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reference to the start or end of the parent�A list of style attributes to apply to the text of the label�A list of style attributes to apply to the text of the renderer�A string with _ characters in positions correspond to characters in the text to underline�A title that may be displayed by the window manager when this menu is torn-off�A widget to display in place of the usual frame label�Accelerator Closure�Accelerator Widget�Action area border�Activatable�Activates default�Active�Activity Blocks�Activity Step�Activity mode�Adjustment�Alignment�Allow Grow�Allow Rules�Allow Shrink�Allow drawing of alternating color rows�Allow empty�Always enable arrows�Amount of border space between the menubar shadow and the menu items�Amount of border space between the toolbar shadow and the buttons�Amount to increase child's size on either side�Amount to increase child's size on the top and bottom�Amount to indent the paragraph, in pixels�Animation�Appearance of the frame border�Appearance of the shadow surrounding the arrow�Appearance of the shadow that surrounds the container�Application paintable�Arrow X Displacement�Arrow Y Displacement�Arrow direction�Arrow shadow�Aspect ratio if obey_child is FALSE�Aspect ratio with which to draw insertion cursor�Attributes�Background color�Background color as a (possibly unallocated) GdkColor�Background color as a GdkColor�Background color as a string�Background color name�Background full height�Background full height set�Background set�Background stipple mask�Background stipple set�Backward stepper�Bar style�Bitmap to use as a mask when drawing the text background�Bitmap to use as a mask when drawing the text foreground�Border relief�Border width�Bottom attachment�Button relief�Button spacing�Can be used to add a new child to the container�Can change accelerators�Can default�Can focus�Case sensitive�Cell background color�Cell background color as a GdkColor�Cell background color as a string�Cell background color name�Cell background set�Child�Child X Displacement�Child Y Displacement�Child internal height padding�Child internal width padding�Child widget to appear next to the menu text�Clickable�Climb Rate�Color to use for even rows�Color to use for odd rows�Color with which to draw insertion cursor�Color with which to draw the secondary insertion cursor when editing mixed right-to-left and left-to-right text�Column headers respond to click events�Column is user-resizable�Column spacing�Columns�Composite child�Content area border�Current Alpha�Current Color�Current fixed width of the column�Current width of the column�Cursor Blink�Cursor Blink Time�Cursor Position�Cursor Visible�Cursor color�Cursor line aspect ratio�Curve type�Custom palette�Custom tabs for this text�Dash pattern used to draw the focus indicator�Default Display�Default Height�Default Outside Spacing�Default Spacing�Default Width�Delay before drop down menus appear�Delay before hiding a submenu�Delay before submenus appear�Delay before the submenus of a menu bar appear�Deprecated property, use shadow_type instead�Destroy with Parent�Detail�Determines how the shadowed box around the viewport is drawn�Digits�Discrete Blocks�Display a second backward arrow button on the opposite end of the scrollbar�Display the cell�Display the standard backward arrow button�Display the standard forward arrow button�Don't change slider size, just lock it to the minimum length�Double Click Time�Drag threshold�Draw Indicator�Draw Value�Draw the toggle button as a radio button�Editability set�Editable�Editable mode of the CellRenderer�Enable Popup�Enable Search�Enable arrow keys�Even Row Color�Events�Expand�Expander Column�Expander Size�Extension events�Extra space to put between the child and its left and right neighbors, in pixels�Extra space to put between the child and its neighbors, in pixels�Extra space to put between the child and its upper and lower neighbors, in pixels�FALSE displays the "invisible char" instead of the actual text (password mode)�FALSE removes outside bevel from entry�Filename�Filename to load and display�Fill�Fixed Width�Fixed slider size�Focus in Toplevel�Focus line dash pattern�Focus linewidth�Focus padding�Font�Font Name�Font description as a PangoFontDescription struct�Font description as a string, e.g. "Sans Italic 12"�Font family�Font family set�Font name�Font points�Font scale�Font scale set�Font scaling factor�Font size�Font size as a scale factor relative to the default font size. This properly adapts to theme changes etc. so is recommended. Pango predefines some scales such as PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE�Font size in Pango units�Font size in points�Font size set�Font stretch�Font stretch as a PangoStretch, e.g. PANGO_STRETCH_CONDENSED�Font stretch set�Font style�Font style as a PangoStyle, e.g. PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC�Font style set�Font variant�Font variant as a PangoVariant, e.g. PANGO_VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS�Font variant set�Font weight�Font weight as an integer, see predefined values in PangoWeight; for example, PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD�Font weight set�Force aspect ratio to match that of the frame's child�Foreground color�Foreground color as a (possibly unallocated) GdkColor�Foreground color as a GdkColor�Foreground color as a string�Foreground color name�Foreground set�Foreground stipple mask�Foreground stipple set�Forward stepper�Fraction�Frame shadow�GdkPixbufAnimation to display�Group�Handle Size�Handle position�Has Frame�Has Opacity Control�Has default�Has focus�Has palette�Has separator�Headers Clickable�Height�Height request�Hint to help the desktop environment understand what kind of window this is and how to treat it.�Homogeneous�Horizontal Adjustment�Horizontal Adjustment for the widget�Horizontal Alignment�Horizontal Scrollbar Policy�Horizontal Separator Width�Horizontal Tab Border�Horizontal adjustment�Horizontal adjustment for the text widget�Horizontal alignment�Horizontal options�Horizontal padding�Horizontal position of child in available space. 