#-- # BibTeX-Ruby # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Sylvester Keil <sylvester.keil.or.at> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #++ require 'forwardable' module BibTeX # # Represents a regular BibTeX entry. # class Entry < Element extend Forwardable include Enumerable # Hash containing the required fields of the standard entry types REQUIRED_FIELDS = Hash.new([]).merge({ :article => [:author,:title,:journal,:year], :book => [[:author,:editor],:title,:publisher,:year], :booklet => [:title], :conference => [:author,:title,:booktitle,:year], :inbook => [[:author,:editor],:title,[:chapter,:pages],:publisher,:year], :incollection => [:author,:title,:booktitle,:publisher,:year], :inproceedings => [:author,:title,:booktitle,:year], :manual => [:title], :mastersthesis => [:author,:title,:school,:year], :misc => [], :phdthesis => [:author,:title,:school,:year], :proceedings => [:title,:year], :techreport => [:author,:title,:institution,:year], :unpublished => [:author,:title,:note] }).freeze NAME_FIELDS = [:author, :editor, :translator].freeze DATE_FIELDS = [:year].freeze CSL_FIELDS = Hash.new {|h,k|k}.merge(Hash[*%w{ date issued isbn ISBN booktitle container-title journal container-title series collection-title address publisher-place pages page number issue url URL doi DOI year issued }.map(&:intern)]).freeze CSL_TYPES = Hash.new {|h,k|k}.merge(Hash[*%w{ booklet pamphlet conference paper-conference inbook chapter incollection chapter inproceedings paper-conference manual book mastersthesis thesis misc article phdthesis thesis proceedings paper-conference techreport report unpublished manuscript }.map(&:intern)]).freeze attr_reader :type, :fields def_delegators :@fields, :empty?, :each, :each_pair # Creates a new instance. If a hash is given, the entry is populated accordingly. def initialize(attributes = {}) @fields = {} self.type = attributes.delete(:type) if attributes.has_key?(:type) self.key = attributes.delete(:key) if attributes.has_key?(:key) add(attributes) yield self if block_given? end # Sets the key of the entry def key=(key) raise(ArgumentError, "keys must be convertible to Symbol; was: #{type.class.name}.") unless type.respond_to?(:to_sym) unless @bibliography.nil? @bibliography.entries.delete(@key) @bibliography.entries[key] = self end @key = key.to_sym end def key @key ||= default_key end alias :id :key alias :id= :key= # Sets the type of the entry. def type=(type) raise(ArgumentError, "types must be convertible to Symbol; was: #{type.class.name}.") unless type.respond_to?(:to_sym) @type = type.to_sym end def has_type?(type) type.to_s.match(/^entry$/i) || @type == type.to_sym || super end def has_field?(field) @fields.has_key?(field) end def method_missing(name, *args) return self[name] if @fields.has_key?(name) return self.send(:add, name.to_s.chop.to_sym, args[0]) if name.to_s.match(/=$/) super end def respond_to?(method) @fields.has_key?(method.to_sym) || method.to_s.match(/=$/) || super end # Returns a copy of the Entry with all the field names renamed. def rename(*arguments) dup.rename!(*arguments) end # Renames the given field names unless a field with the new name already # exists. def rename!(*arguments) Hash[*arguments.flatten].each_pair do |from,to| if @fields.has_key?(from) && !@fields.has_key?(to) @fields[to] = @fields[from] @fields.delete(from) end end self end alias :rename_fields :rename alias :rename_fields! :rename! # Returns the value of the field with the given name. def [](name) @fields[name.to_sym] end # Adds a new field (name-value pair) to the entry. # Returns the new value. def []=(name, value) add(name.to_sym, value) end # Adds a new field (name-value pair) or multiple fields to the entry. # Returns the entry for chainability. # # call-seq: # add(:author, "Edgar A. Poe") # add(:author, "Edgar A. Poe", :title, "The Raven") # add([:author, "Edgar A. Poe", :title, "The Raven"]) # add(:author => "Edgar A. Poe", :title => "The Raven") # def add(*arguments) Hash[*arguments.flatten].each_pair do |name, value| @fields[name.to_sym] = Value.new(value) end self end alias :<< :add # Removes the field with a given name from the entry. # Returns the value of the deleted field; nil if the field was not set. def delete(name) @fields.delete(name.to_sym) end # Returns false if the entry is one of the standard entry types and does not have # definitions of all the required fields for that type. def valid? REQUIRED_FIELDS[@type].all? do |f| f.is_a?(Array) ? !(f & @fields.keys).empty? : !@fields[f].nil? end end # Called when the element was added to a bibliography. def added_to_bibliography(bibliography) super bibliography.entries[key] = self self end # Called when the element was removed from a bibliography. def removed_from_bibliography(bibliography) super bibliography.entries[key] = nil self end def replace(*arguments) arguments = bibliography.q('@string') if arguments.empty? @fields.values.each { |v| v.replace(*arguments) } self end def join @fields.values.each(&:join) self end # Parses all name values of the entry. Tries to replace and join the # value prior to parsing. def parse_names NAME_FIELDS.each do |key| if name = @fields[key] name.replace(bibliography.q('@string')) unless bibliography.nil? name.join name = name.to_name @fields[key] = name end end self end # Returns a string of all the entry's fields. def content(options = {}) @fields.map { |k,v| "#{k} = #{ @fields[k].to_s(options) }" }.join(",\n") end # Returns a string representation of the entry. def to_s(options = {}) options[:quotes] ||= %w({ }) ["@#{type}{#{key},", content(options).gsub(/^/,' '), "}\n"].join("\n") end def to_hash(options = {}) options[:quotes] ||= %w({ }) hash = { :key => key, :type => type } each_pair { |k,v| hash[k] = v.to_s(options) } hash end def to_citeproc(options = {}) options[:quotes] ||= [] hash = { 'id' => key.to_s, 'type' => CSL_TYPES[type].to_s } each_pair do |k,v| hash[CSL_FIELDS[k].to_s] = k == :year ? v.to_date : v.to_citeproc(options) end hash end def to_xml(options = {}) require 'rexml/document' xml = REXML::Element.new(type) xml.attributes['key'] = key @fields.each do |k,v| e = REXML::Element.new(k.to_s) e.text = v.to_s(options) xml.add_element(e) end xml end def <=>(other) type != other.type ? type <=> other.type : key != other.key ? key <=> other.key : to_s <=> other.to_s end protected def default_key object_id.to_s.to_sym end end end