# frozen_string_literal: true require 'thor' require 'pathname' require 'mnogootex/utils' require 'mnogootex/job/warden' require 'mnogootex/job/porter' require 'mnogootex/cfg' module Mnogootex class CLI < Thor IS_MNOGOO = (ENV['IS_MNOGOO'] == 'true') def self.basename IS_MNOGOO ? 'mnogoo' : super end desc 'cd [JOB] [MAIN]', 'Check into dir of JOB (or source) for MAIN (or inferred) document' def cd(*args); end desc 'open [JOB ...] [MAIN]', 'Open PDF of each (or every) JOB for MAIN (or inferred) document' def open(*args); end remove_command :cd, :open unless IS_MNOGOO desc 'mnogoo', 'Print path of the shell wrapper script' def mnogoo puts Pathname.new(__dir__).join('mnogoo.sh').realpath end desc 'clobber', 'Clean up all temporary files' def clobber # NOTE: this is a tad slow - using shell would improve that # TODO: this does not account for custom work_path tmp_dir = Pathname.new(Dir.tmpdir).join('mnogootex') tmp_dir_size = Mnogootex::Utils.humanize_bytes Mnogootex::Utils.dir_size(tmp_dir) print "Freeing up #{tmp_dir_size}... " FileUtils.rm_r tmp_dir, secure: true if tmp_dir.directory? puts 'Done.' end desc 'go [JOB ...] [MAIN]', 'Run each (or every) JOB for MAIN (or inferred) document' def go(*args) _, main, cfg = Mnogootex::Cfg.recombobulate(*args) cfg = Mnogootex::Cfg::DEFAULTS.merge cfg Mnogootex::Job::Warden.new(source: main, configuration: cfg).start end desc 'dir [JOB] [MAIN]', 'Print dir of JOB (or source) for MAIN (or inferred) document' def dir(*args) jobs, main, cfg = Mnogootex::Cfg.recombobulate(*args) if jobs.empty? puts main.dirname else jobs.map! { |hid| Mnogootex::Job::Porter.new hid: hid, source_path: main, work_path: cfg['work_path'] } jobs.map!(&:target_dir) puts jobs end end desc 'pdf [JOB ...] [MAIN]', 'Print PDF path of each (or every) JOB for MAIN (or inferred) document' def pdf(*args) jobs, main, cfg = Mnogootex::Cfg.recombobulate(*args) jobs = cfg['jobs'] if jobs.empty? jobs.map! { |hid| Mnogootex::Job::Porter.new hid: hid, source_path: main, work_path: cfg['work_path'] } jobs.map! { |porter| porter.target_path.sub_ext('.pdf') } puts jobs end end end