0.0 is left aligned, 1.0 is right aligned�Horizontal scale�Horizontal space between cells. Must be an even number�How far in the x direction to move the arrow when the button is depressed�How far in the x direction to move the child when the button is depressed�How far in the y direction to move the arrow when the button is depressed�How far in the y direction to move the child when the button is depressed�How the range should be updated on the screen�How to draw the input method preedit string�How to draw the input method statusbar�How to draw the toolbar�How to layout the buttons in the box. Possible values are default, spread, edge, start and end�IM Preedit style�IM Status style�Icon�Icon Sizes�Icon for this window�Icon set�Icon set to display�Icon size�If TRUE, pressing the right mouse button on the notebook pops up a menu that you can use to go to a page�If TRUE, scroll arrows are added if there are too many tabs to fit�If TRUE, the child appears in a secondary group of children, suitable for, e.g., help buttons�If TRUE, the widget will receive the default action when it is focused�If TRUE, the window has no mimimum size. Setting this to TRUE is 99% of the time a bad idea�If TRUE, the window is modal (other windows are not usable while this one is up)�If TRUE, users can expand the window beyond its minimum size�If TRUE, users can resize the window�If available horizontal space is bigger than needed for the child, how much of it to use for the child. 0.0 means none, 1.0 means all�If available vertical space is bigger than needed for the child, how much of it to use for the child. 0.0 means none, 1.0 means all�If set, an underline in the text indicates the next character should be used for the mnemonic accelerator key�If set, the label is used to pick a stock item instead of being displayed�If set, wrap lines if the text becomes too wide�If the insertion cursor is shown�If the toggle button is in an "in between" state�If the toggle button should be pressed in or not�If the toggle part of the button is displayed�If this window should be destroyed when the parent is destroyed�Image�Image widget�Image/label border�Inconsistent�Inconsistent state�Indent�Indent Expanders�Indent set�Indicator Size�Indicator Spacing�Interior Focus�Internal padding�Invert direction slider moves to increase range value�Inverted�Invisible�Invisible character�Invisible set�Is Active�Is Expanded�Is Expander�Is focus�Is this curve linear, spline interpolated, or free-form�Justification�Justification set�Key Theme Name�Keybinding to activate the menu bar�Label�Label widget�Label xalign�Label yalign�Language�Language set�Layout style�Left Margin�Left attachment�Left margin�Left margin set�Left, right, or center justification�Length of scale's slider�Length of step buttons at ends�Line Wrap�Line wrap�Lower�Lower limit of ruler�Make the expanders indented�Marked up text to render�Markup�Mask�Mask bitmap to use with GdkImage or GdkPixmap�Max Size�Maximum Width�Maximum X�Maximum Y�Maximum allowed width of the column�Maximum length�Maximum number of characters for this entry. Zero if no maximum�Maximum possible X value�Maximum possible value for Y�Maximum size of the ruler�Maximum time allowed between two clicks for them to be considered a double click (in milliseconds)�Menu�Menu bar accelerator�Menu label�Message Buttons�Message Type�Minimum Slider Length�Minimum Width�Minimum X�Minimum Y�Minimum allowed width of the column�Minimum child height�Minimum child width�Minimum height of buttons inside the box�Minimum length of scrollbar slider�Minimum possible value for X�Minimum possible value for Y�Minimum time the pointer must stay over a menu item before the submenu appear�Minimum width of buttons inside the box�Mnemonic key�Mnemonic widget�Modal�Mode�Name of default font to use�Name of key theme RC file to load�Name of the font family, e.g. Sans, Helvetica, Times, Monospace�Name of theme RC file to load�Name used to refer to the text tag. NULL for anonymous tags�Number of characters to leave space for in the entry�Number of pixels between the scrollbars and the scrolled window�Number of pixels of the entry scrolled off the screen to the left�Number of pixels the cursor can move before dragging�Numeric�Obey child�Obsolete property, ignored�Odd Row Color�Offset of text above the baseline (below the baseline if rise is negative)�Options specifying the horizontal behaviour of the child�Options specifying the vertical behaviour of the child�Orientation�Orientation and growth direction of the progress bar�Override for height request of the widget, or -1 if natural request should be used�Override for width request of the widget, or -1 if natural request should be used�Pack type�Padding�Page�Palette to use in the color selector�Parent widget�Pattern�Pixbuf�Pixbuf Expander Closed�Pixbuf Expander Open�Pixbuf Object�Pixbuf for closed expander�Pixbuf for open expander�Pixels Above Lines�Pixels Below Lines�Pixels Inside Wrap�Pixels above lines�Pixels above lines set�Pixels below lines�Pixels below lines set�Pixels inside wrap�Pixels inside wrap set�Pixels of blank space above paragraphs�Pixels of blank space below paragraphs�Pixels of blank space between wrapped lines in a paragraph�Pixmap�Position�Position Set�Position of mark on the ruler�Position of paned separator in pixels (0 means all the way to the left/top)�Position of the handle relative to the child widget�Preview text�Pulse Step�Radio state�Ratio�Reads the current value, or sets a new value�Receives default�Render detail to pass to the theme engine�Reorderable�Resizable�Resize mode�Resize mode of the column�Right Margin�Right attachment�Right margin�Right margin set�Rise�Rise set�Row has children�Row is an expander row, and is expanded�Row spacing�Rows�Rules Hint�Screen�Scroll offset�Scrollable�Scrollbar spacing�Search Column�Secondary�Secondary backward stepper�Secondary cursor color�Secondary forward stepper�Select on focus�Selectable�Selection Bound�Sensitive�Set a hint to the theme engine to draw rows in alternating colors�Set the column for the expander column�Shadow Type�Shadow type�Show Border�Show Tabs�Show file operations�Show text�Show the column header buttons�Side of the handlebox that's lined up with the docking point to dock the handlebox�Size�Size of check or radio indicator�Size of dropdown indicator�Size of spacers�Size of the expander arrow�Sizing�Skip pager�Skip taskbar�Slider Length�Slider Width�Snap edge�Snap edge set�Snap to Ticks�Sort direction the sort indicator should indicate�Sort indicator�Sort order�Space between value text and the slider/trough area�Space style�Spacer size�Spacing�Spacing around check or radio indicator�Spacing around indicator�Spacing between buttons�Spacing between step buttons and thumb�Spacing between thumb/steppers and outer trough bevel�Specifies the visual style of the bar in percentage mode (Deprecated)�Specify how resize events are handled�Split Cursor�Stepper Size�Stepper Spacing�Stock ID�Stock ID for a stock image to display�Storage type�Strikethrough�Strikethrough set�Style�Style of bevel around the contents�Style of bevel around the menubar�Style of bevel around the statusbar text�Style of bevel around the toolbar�Style of underline for this text�TRUE if the Position property should be used�TRUE if the window should not be in the pager.