--- title: ODEs with Python tagline: interactive evaluation date: 2022-03-28 00:00:00 description: > The package nbinteract aims to enable authors and educators to create and share interactive web pages easily. Interactive explanations of concepts are useful for communicating and explaining tricky concepts. keywords: > opensource, free, load, download, start, starter, example, high, easy, use, secure, encrypt, standard, popular, generate, create, learn, distribute, publish, deploy, beginner, advanced, expert, student, learner, educator, writer, reader, visitor, framework, toolkit, integration, extension, module, api, dynamic, static, generator, client, server, internet, local, localhost, page, web, website, webdesign, material, design, responsive, javascript, nodejs, ruby, windows, linux, osx, mac, os, http, https, html, html5, css, scss, style, browser, firefox, chrome, edge, opera, safari, configuration, generator, navigation, menu, dropdown, fab, action, button, application, interface, provider, api, repository, cookie, language, translation, gdpr, dsgvo, privacy, asciidoc, aciidoctor, bootstrap, jekyll, liquid, hyvor, disqus, git, github, netlify, heroku, apple, microsoft, provider, service, internet, support, google, analytics, advertising, search, console, silverlight, score, j1, nbi, j1-nbinteract, nbinteract, template, integration, python, jupyter, notebook, textbook, api, app, binder, binderhub, jupyterhub categories: [ Software, Python ] tags: [ Binder, Jupyter, Notebooks, Distributed ] scrollbar: false fab_menu_id: open_toc_reload personalization: true permalink: /pages/public/jupyter/examples/distributed/odes-in-python/ regenerate: false resources: [ animate, nbinteract, rouge ] resource_options: - attic: # opacity: 0.3 slides: - url: /assets/images/modules/attics/yellow-cactus-1920x1280.jpg alt: Photo by Yellow Cactus on Unsplash badge: type: unsplash author: Yellow Cactus href: https://unsplash.com/@yellowcactus --- // Page Initializer // ============================================================================= // Enable the Liquid Preprocessor :page-liquid: // Set (local) page attributes here // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // :page--attr: :binder-badges-enabled: true :binder-app-launch--lab: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/jekyll-one/j1-binder-repo/main :binder-app-launch--tree: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/jekyll-one/j1-binder-repo/main?urlpath=/tree :binder-app-launch--notebook: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/jekyll-one/j1-binder-repo/main?filepath=notebooks/j1/j1_odes_in_python.ipynb :odes-in-python: https://elc.github.io/posts/ordinary-differential-equations-with-python/ // Load Liquid procedures // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% capture load_attributes %}themes/{{site.template.name}}/procedures/global/attributes_loader.proc{%endcapture%} // Load page attributes // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% include {{load_attributes}} scope="global" %} // Page content // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // image:/assets/images/badges/myBinder.png[Binder, link="https://mybinder.org/", {browser-window--new}] // image:/assets/images/badges/docsBinder.png[Binder, link="https://mybinder.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", {browser-window--new}] // See: https://towardsdatascience.com/ordinal-differential-equation-ode-in-python-8dc1de21323b ifeval::[{binder-badges-enabled} == true] image:/assets/images/badges/notebookBinder.png[Binder, link="{binder-app-launch--notebook}", {browser-window--new}] image:https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg[Binder, link="{binder-app-launch--lab}", {browser-window--new}] endif::[] // See: https://elc.github.io/posts/ordinary-differential-equations-with-python/ CAUTION: Each interactive element presented on this page uses *time-consuming* operations that take a while to finish. The elements are built through a backend in the cloud. Please be patient to see the results. An ordinary differential equation (often abbreviated to ODE) is one Differential equation where only derivatives of the desired function occur after exactly one variable. Many physical, chemical and biological processes in nature are described mathematically with such equations. Examples are the radioactive decay, motion processes of bodies, many types of Oscillation processes or the growth behavior of animal populations. In scientific models, ordinary differential equations are often used to analyze, simulate, or be able to make predictions. Find an example below describing the dynamics of the population of rabbits and foxes. Check how the animals depend on each other. Manipulate some parameters to see the influences on the rabbits and foxes population. NOTE: All examples are taken from link:{odes-in-python}[Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) with Python, {browser-window--new}] textbook::j1_odes_in_python[]