== 0.4.0 * er1c added start_index and max_results * er1c added paging for all results * er1c added get_to_csv to "stream" saving results to a file IO * thieso2 fix DataPoint when GA-Path includec colons * jeremyf Added ability to parse addition query strings * nedski Added support for proxy via env var == 0.3.4 * rumble updated the regex used to pull apart the filters so it didn't get confused when there a filename, for example, started with a / == 0.3.2 * er1c updated to use standard Ruby CSV library == 0.3.0 * Support for filters (filters are all AND'ed together, no OR yet) == 0.2.1 * More robust error checking on HTTP calls * Added to_xml to get raw XML output from Google == 0.2.0 / 2009-04-27 * Changed initialization format: pass a hash of options rather than individual email, password and profile_id * Can initialize with a valid token and use that instead of requiring email/password each time * Can initialize with your own logger object instead of having to use the default (useful if you're using with Rails, initialize with RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER) * Show error if token is invalid or expired (Google returns a 401 on any HTTP call) * Started tests == 0.1.4 / 2009-04-22 * Another attempt at getting the gem to build on github == 0.1.3 / 2009-04-22 * Getting gem to build on github == 0.1.2 / 2009-04-22 * Updated readme and examples, better documentation throughout == 0.1.1 / 2009-04-22 * When outputting as CSV, surround each piece of data with double quotes (appears pretty common for various properties (like Browser name) to contain commas == 0.1.0 / 2009-03-26 * Basic functionality working good. Can't use filters yet.