�TRUE if the window should not be in the task bar.�Tab Border�Tab Position�Tab expand�Tab fill�Tab label�Tab pack type�Tabs�Tabs set�Tag Table�Tag name�Tearoff Title�Text�Text Tag Table�Text direction�Text direction, e.g. right-to-left or left-to-right�Text of the frame's label�Text of the label widget inside the button, if the button contains a label widget�Text to be displayed in the progress bar�Text to render�Text x alignment�Text y alignment�The GdkFont that is currently selected�The GtkAdjustment connected to the progress bar (Deprecated)�The GtkAdjustment for the horizontal position�The GtkAdjustment for the vertical position�The GtkAdjustment that contains the current value of this range object�The GtkAdjustment that determines the values of the horizontal position for this viewport�The GtkAdjustment that determines the values of the vertical position for this viewport�The acceleration rate when you hold down a button�The adjustment that holds the value of the spinbutton�The alignment of the lines in the text of the label relative to each other. This does NOT affect the alignment of the label within its allocation. See GtkMisc::xalign for that�The amount of space between children�The amount of space between two consecutive columns�The amount of space between two consecutive rows�The amount of space to add on the left and right of the widget, in pixels�The amount of space to add on the top and bottom of the widget, in pixels�The border relief style�The buttons shown in the message dialog�The character to use when masking entry contents (in "password mode")�The closure to be monitored for accelerator changes�The column number to attach the left side of the child to�The contents of the entry�The current color�The current opacity value (0 fully transparent, 65535 fully opaque)�The current position of the insertion cursor in chars�The currently selected filename�The default display for GDK�The default height of the window, used when initially showing the window�The default width of the window, used when initially showing the window�The dialog has a separator bar above its buttons�The direction the arrow should point�The event mask that decides what kind of GdkEvents this widget gets�The fixed height�The fixed width�The fraction of total progress to move the bouncing block when pulsed�The fraction of total work that has been completed�The height of the layout�The horizontal alignment of the label�The inconsistent state of the button�The increment used for each iteration in activity mode (Deprecated)�The index of the child in the parent�The index of the current page�The initial position of the window�The language this text is in, as an ISO code. Pango can use this as a hint when rendering the text. If you don't understand this parameter, you probably don't need it�The mask that decides what kind of extension events this widget gets�The menu of options�The mnemonic accelerator key for this label�The model for the TreeModelSort to sort�The model for the tree view�The name of the widget�The number of blocks which can fit in the progress bar area in activity mode (Deprecated)�The number of columns in the table�The number of decimal places that are displayed in the value�The number of decimal places to display�The number of discrete blocks in a progress bar (when shown in the discrete style)�The number of rows in the table�The parent widget of this widget. Must be a Container widget�The pixbuf to render�The position in which the current value is displayed�The position of the opposite end of the selection from the cursor in chars�The representation being used for image data�The row number to attach the bottom of the child to�The row number to attach the top of a child widget to�The screen where this window will be displayed�The stock ID of the stock icon to render�The style of the widget, which contains information about how it will look (colors etc)�The text of the label�The text of the label includes XML markup. See pango_parse_markup()�The text to display in order to demonstrate the selected font�The time before hiding a submenu when the pointer is moving towards the submenu�The title of the window�The toggle button can be activated�The toggle state of the button�The type of message�The type of the window�The vertical alignment of the label�The vertical alignment, from 0 (top) to 1 (bottom)�The widget to be activated when the label's mnemonic key is pressed�The widget to be monitored for accelerator changes�The width of the empty border outside the containers children�The width of the layout�The x-align�The xpad�The y-align�The ypad�Theme Name�Title�Title to appear in column header�Toggle state�Toolbar Style�Toolbar style�Top attachment�TreeModelSort Model�TreeView Model�Trough Border�Type hint�Type of bevel around toolbar buttons�Underline�Underline set�Update Policy�Update policy�Upper�Upper limit of ruler�Use markup�Use stock�Use underline�Value�Value Position�Value in list�Value spacing�Vertical Adjustment�Vertical Adjustment for the widget�Vertical Alignment�Vertical Scrollbar Policy�Vertical Separator Width�Vertical Tab Border�Vertical adjustment�Vertical adjustment for the text widget�Vertical alignment�Vertical options�Vertical padding�Vertical position of child in available space. 0.0 is top aligned, 1.0 is bottom aligned�Vertical scale�Vertical space between cells. Must be an even number�View allows user to search through columns interactively�View is reorderable�Visibility�Visible�When the horizontal scrollbar is displayed�When the vertical scrollbar is displayed�Whether a palette should be used�Whether a spin button should wrap upon reaching its limits�Whether an empty value may be entered in this field�Whether buttons for creating/manipulating files should be displayed�Whether default toolbars have text only, text and icons, icons only, etc.