# rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # external gems require 'gdor/indexer' require 'solrizer' require 'faraday' module Spotlight::Dor # Base class to harvest from DOR via harvestdor gem class Indexer < GDor::Indexer def resource(druid) Harvestdor::Indexer::Resource.new harvestdor, druid end def solr_document(resource) doc_hash = super run_hook :before_index, resource, doc_hash doc_hash end # tweak author_sort field from stanford-mods before_index do |_sdb, solr_doc| solr_doc[:author_sort] &&= solr_doc[:author_sort].tr("\uFFFF", "\uFFFD") end private # Functionality grouped when code was moved to the StanfordMods gem concerning :StanfordMods do included do before_index :add_author_no_collector before_index :add_box before_index :add_collector before_index :add_coordinates before_index :add_folder before_index :add_genre before_index :add_location before_index :add_point_bbox before_index :add_series end # add author_no_collector_ssim solr field containing the person authors, excluding collectors # (via stanford-mods gem) def add_author_no_collector(sdb, solr_doc) insert_field solr_doc, 'author_no_collector', sdb.smods_rec.non_collector_person_authors, :symbol # _ssim field end def add_box(sdb, solr_doc) solr_doc['box_ssi'] = sdb.smods_rec.box end # add coordinates solr field containing the cartographic coordinates per # MODS subject.cartographics.coordinates (via stanford-mods gem) def add_coordinates(sdb, solr_doc) solr_doc['coordinates_tesim'] = sdb.smods_rec.coordinates end # add collector_ssim solr field containing the collector per MODS names (via stanford-mods gem) def add_collector(sdb, solr_doc) insert_field solr_doc, 'collector', sdb.smods_rec.collectors_w_dates, :symbol # _ssim field end def add_folder(sdb, solr_doc) solr_doc['folder_ssi'] = sdb.smods_rec.folder end # add plain MODS <genre> element data, not the SearchWorks genre values def add_genre(sdb, solr_doc) insert_field solr_doc, 'genre', sdb.smods_rec.genre.content, :symbol # this is a _ssim field end def add_location(sdb, solr_doc) solr_doc['location_ssi'] = sdb.smods_rec.location end # add point_bbox solr field containing the point bounding box per # MODS subject.cartographics.coordinates (via stanford-mods gem) def add_point_bbox(sdb, solr_doc) solr_doc['point_bbox'] = sdb.smods_rec.point_bbox end def add_series(sdb, solr_doc) solr_doc['series_ssi'] = sdb.smods_rec.series end end # StanfordMods concern concerning :ContentMetadata do included do before_index :add_content_metadata_fields end def add_content_metadata_fields(sdb, solr_doc) content_metadata = sdb.public_xml.at_xpath('/publicObject/contentMetadata') return unless content_metadata.present? Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'content_metadata_type', content_metadata['type'], :symbol, :displayable) images = content_metadata.xpath('resource/file[@mimetype="image/jp2"]').select { |node| node.attr('id') =~ /jp2$/ } add_thumbnail_fields(images.first, solr_doc) if images.first images.each do |image| add_image_fields(image, solr_doc, sdb.bare_druid) end end private def add_thumbnail_fields(node, solr_doc) file_id = node.attr('id').gsub('.jp2', '') image_data = node.at_xpath('./imageData') Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'content_metadata_first_image_file_name', file_id, :displayable) Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'content_metadata_first_image_width', image_data['width'], :displayable) Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'content_metadata_first_image_height', image_data['height'], :displayable) end def add_image_fields(node, solr_doc, bare_druid) file_id = node.attr('id').gsub('.jp2', '') base_url = stacks_iiif_url(bare_druid, file_id) Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'content_metadata_image_iiif_info', "#{base_url}/info.json", :displayable) Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'thumbnail_square_url', "#{base_url}/square/100,100/0/default.jpg", :displayable) Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'thumbnail_url', "#{base_url}/full/!400,400/0/default.jpg", :displayable) Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'large_image_url', "#{base_url}/full/pct:25/0/default.jpg", :displayable) Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, 'full_image_url', "#{base_url}/full/full/0/default.jpg", :displayable) end def stacks_iiif_url(bare_druid, file_name) "#{Spotlight::Dor::Resources::Engine.config.stacks_iiif_url}/#{bare_druid}%2F#{file_name}" end end concerning :FeigenbaumSpecificFields do # These fields were specifically for the Feigenbaum exhibit. It is very # likely it will go ununsed by other projects, but should be benign (since this field will not be created if # this specific MODs note is not found.). Future work could refactor this to # only create these fields on an as-needed basis. included do before_index :add_document_subtype before_index :add_donor_tags before_index :add_folder_name before_index :add_general_notes end def add_document_subtype(sdb, solr_doc) subtype = sdb.smods_rec.note.select { |n| n.displayLabel == 'Document subtype' }.map(&:content) solr_doc['doc_subtype_ssi'] = subtype.first if subtype.size > 0 end def add_donor_tags(sdb, solr_doc) donor_tags = sdb.smods_rec.note.select { |n| n.displayLabel == 'Donor tags' }.map(&:content) insert_field solr_doc, 'donor_tags', donor_tags, :symbol # this is a _ssim field end # add the folder name to solr_doc as folder_name_ssi field (note: single valued!) # data is specific to Feigenbaum collection and is in <note type='preferred citation'> def add_folder_name(sdb, solr_doc) # see spec for data examples preferred_citation = sdb.smods_rec.note.select { |n| n.type_at == 'preferred citation' }.map(&:content) match_data = preferred_citation.first.match(/Title: +(.+)/i) if preferred_citation.present? solr_doc['folder_name_ssi'] = match_data[1].strip if match_data.present? end def add_general_notes(sdb, solr_doc) general_notes = sdb.smods_rec.note.select { |n| n.type_at.blank? && n.displayLabel.blank? }.map(&:content) insert_field solr_doc, 'general_notes', general_notes, :symbol # this is a _ssim field end end # end feigbenbaum specific fields concerning :FullTextIndexing do included do before_index :add_object_full_text end # search for configured full text files, and if found, add them to the full text (whole document) solr field def add_object_full_text(sdb, solr_doc) full_text_urls = object_level_full_text_urls(sdb) return if full_text_urls.size == 0 solr_doc['full_text_tesimv'] = full_text_urls.map { |file_url| get_file_content(file_url) } end # go grab the supplied file url, grab the file, encode and return # TODO: this should also be able to deal with .rtf and .xml files, scrubbing/converting as necessary to get plain text def get_file_content(file_url) response = Faraday.get(file_url) response.body.scrub.encode('UTF-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '?').gsub(/\s+/, ' ') rescue logger.warn("Error indexing full text - couldn't load file #{file_url}") nil end # these are the file locations where full txt files can be found at the object level # this method returns an array of fully qualified public URLs that can be accessed to find full text countent def object_level_full_text_urls(sdb) files = [] object_level_full_text_filenames(sdb).each do |xpath_location| files += sdb.public_xml.xpath(xpath_location).map do |txt_file| "#{Spotlight::Dor::Resources::Engine.config.stacks_file_url}/#{sdb.bare_druid}/#{txt_file['id']}" end end files end # xpaths to locations in the contentMetadata where full text object level files can be found, # add as many as you need, all will be searched def object_level_full_text_filenames(sdb) [ "//contentMetadata/resource/file[@id=\"#{sdb.bare_druid}.txt\"]" # feigenbaum style - full text in .txt named for druid ] end end def insert_field(solr_doc, field, values, *args) Array(values).each do |v| Solrizer.insert_field solr_doc, field, v, *args end end end end