require "logstash/util/retryable" describe LogStash::Retryable do class C include LogStash::Retryable end class E < StandardError; end; class F < StandardError; end; subject {} context "with default fixed 1 second retry sleep" do it "should execute once" do expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).never expect(subject.retryable(:rescue => nil){|i| expect(i).to eq(0); "foo"}).to eq("foo") end it "should not retry on non rescued exceptions" do i = 0 expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).never expect{subject.retryable(:rescue => E){i += 1; raise F}}.to raise_error(F) expect(i).to eq(1) end it "should execute once and retry once by default" do i = 0 expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).once.with(1) expect{subject.retryable{i += 1; raise E}}.to raise_error(E) expect(i).to eq(2) end it "should retry on rescued exceptions" do i = 0 expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).once.with(1) expect{subject.retryable(:rescue => E){i += 1; raise E}}.to raise_error(E) expect(i).to eq(2) end it "should retry indefinitely" do i = 0 expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).exactly(50).times.with(1) expect{subject.retryable(:tries => 0, :rescue => E){i += 1; raise i <= 50 ? E : F}}.to raise_error(F) end it "should execute once and retry once by default and execute on_retry callback" do i = 0 callback_values = [] callback = lambda do |retry_count, e| callback_values << [retry_count, e] end expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).once.with(1) expect do subject.retryable(:on_retry => callback){i += 1; raise E} raise_error expect(i).to eq(2) expect(callback_values.size).to eq(1) expect(callback_values[0][0]).to eq(1) expect(callback_values[0][1]).to be_a(E) end it "should execute once and retry n times" do i = 0 n = 3 expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).exactly(n).times.with(1) expect{subject.retryable(:tries => n){i += 1; raise E}}.to raise_error(E) expect(i).to eq(n + 1) end it "should execute once and retry n times and execute on_retry callback" do i = 0 n = 3 callback_values = [] callback = lambda do |retry_count, e| callback_values << [retry_count, e] end expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).exactly(n).times.with(1) expect do subject.retryable(:tries => n, :on_retry => callback){i += 1; raise E} raise_error expect(i).to eq(n + 1) expect(callback_values.size).to eq(n) n.times.each do |j| expect(callback_values[j].first).to eq(j + 1) expect(callback_values[j].last).to be_a(E) end end end context "with exponential backoff" do it "should execute once and retry once with base sleep by default" do expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).once.with(2) expect do subject.retryable(:base_sleep => 2, :max_sleep => 10){raise E} raise_error(E) end it "should execute once and retry n times with exponential backoff sleep" do n = 3 s = 0.5 n.times.each do |i| expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).once.with(s * (2 ** i)).ordered end expect do subject.retryable(:tries => n, :base_sleep => s, :max_sleep => 100){raise E} raise_error(E) end it "should execute once and retry n times with exponential backoff sleep capping at max_sleep" do n = 20 base_sleep = 0.1 max_sleep = 1 expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).once.with(0.1).ordered expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).once.with(0.2).ordered expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).once.with(0.4).ordered expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).once.with(0.8).ordered (n - 4).times.each do |i| expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).once.with(1).ordered end expect do subject.retryable(:tries => n, :base_sleep => base_sleep, :max_sleep => max_sleep){raise E} raise_error(E) end end end