�Whether entered values must already be present in the list�Whether erroneous values are automatically changed to a spin button's nearest step increment�Whether extra space given to the child should be allocated to the child or used as padding�Whether lines are wrapped at widget edges�Whether list item matching is case sensitive�Whether menu accelerators can be changed by pressing a key over the menu item�Whether non-numeric characters should be ignored�Whether spacers are vertical lines or just blank�Whether tabs should be shown or not�Whether tabs should have homogeneous sizes�Whether the application will paint directly on the widget�Whether the arrow keys move through the list of items�Whether the background color fills the entire line height or only the height of the tagged characters�Whether the border should be shown or not�Whether the child should receive extra space when the parent grows�Whether the children should all be the same size�Whether the color selector should allow setting opacity�Whether the column can be reordered around the headers�Whether the current value is displayed as a string next to the slider�Whether the cursor should blink�Whether the entry contents can be edited�Whether the header can be clicked�Whether the input focus is within this GtkWindow�Whether the label text can be selected with the mouse�Whether the menu item is checked�Whether the preview widget should take up the entire space it is allocated�Whether the spin button should update always, or only when the value is legal�Whether the text can be modified by the user�Whether the toplevel is the current active window�Whether the widget can accept the input focus�Whether the widget can be the default widget�Whether the widget has the input focus�Whether the widget is part of a composite widget�Whether the widget is the default widget�Whether the widget is the focus widget within the toplevel�Whether the widget is visible�Whether the widget responds to input�Whether this tag affects background height�Whether this tag affects indentation�Whether this tag affects line wrap mode�Whether this tag affects paragraph justification�Whether this tag affects strikethrough�Whether this tag affects tabs�Whether this tag affects text editability�Whether this tag affects text visibility�Whether this tag affects the background color�Whether this tag affects the background stipple�Whether this tag affects the cell background color�Whether this tag affects the font family�Whether this tag affects the font size�Whether this tag affects the font stretch�Whether this tag affects the font style�Whether this tag affects the font variant�Whether this tag affects the font weight�Whether this tag affects the foreground color�Whether this tag affects the foreground stipple�Whether this tag affects the language the text is rendered as�Whether this tag affects the left margin�Whether this tag affects the number of pixels above lines�Whether this tag affects the number of pixels between wrapped lines�Whether this tag affects the right margin�Whether this tag affects the rise�Whether this tag affects underlining�Whether this tag scales the font size by a factor�Whether to activate the default widget (such as the default button in a dialog) when Enter is pressed�Whether to allow multiple files to be selected�Whether to display an "inconsistent" state�Whether to display the column�Whether to draw the focus indicator inside widgets�Whether to select the contents of an entry when it is focused�Whether to show a sort indicator�Whether to strike through the text�Whether to use the value from the snap_edge property or a value derived from handle_position�Whether to wrap lines never, at word boundaries, or at character boundaries�Whether two cursors should be displayed for mixed left-to-right and right-to-left text�Whether words are wrapped at widget edges�Which side of the notebook holds the tabs�Widget�Widget name�Widget to put in column header button instead of column title�Width�Width in chars�Width of border around the button area at the bottom of the dialog�Width of border around the label and image in the message dialog�Width of border around the main dialog area�Width of handle�Width of scrollbar or scale thumb�Width of the border around the tab labels�Width of the horizontal border of tab labels�Width of the left margin in pixels�Width of the right margin in pixels�Width of the vertical border of tab labels�Width request�Width, in pixels, between focus indicator and the widget 'box'�Width, in pixels, of the focus indicator line�Window Placement�Window Position�Window Title�Window Type�Word Wrap�Wrap�Wrap Mode�Wrap mode�Wrap mode set�X Alignment of the column header text or widget�X align�X alignment of the child�X pad�X position�X position of child widget�Y align�Y alignment of the child�Y pad�Y position�Y position of child widget�height�mode�visible�width�xalign�xpad�yalign�ypad�Project-Id-Version: gtk+ 2.0 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-10 11:56-0400 PO-Revision-Date: 2003-05-28 17:57+0000 Last-Translator: Mathieu van Woerkom <mathieu.brabants.org> Language-Team: Limburgish <li.org> Language: li MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit �Ein te tuine GdkImage�Ein te tuine GdkPixbuf�Ein te tuine GdkPixmap�Ein GtkPackType waat aangeuf of de dochter verpak is mit d'n aanvang of mit 't ènj van de auwer�Ein lies van sjtielattribute veur toe te passe op de teks van 't label�Ein lies van sjtielattribute die waere toegepas op de teks van de renderer�Ein teikeriej mit _-teikes in posisies kump euverein mit teikes in de te óngersjtriepe teks�Eine tittel die getuind kèn waere door de windowmanager wen dit menu losgesjeurd weurt�Ein widget veur te tuine in plaats van 't gebroekelike kaderlabel�Sjnaktósj Aafsjloeting�Sjnaktósj-widget�Aktiekader�Aktiveerbaar�Aktiveert de sjtanderd�Aktief�Aktiviteits-blök�Aktiviteits-sjtap�Aktiviteitsmodus�Aanpassing�Oetliening�Greuje toesjtaon�Regele toesjtaon�Krumpe toesjtaon�Alternerende riejkleure mäögelik make�Laeg toesjtaon�Pieltósje ummer gebroeke�Wieväölheid kaderruumde tösje de menubalksjeem en de menu-items�Wieväölheid kaderruumde tösje de wirkbalksjeem en de knóppe�Wieväöl de dochter aan alletwieds de zieje moot waere vergroet�Wieväöl de dochter aan baove- en