization.version': setting => 'authorization.version', path => '/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/auth.conf', value => 1, notify => Service['pe-puppetserver'], } # Set a gem home so that gems can be listed pe_hocon_setting { 'jruby-puppet.gem-home': setting => 'jruby-puppet.gem-home', path => "${puppetserver_conf_dir}/pe-puppet-server.conf", value => '/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/jruby-gems', notify => Service['pe-puppetserver'], } # Removed the versioned code service as this brings in all of the puppetserver dependencies Puppet_enterprise::Trapperkeeper::Bootstrap_cfg <| title == 'file-sync-versioned-code-service' |> { ensure => 'absent', } # Create all services in bootstrap.cfg puppet_enterprise::trapperkeeper::bootstrap_cfg { 'jetty9-service': namespace => 'puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webserver.jetty9-service', } puppet_enterprise::trapperkeeper::bootstrap_cfg { 'webrouting-service': namespace => 'puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webrouting.webrouting-service', } puppet_enterprise::trapperkeeper::bootstrap_cfg { 'scheduler-service': namespace => 'puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.scheduler.scheduler-service', } puppet_enterprise::trapperkeeper::bootstrap_cfg { 'status-service': namespace => 'puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.status.status-service', } puppet_enterprise::trapperkeeper::bootstrap_cfg { 'authorization-service': namespace => 'puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.authorization.authorization-service', } puppet_enterprise::trapperkeeper::bootstrap_cfg { 'metrics-service': namespace => 'puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.metrics.metrics-service', } # Set up file-sync class { 'puppet_enterprise::master::file_sync': puppet_master_host => $puppet_enterprise::puppet_master_host, master_of_masters_certname => $puppet_enterprise::puppet_master_host, localcacert => $puppet_enterprise::params::localcacert, puppetserver_jruby_puppet_master_code_dir => $code_dir, puppetserver_webserver_ssl_port => '8140', storage_service_disabled => true, } puppet_enterprise::trapperkeeper::webserver_settings { 'puppet-server': container => 'puppetserver', ssl_listen_address => '', ssl_listen_port => 8140, default_server => true, notify => Service['pe-puppetserver'], } # Set the Java args puppet_enterprise::trapperkeeper::java_args { 'puppetserver': java_args => $java_args, enable_gc_logging => $enable_gc_logging, } # Allow users to access the status endpoint pe_puppet_authorization::rule { 'puppetlabs status service': path => '/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/auth.conf', match_request_path => '/status/v1/services', match_request_type => 'path', match_request_method => 'get', allow_unauthenticated => true, sort_order => 500, notify => Service['pe-puppetserver'], } }