require: - rubocop-rspec - rubocop-rails Rails: Enabled: true Style/Documentation: Enabled: true AllCops: NewCops: enable SuggestExtensions: false DisplayCopNames: true TargetRubyVersion: 2.7 TargetRailsVersion: 6.1 Exclude: - bin/**/* - vendor/**/* - build/**/* - gemfiles/**/* Metrics/BlockLength: Exclude: - Rakefile - '*.gemspec' - spec/**/*.rb - '**/*.rake' - doc/**/*.rb # Concerns and middlewares contain by nature long blocks - lib/price*hubble/entity/concern/**/*.rb - lib/price*hubble/client/request/**/*.rb - lib/price*hubble/client/response/**/*.rb # Our examples use +pp+ a lot Lint/Debugger: Exclude: - doc/examples/**/*.rb # MFA is not yet enabled for our gems yet. Gemspec/RequireMFA: Enabled: false # Document all the things. Style/DocumentationMethod: Enabled: true RequireForNonPublicMethods: true # It's a deliberate idiom in RSpec. # See: Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation: Exclude: - "spec/**/*" # Because +expect_any_instance_of().to have_received()+ is not # supported with the +with(hash_including)+ matchers RSpec/MessageSpies: EnforcedStyle: receive # Because nesting makes sense here to group the feature tests # more effective. This increases maintainability. RSpec/NestedGroups: Max: 4 # Disable regular Rails spec paths. RSpec/FilePath: Enabled: false # Because we just implemented the ActiveRecord API. Rails/SkipsModelValidations: Enabled: false # Because of the clean wording on the examples. Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable: Exclude: - "doc/**/*" # We stay at 80 characters per line. # See: Layout/LineLength: Max: 80 # We use memoized helpers all over the place to construct inputs and output # which can be customized at nested contexts easily. RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers: Enabled: false # That are false-positives because we implement similar working # helpers for associations like +.has_one+. Rails/ReflectionClassName: Enabled: false # A very nice feature, but it does not work for non-method code parts atow. # So just disabling it for now. Style/DocumentDynamicEvalDefinition: Enabled: false