óngerzieje moot waere vergroet�Wieväölheid veur de parregraaf te late insjpringe, in pixels�Animasie�Uterlik van de kaderrandj�Aanblik van de sjeem óm de piel haer�Uterlik van de sjeem det de container ómgif�Toepassing teikebaar�Piel X-verplaatsing�Piel Y-verplaatsing�Pielrichting�Pijlsjeem�Rato es obey_child (volg_dochter) NEET WAOR is�Verhauwinge van de inveugkursor�Attribute�Achtergróndjkleur�Achtergróndjkleur es ein (mäögelik neet geallokeerde) GdkColor�Achtergróndjkleur es ein GdkColor�Achtergróndjkleur es ein string�Naam van achtergróndjkleur�Volle huugde achtergróndj�Achtergróndj volle huugde gebroeke�Achtergróndj aangezat�Aafbiljing veur achtergróndjmaker�Achtergróndjmasker gebroeke�Achterwartse sjtapper�Balksjtiel�Bitmap die gebroek weurt es masker bie 't teikene van de teksachtergróndj�Bitmap die gebroek weurt es masker bie 't teikene van de teksveurgróndj�Randjreliëf�Kaderbreide�Óngerverbènjing�Knópreliëf�Knóp-spasiëring�Kèn gebroek waere veur ein nuuj dochter toe te veuge aan de container�Kèn sjnaktósj verangere�Kèn sjtanderd zeen�Kèn focus krige�Huidbooksjtaafgeveulig�Sel-achtergróndjkleur�Sel-achtergróndjkleur es ein GdkColor�Sel-achtergróndjkleur es ein string�Naam van sel-achtergróndjkleur�Cel-achtergróndj aangezat�Dochter�Dochter X-Verplaatsing�Dochter Y-Verplaatsing�Interne huugdeopvölling van dochter�Interne breideopvölling van dochter�Dochterwidget det naeve de menuteks versjient�Aanklikbaar�Klumsjnelheid�De kleur van de aeve rieje�De kleur van de ónaeve rieje�Kleur van de inveugkursor�Kleur van de sekundaere inveugkursor bie 't bewirke van gemink rechs-nao-links en links-nao-rechs teks�Of kelómköp op eine moesklik reagere�Kelómbreide kèn waere aangepas�Kelóm-spasiëring�Kelómme�Samegesjtèlde dochter�Inhaudskader�Hujig Alpha�Hujige Kleur�Hujige vaste breide van de kelóm�Hujige breide van de kelóm�Knipperende kursor�Kursor knippertied�Cursorposisie�Kursor zichbaar�Kursorkleur�Kursorlienverhauwing�Krumdetiep�Eige palet�Aangepasde tabs veur deze teks�Sjtreippetroen van de focus-indikator�Sjtanderd display�Sjtanderdhuugde�Normale randjspasiëring�Sjtanderd sjpasiëring�Sjtanderdbreide�Vertraging ierdet drop-down-menus versjiene�Vertraging ierdet ein submenu verdwient�Vertraging ierdet submenus versjiene�Vertraging ierdet submenus van ein menubalk versjiene�Verauwerde eigesjap, gebroek in plaats hievan: shadow_type (sjeem_tiep)�Vernetig same mit mojer�Detaj�Bepaalt wie 't sjeemkader róntelóm de viewport weurt geteikent�Siefers�Diskrete blök�Tuin ein twiede achterwartse pielknóp op de euversjtaonde kantj van de sjuufbalk�Sel tuine�Tuin de sjtanderd achterwartse pielknóp�Tuin de sjtanderd veurwartse pielknóp�Gruutde van 't sjuufobjek neet aanpasse mer op ein vaste minimumlengde insjtèlle�Döbbelklik-tied�Sjleipdörpel�Teike indikator�Tuin Waerd�Teike de sjakelknóp es selektiefak�Bewirkbaar aangezat�Verangerbaar�Bewirkbare modus van de CellRenderer�Zèt Popup aan�Zeuke gebroeke�Pieltósje gebroeke�Aeve riejkleur�Gebäörtenisse�Oetklappe�Oetklapper Kelóm�Oetklapper-gruutde�Ekstensiegebäörtenisse�Ekstra ruumde tösje de dochter en haor linker en rechternaobers, in pixels�Ekstra ruumde tösje de dochter en haor naobers, in pixels�Ekstra ruumde tösje de dochter en haor baove en óngernaobers, in pixels�FALSE geuf 't "ónzichbaar teike" in plaats van de wirkelike teks (wachwaordmodus)�FALSE deit de boeterandj van 't veldj eweg�Besjtandjsnaam�Te laje en te tuine besjtandjsnaam�Völle�Vaste breide�Vaste aafmaeting sjuufobjek�fokus in topnivo�focuslien-sjtreippetroen�focus-lienbreide�focus-opvölling�Booksjtaaftiep�Booksjtaaftiepnaam�Booksjtaaftiepbesjrieving es ein PangoFontDescription struct�Booksjtaaftiepbesjrieving es ein string, b.v. "Sans Italic 12"�Booksjtaaftiepfemielie�Booksjtaaftiep femielieset�Booksjtaaftiepnaam�Booksjtaaftiep puntje�Booksjtaaftiepsjaal�Booksjtaaftiepsjaal aangezat�Booksjtaaftiep sjaalfaktor�Booksjtaaftiepgruutde�Booksjtaaftiepgruutde es sjaalfaktor, relatief tót de sjtanderd booksjtaaftiepgruutde. Dit pas zich aan mit verangeringe in tema enz. en is alzoe aangerikkemendeerd. Pango definieert veuraf get sjale wie PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE�Booksjtaafgruutde in Pango-einheite�Booksjtaaftiepgruutde in puntje�Booksjtaaftiepgruutde aangezat�Booksjtaaftiepsjtrekking�Booksjtaaftiepbereik es ein PangoStretch, b.v. PANGO_STRETHC_CONDENSED�Booksjtaafsjtrekking aangezat�Booksjtaaftiepsjtiel�Booksjtaaftiepsjtiel es ein PangoStyle, b.v. PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC�Booksjtaaftiepsjtiel aangezat�Booksjtaaftypevarrejant�Booksjtaaftiepvarrejant es ein PangoVariant, b.v. PANGO_VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS�Booksjtaaftiepvarrejant aangezat�Booksjtaafdikde�Booksjtaaftiepgewich es ein gans getal, zuug de veuraafbepaalde waerdes in PangoWeight; bieveurbild PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD�Booksjtaafdikde aangezat�Forseer dezelfde rato es die van de dochter van 't kader�Veurgróndjkleur�Veurgróndjkleur es ein (mäögelik neet geallokeerde) GdkColor�Veurgróndjkleur es ein GdkColor�Veurgróndjkleur es ein string�Veurgróndjkleurnaam�Veurgróndj aangezat�Aafbiljing veur veurgróndjmasker�veurgróndjmasker gebroeke�Veurwartse sjtapper�Fraksie�Kadersjeem�GdkPixbufAnimation veur te tuine�Gróp�Handle-aafmaeting�Handle-posisie�Haet kader�Haet ein regelpeniel veur doorzichtigheid�Is sjtanderd�Haet focus�Haet palet�Haet sjeijingslien�Köp Klikbaar�Huugde�Huugdeverzeuk�Hint woemit de desktopómgaeving weurt gehólpe te begriepe waat veur saort vinster dit is, en wie 't behandeld moot waere�Homogeen�Horizontale aanpassing�Horizontale aanpassing veur de widget�Horizontale oetliening�Horizontaal sjuufbalkbeleid�Breide horizontale sjeijingslien�Horizontaal tab-kader�Horizontale aanpassing�Horizontale aanpassing veur de tekswidget�Horizontale oetliening�Horizontale opsies�Horizontale opvölling�Horizontale posisie van dochter in besjikbare ruumde. 0.0 is links oetgeliend, 1.0 is rechs oetgeliend�Horizontale sjaal�Horizontale ruumde tösje selle. Moot ei aeve getal zeen�Wiewied de piel in x-richting moot waere verplaats wen de knóp weurt ingedrök�Wiewied de dochter in de x-richting moot waere verplaats wen de knóp ingedrök weurt�Wiewied de piel in y-richting moot waere verplaats wen de knóp weurt ingedrök�Wiewied de dochter in de y-richting moot waere verplaatst wen de knóp ingedrök weurt�Wie 't bereik op 't sjirm biegehauwe moot waere�Wie de veurbewirkingsteikeriej veur de inveurmetood moot waere geteikend�Wie de sjtatusbalk veur inveurmetood moot waere geteikend�Wie de wirkbalk te teikene�Wie de knóppe in 't kader te plaatse. Mäögelike waerdes zeen normaal, verspreijd, randj, aanvang en ènj�IM veurbewirkings-sjtiel�IM sjtatussjtiel�Piktogram�Piktogramaafmaetinge�Piktogram veur dit vinster�Piktogrammezameling�te tuine piktogrammezameling�Piktogramaafmaetinge�Ingeval van WAOR (TRUE), weurt mit ein rechter moesklik op 't klaadblok ein menu getuind woemits doe direk nao ein pagina kèns gaon�Ingeval van WAOR (TRUE), waere sjuufpiele getuind wen 't mie tabs geuf es dao veur plaats is�Bie WAOR (TRUE), versjient de dochter in ein sekundaere gróp van kènjer, gesjik veur b.v. hulpknóppe�Ingeval van WAOR (TRUE) óntvink 't widget de sjtanderdaksie wen 't focus krig�Ingeval WAOR (TRUE) haet 't vinster gein minimumgruutde. Dit is in 99% van de gevalle ei sjlech idee�Ingeval van WAOR (TRUE), is 't vinster modaal: angere vinsters kènne neet gebruikt waere zoelank deze baovenaan sjteit�Ingeval van WAOR (TRUE), kèn 't vinster vergroet waere veurbie de minimumgruutde�Ingeval van WAOR (TRUE), kèn de aafmaeting van 't vinster waere aangepas�Wen besjikbare horizontale ruumde groeter is es benudig veur de dochter, wieväöl hievan te gebroeke veur de dochter. 0.0 beteikent niks, 1.0 beteikent alles�Wen besjikbare vertikale ruumde groeter is es benudig veur de dochter, wieväöl hievan te gebroeke veur de dochter. 0.0 beteikent niks, 1.0 beteikent alles�Wen aangevink beteikent ein óngersjtrieping in de teks det 't teike gebroekt moot waere veur de sjnaktósj�Wen aangevink, weurt 't label gebroek veur ein veurraod-item te keze in plaats van getuind te waere�Wen aangezat, geuf 't regeltrökloup wen de teks te breid weurt�Of de inveugkursor getuind weurt�Of de sjakelknóp zich in ein "tösjenin"-sjtatus bevundj�Of de sjakelknóp ingedrök moot zeen of neet�Of 't sjakelgedeilte van eine knóp getuind weurt�Of dit vinster vernetig moot waere wen 't mojervinster vernetig weurt�Aafbiljing�Aafbiljingswidget�Aafbiljings/label -kader�Inkonsistent�Inkonsistente toesjtandj�Insjpringe�Oetklappers laote insjpringe�Insjpringe gebroeke�Indikatorgruutde�Indikatorspasiëring�Interne focus�Interne opvölling�Kier de richting óm woehaer 't sjuufobjek bewaeg wen de bereikwaerd toenump�Geïnverteerd�Ónzichbaar�Ónzichbaar teike�Ónzichbaar gebroeke�Is aktief�Is oetgeklap�Is oetklapbaar�Is focus�Is deze krumde lineaer, spline geïnterpoleerd, of vrieje vorm�Oetvölling�Oetliene gebroeke�Sjleutel tema-naam�Sjnaktósj veur de menubalk te aktivere�Label�Labelwidget�Label x-oetliening�Label y-oetliening�Sjpraok�Sjpraok insjtèlle�Opmaaksjtiel�Linkermarge�Linker verbènjing�Linkermarge�Linkermarge gebroeke�Links, rechs of sentrale oetliening�Lengde van 't sjuufobjek�Lengde van de sjtapknóppe aan de oetènj�Regeltrökloup�Regeltrökloup�Ónger�Óngerlimiet van de liniaal�Maak de oetklappers ingesjpronge�Te rendere opgemaakde teks�Opmaak�Masker�Te gebroeke bitmapmasker veur GdkImage of GdkPixmap�Maks Aafmaeting�Maksimumbreide�Maksimale X�Maksimale Y�Maksimaal toegesjtange breide van de kelóm�Maksimumlengde�Maksimum deil teikes veur dit veldj. Nöl es 't gein maksimum geuf�Maksimumwaerd van X�Maksimumwaerd van Y�Maksimale gruutde van de liniaal�Maksimale tied tösje twie kier klikke zoedet 't nog besjouwd kèn waere wie ein döbbelklik (in millisekónde)�Menu�Menubalk sjnaktósj�Menu-label�Berichknóppe�Berichtiep�Minimum sjuufobjeklengde�Minimumbreide�Minimale X�Minimale Y�Minimaal toegesjtange breide van de kelóm�Minimumhuugde van dochter�Minimumbreide van dochter�Minimumhuugde van knóppe in 't kader�Minimale lengde van 't sjuufobjek�Minimumwaerd van X�Minimumwaerde van Y�Minimumtied die de moesaanwiezer baove ein menu-item moot sjtaon ierdet 't submenu versjient�Minimumbreide van knóppe in 't kader�Sjnaktósj�Sjnaktósj-widget�Modaal�Modus�Naam van 't sjtanderd booksjtaaftiep�Naam van 't te laje sjleutel RC temabesjtandj�Naam van de booksjtaaftiepfemielie, b.v. Sans, Helvetica, Times, Monospace�Naam van 't te laje RC temabesjtandj�Gebroekde naam veur 't verwieze nao 't teks-ittikèt. NULL veur anonieme ittekètte.�'t deil gereserveerde booksjtaafteikes in ein veldj�'t deil pixels tösje de sjuufbalk en 't kórrespóngderende vinster�Deil pixels van 't veldj det aan de linkerkantj van 't sjirm is aafgesjuuf.�Deil pixels det de kursor moot bewaege veur 't sjleipe te aktivere�Numeriek�Volg dochter�Verauwerde eigesjap, genegeerd�Ónaeve riejkleur�Plaats van teks baove de basislien (ónger de basislien wen verhoeging negatief is)�Opsies die 't horizontale gedraag van de dochter bepale�Opsies die 't vertikale gedraag van de dochter bepale�Orjentasie�Orjentasie en greujrichting van de avvansbalk�Óngedaon make bie huugdeverzeuke van 't widget, of -1 wen gewoen verzeuk gebroek moot waere�Óngedaon make bie breideverzeuke van 't widget, of -1 wen gewoen verzeuk gebroek moot waere�Verpakkingssjtiel�Opvölling�Pagina�Te gebroeke kleurekaart in de kleureseleksie�Mojerwidget�Dèssae�Pixbuf�Gesjlaote oetklapbare pixbuf�Äöpen oetklapbare pixbuf�Pixbuf-objek�Pixbuf veur gesjlaote oetklapbaar item�Pixbuf veur geäöpend oetklapbaar item�Pixels baove liene�Pixels ónger liene�Pixels bènne regeltrökloup�Pixels baove liene�Pixels baove liene gezat�Pixels ónger liene�Pixels ónger liene gebroeke�Pixels bènne regeltrökloup�Pixels tösje liene mit regeltrökloop gebroeke�Pixels mit laeg ruumde baove parregrafe�Pixels mit laeg ruumde ónger parregrafe�Pixels laeg ruumde tösje liene mit regeltrökloup in eine parregraaf�Pixmap�Posisie�Posisie aangezat�Posisie van teike op de liniaal�Posisie van de sjeijingslien in pixels (0 beteikent gans linksbaove)�Posisie van de handle relatief tót 't dochterwidget�Veurbildteks�Puls-sjtap�Selektiefakstatus�Verhouding�Laes de hujige waerd, of zèt ein nuuj�Óntvink sjtanderd�Tuindetaj door te gaeve aan de tema-motor�Resem te verangere�Hersjaalbaar�Aanpasbare aafmaetinge�Vergroetmodus van de kelóm�Rechtermarge�Rechter verbènjing�Rechtermarge�Rechtermarge gebroeke�Verhoeging�Verhoeging aangezat�Riej haet dochters�Riej is oetklapbaar, en is oetgeklapt�Riej-spasiëring�Rieje�Regele verdudelike�Sjirm�Sjuufaaafstandjj�Sjuufbaar�Sjpasiebalk-spasiëring�Zeuk kelóm�Sekundaer�Sekundaere achterwartse sjtapper�Sekundaere kursorkleur�Sekundaere veurwartse sjtapper�Selektere bie focus�Selekteerbaar�Seleksie begrens�Geveulig�Geuf 't tema opdrach veur rieje alternerend te kleure�Zèt de kelóm veur de oetklapper-kelóm�Sjeemtiep�Sjeemtiep�Kader tuine�Tabs tuine�Tuine van besjtandjsbewirkinge�Teks tuine�Tuin de kelómkop-knóppe�Ziej van de handle-box die oetgeliend is mit 't docking-puntj woe de handle-box aafgemeerd weurt�Aafmaeting�Gruutde van aankruuts- of selektie-indikator�Gruutde van de dropdown-indikator�Gruutde van aafstandjhauwers�Gruutde van de oetklappijel�Vergroeting�Wirkblaadwisselaar euversjlaon�Taakbalk euversjlaon�Sjuufobjeklengde�Breide van sjuufobjek�Plekrandj�Plekrandj aangezat�Trökvalle op sjtappe�De richting woehaer de sorteerindikator moot wieze�Sorteerindikator�Sorteerrichting�Aafsjtandj tösje de waerd-teks en 't sjuufobjek�Aafstandjhauwersjtiel�Aafstandjhauwergruutde�Sjpasiëring�Spasiëring róntelóm aanvink- of selektie-indikator�Spasiëring róntelóm de indikator�Spasiëring tösje knóppe�Spasiëring tösje sjtapknóppe en doem�Aafsjtandj tösje doem/sjtappers en boeterandj�De visuele sjtiel van de balk in persentagemodus (Verauwerd)�Spesifiseer wie 'aafmaetinge aanpasse' gebäörtenisse waere aafgehanjeld.�Gerete Kursor�Sjtapperaafmaeting�Sjtapperspasiëring�Sjtanderd-ID�Sjtanderd-ID veur ein te tuine sjtanderdaafbiljing�Opsjlaagtiep�Doorsjtrieping�Doorsjtriepe aangezat�sjtiel�Sjtiel van de randj róntelóm de inhaud�Sjtiel van de randj róntelóm de menubalk�Sjtiel van de randj róntelóm de sjtatusbalkteks�Sjtiel van de randj róntelóm de wirkbalk�Sjtiel van óngersjtrieping veur deze teks�WAOR (TRUE) wen de Posisie-eigesjap gebroek moot waere�WAOR (TRUE) wen 't vinster neet in de wirkblaadwisselaar huurt�WAOR (TRUE) wen 't vinster neet in de taakbalk huurt�Tab-kader�Tab-posisie�Tab-verlenging�Tab-opvölling�Tab-label�Tab-verpakkingssjtiel�Tabs�Tabs gebroeke�Ittikèt-tabel�Ittekètnaam�Aafsjeur-Tittel�Teks�Teks ittikèt-tabel�Teksrichting�Teksrichting: b.v. rechs-nao-links of links-nao-rechs�Labelteks van 't kader�Teks van 't labelwidget op de knóp, wen de knóp ein labelwidget haet�Teks die getuind weurt in de avvanssbalk�Te rendere teks�Teks x-oetliening�Teks y-oetliening�'t GdkFont det noe is geselekteerd.�De GtkAdjustment gekoppeld aan de avvansbalk (Verauwerd)�De GtkAdjustment veur de horizontale posisie�De GtkAdjustment veur de vertikale posisie�De GtkAdjustment die de hujige waerd van dit bereikobjek haet�De GtkAdjustment die de waerdes van de horizontale posisie veur deze viewport bepaalt�De GtkAdjustment die de waerdes van de vertikale posisie veur deze viewport bepaalt�De versjnelling wens doe de knóp vashils�De aanpassing die de waerd van ein spinknóp haet�De oetliening van de liene in de teks van 't label relatief bis einanger. Dit beïnvloot NEET de oetliening van 't label in zien hujige plaatsing. Bezuug daoveur GtkMisc::xalign.�De wieväölheid ruumde tösje dochters�De ruumde tösje twie opeinvolgendje kelómme�De ruumde tösje twie opeinvolgendje rieje�De toe te veuge ruumde links en rechs van ein widget, in pixels�De toe te veuge ruumde baove en ónger ein widget, in pixels�De sjtiel van 't randjreliëf�De te tuine knóppe in 't berichdialoogvinster�'t te gebroeke teike veur de inhaud van ein veldj te maskere (in "wachwaordmodus")�De in de gater te hauwe aafsjloeting veur sjnaktósj-verangeringe�'t kelómnómmer woemit de linkerkantj van 't dochterwidget weurt verbónje�De inhaud van 't veldj�De hujige kleur�De hujige waerd van doorzichtigheid (0 is volsjtendig transparant, 65535 is volsjtendig dèkkend)�De hujige posisie van de invoogkursor, in booksjtaafteikes�De noe geselekteerde besjtandjsnaam�'t sjtanderd display veur GDK�De sjtanderdhuugde van 't vinster wen 't veur 't iers getuind weurt�De sjtanderdbreide van 't vinster wen 't veur 't iers getuind weurt�'t dialoogvinster haet ein sjeijingslien baove zien knóppe�De richting woe-in de piel moot wijze�'t gebäörtenismasker det bepaalt welke GdkEvents dit widget óntvink�De vaste huugde�De vaste breide�De fraksie van de ganse avvans van 't kaatsende blok wen deze in pulsmodus is�De fraksie van 't gans wirk det aaf is�De huugde van de opmaak�De horizontale oetliening van 't label�De inkonstistente toesjtandj van de knóp�De toename veur edere iterasie gebroek in aktiviteitsmodus (Verauwerd)�De indeks van de dochter in de auwer�De indeks van de hujige pagina�De beginposisie van 't vinster�De spraok van deze teks, es ISO-code. Pango kèn dit gebroeke es hint bie 't rendere van de teks. Est geer deze parameter neet begriep, höbt geer 't dènkelik neet nudig.�'t masker det bepaalt welke ekstensiegebäörtenisse dit widget óntvink�'t menu mit opsies�De sjnaktósj veur dit label�'t model veur te sortere veur de TreeModelSort�'t model van de TreeView�De naam van 't widget�'t deil blök det kèn passe in de avvansbalk in activiteitsmodus (Verauwerd)�'t deil kelómme in de tabel�'t deil desimale plaatse det getuind weurt in de waerd�'t deil te tuine desimale plaatse�'t deil diskrete blök in ein avvansbalk (wie getuind in diskrete sjtiel)�'t deil rieje in de tabel�'t mojerwidget van dit widget. 't moot ein Containerwidget zeen�De te rendere pixbuf�De posisie woe de hujige waerd getuind weurt�De posisie van de taegeneuversjtaonde ziej van de selektie vanaaf de kursor in booksjtaafteikes�De te gebroeke representasie veur aafbiljingsdata�'t riejnómmer woemit de óngerkantj van 't dochterwidget weurt verbónje�'t riejnómmer woemit de baovekantj van 't dochterwidget weurt verbónje�'t sjirm woe dit vinster weurt getuind�'t sjtanderd-ID van 't te tuine sjtanderdpiktogram�De sjtiel van 't widget; haet infermasie euver de vormgaeving (kleure enzoewiejer)�De teks van 't label�De teks van 't label haet XML-opmaak. Bezuug pango_parse_markup()�De teks woemit 't geselekteerde booksjtaaftiep weurt gedemonstreerd�De vertraging ierdet ein submenu verdwient wen de moesaanwiezer, op waeg nao dit submenu, op ein anger menu-item kump�De tittel van 't vinster�De sjakelknóp kèn geaktiveerd waere�De sjtandj van de sjakelknóp�'t tiep van 't berich�'t tiep vinster�De vertikale oetliening van 't label�De vertikale oetliening, van 0 (baove) nao 1 (ónger)�'t widget veur te aktivere wen de sjnaktósj van 't label weurt ingedrök�'t in de gater te haude widget veur sjnaktósj-verangeringe�De breide van de laeg kaders boete de dochters van de container�De breide van de opmaak�De x-oetliening�De x-opvölling�De y-oetliening�De y-opvölling�Temanaam�Tittel�Tittel die in de kelómkop weurt getuind�Ómsjakele�Wirkbalksjtiel�Wirkbalksjtiel�Baoveverbènjing�TreeModelSort Model�TreeView Model�Door 't kader�Saort hint�Tiep randj róntelóm wirkbalkknóppe�Óngersjtriep�Óngersjtriepe aangezat�Updatebeleid�Vernujingsbeleid�Baove�Baovelimiet van de liniaal�Opmaak gebroeke�Gebroek veurraod�Gebroek óngersjtrieping�Waerd�Posisie van waerd�Waerd in lies�Waerdespasiëring�Vertikale aanpassing�Vertikale aanpassing veur de widget�Vertikale oetliening�Vertikaal sjuufbalkbeleid�Breide vertikale sjeijingslien�Vertikaal tab-kader�Vertikale aanpassing�Vertikale aanpassing veur de tekswidget�Vertikale oetliening�Vertikale opsies�Vertikale opvölling�Vertikale posisie van dochter in besjikbare ruumde. 0.0 is baove oetgeliend, 1.0 is ónger oetgeliend�Vertikale sjaal�Vertikale ruumde tösje selle. Moot ei aeve getal zeen�Bild bud mäögelikheid kelómme interaktief te doorzeuke�Of de items in 't bild van resem te verangere zeen�Zichbaarheid�Zichbaar�In welke gevalle de horizontale sjuufbalk getuind weurt�In welke gevalle de vertickle sjuufbalk getuind weurt�Of ein kleurepalet gebroek moot waere�Of de spinknóp moot doordrieje wen zie limiete bereik waere�Of ein laeg waerd gagaeve maog waere in dit veldj�Of knóppe veur 't make/verangere van besjtenj getuind mote waere�Of de sjtanderd wirkbalk allein teks haet, of teks en piktogramme, of allein piktogramme enz. �Of ingegaeve waerdes ummer in de lies dao mote zeen�Of verkierde waerdes automatis verangerd waere nao de dichstbiezeende sjtapwaerd van de spinknóp�Of de ekstra ruumde veur de dochter toegeweze moot waere aan de dochter, of gebroek moot waere es opvölling�Of regele trökloupe aan de renj van widgets�Of 't passende lies-item huidbooksjtaafgeveulig is�Of sjnaktósje verangerd kènne waere door 't drökke van ein tósj euver 't menu-item�Of neet-numerieke teikes genegeerd mote waere�Of aafstandjhauwers vertikale liene zeen of gewoen laeg�Of tabs getuind waere of neet�Of tabs gelieke aafmaetinge mote höbbe�Of de toepassing direk op 't widget teikent�Of de pieltósje door de lies mit items bewaege�Of de achtergróndjkleur de ganse regelhuugde völt of allein de huugde van de gemarkeerde teikes�Of 't kader getuind weurt of neet�Of de dochter mie ruumde moot krige es de auwer greujt�Of de dochters alleneij dezelfde aafmaetinge mote höbbe�Of de kleurekezer ouch de doorzichtigheid kèn insjtèlle�Of de kelóm róndj de köp geordend kèn waere�Of de hujige waerd es teks getuind weurt naeve 't sjuufobjek�Of de kursor moot knippere�Of de inhaud van 't veldj bewirk maog waere�Of de kop kèn waere aangeklik�Of 't inveurfokus zich in dit GtkWindow bevundj�Of de labelteks geselekteerd kèn waere mit de moes�Of 't menu-item aangevink is�Of 't veurbildwidget de volsjtendige ruumde moot gebroeke die 't is toebedeild�Of de spinknóp ummer moot update, of allein wen de waerd legaal is�Of de teks verangerd kèn waere door de gebroeker�Of 't topnivo 't hujige aktieve vinster is�Of 't widget de inveurfocus kèn akseptere�Of 't widget 't sjtanderd widget kèn zeen�Of 't widget de inveurfocus haet�Of 't widget óngerdeil oetmaak van ei samegesjtèld widget�Of 't widget 't sjtanderdwidget is�Of 't widget 't focuswidget is bènne 't topnivo�Of 't widget zichbaar moot zeen�Of 't widget reageert op inveur�Of dit label de achtergróndjhuugde beïnvloot�Of dit label 't insjpringe beïnvloot�Of dit label de regeltrökloup beïnvloot�Of dit label de parregraafoetliening beïnvloot�Of dit label de doorsjtrieping beïnvloot�Of dit label de tabs beïnvloot�Of dit label 't bewirke van de teks beïnvloot�Of dit label zichbaarheid van teks beïnvloot�Of dit label de achtergróndjkleur beïnvloot�Of dit label 't achtergróndjmasker beïnvloot�Of dit ittekèt de sel-achtergróndjkleur beïnvloot�Of dit label de booksjtaaftiepfemielie beïnvloot�Of dit label de booksjtaaftiepgruutde beïnvloot�Of dit label de booksjtaafsjtrekking beïnvloot�Of dit label de booksjtaaftiepsjtiel beïnvloot�Of dit label de booksjtaaftiepvarrejant beïnvloot�Of dit label de booksjtaafdikde beïnvloot�Of dit label de veurgróndjkleur beïnvloot�Of dit label 't veurgróndjmasker beïnvloot�Of dit label de sjpraok, woe-in de teks gerenderd weurt, beïnvloot�Of dit label de linkermarge beïnvloot�Of dit label 't deil pixels baove liene beïnvloot�Of dit label 't deil pixels tösje liene mit regeltrökloup beïnvloot�Of dit label de rechtermarge beïnvloot�Of dit label de verhoeging beïnvloot�Of dit label de óngersjtrieping beïnvloot�Of dit label de booksjtaaftiepgruutde sjaalt mit eine faktor�Of 't standaardwidget geaktiveerd moot waere (wie de sjtanderdknóp in ein dialoogvinster) wen op Enter weurt gedrök�Of 't mäögelik moot zeen mierdere besjtenj te selektere�Of ein "inkonsistente" toesjtandj getuind moot waere.�Of de kelóm moot waere getuind�Of de focus-indikator in widgets moot waere geteikend�Of de inhaud van ein veldj weurt geselekteerd es 't veldj focus krig�Of eine sorteerindikator moot waere getuind�Of de teks doorsjtriept moot waere�Of de waerd van de snap_edge-eigesjap gebroek weurt, of ein waerd aafgeleijd van handle_position�Of liene noets waere aafgebraoke, of op waordgrenze of op teikegrenze�Of de twie kursors getuind mote waere veur gemink links-nao-rechs en rechs-nao-links�Of wäörd aafgebraoke waere aan de renj van widgets�Aan welke kantj de tabblajer kómme te zitte�Widget�Widgetnaam�Widget in de kelómkop-knóp (in plaats van de kelómtittel)�Breide�Breide, in booksjtaafteikes�Breide van 't kader róntelóm de knóppebalk óngeraan 't dialoogvinster�Breide van 't kader róntelóm label en aafbiljing in 't dialoogvinster�Breide van 't kader róntelóm 't huidgedeilte van 't dialoogvinster�Breide van de handle�Breide van de sjuufbalk of doemsjaal�Breide van 't kader róntelóm de tab-labels�Breide van 't horizontale kader van tab-labels�Breide van de linkermarge in pixels�Breide van de rechtermarge in pixels�Breide van 't vertikale kader van tab-labels�Breideverzeuk�Breide, in pixels, tösje de focus-indikator en de widget-box�Breide, in pixels, van de focus-indikatorlien�Vinsterplaatsing�Vinsterposisie�Vinstertittel�Vinstertiep�Waordaafbraeking�Doorloupe�Regeltrökloupmodus�Regeltrökloupmodus�Regeltrökloupmodus gebroeke�X-oetliening van de kelómkop-teks of widget�X-oetliening�X-oetliening van de dochter�X-opvölling�X posisie�X posisie van dochterwidget�Y-oetliening�Y-oetliening van de dochter�Y-opvölling�Y posisie�Y posisie van dochterwidget�huugde�modus�zichbaar�breide�x-oetliening�x-opvölling�y-oetliening�y-opvölling