basket[:icons] = { material: { plus: :add, pencil: :edit, trash: :delete, full_page: :open_in_full, new_window: :close_fullscreen, history: :history, collapse: :expand_less, expand: :expand_more, flag: :flag, remove: :close, close: :close, board: :space_dashboard, warning: :warning, unknown: :add_box, help: :help, modal: :fullscreen, reorder: :reorder, create_action: :add_circle, update_action: :edit, delete_action: :remove_circle, draft: :build, next: :arrow_forward_ios, previous: :arrow_back_ios, forward: :arrow_forward, back: :arrow_back, list: :list, search: :search, filter: :filter_alt, quick_filter: :bolt, reset: :restart_alt, more: :more_horiz, menu: :more_vert, bar_menu: :more_horiz, show_password: :visibility, hide_password: :visibility_off }, # font_awesome: { plus: :plus, pencil: :pencil, trash: :trash, new_window: "external-link-square-alt", close: :times, remove: :times, board: "table-columns", reorder: "align-justify", history: :clock, warning: "exclamation-circle", unknown: "plus-square", help: "question-circle", modal: :expand, next: "arrow-right", previous: "arrow-left", create_action: "circle-plus", update_action: :edit, delete_action: "circle-minus", flag: :flag, collapse: "chevron-up", expand: "chevron-down", list: :list, search: "magnifying-glass", draft: :wrench, filter: :filter, reset: "sync-alt", quick_filter: :bolt, show_password: "eye", hide_password: "eye-slash" }, # bootstrap: { plus: "plus-lg", pencil: "pencil-fill", trash: "trash-fill", new_window: "box-arrow-up-right", history: :clock, collapse: "chevron-up", expand: "chevron-down", flag: "flag-fill", reorder: "grip-horizontal" } } format :html do view :icons, template: :haml # Generates an HTML tag for an icon with optional parameters. # # @param [String] icon_key The key representing the desired icon. # @param [Hash] opts The options for the icon tag. # @option opts [String] :class Additional CSS classes for the icon tag. # @option opts [String] :style Additional inline styles for the icon tag. # # @return [String] The HTML code for the icon tag. # # @example # icon_tag(:heart, class: 'favorite-icon', style: 'color: red') def icon_tag icon_key, opts={} return "" unless icon_key.present? library, icon = icon_lookup icon_key with_icon_tag_opts(opts) do |tag_opts| universal_icon_tag library, icon, tag_opts end end def icon_libraries @icon_libraries ||= Cardio.config.icon_libraries end def glyphicon_icon_tag icon, opts={} prepend_class opts, "glyphicon glyphicon-#{icon}" wrap_with :span, "", opts.merge("aria-hidden": true) end def font_awesome_icon_tag icon, opts={} prepend_class opts, "fa#{'b' if opts.delete :brand} fa-#{icon}" wrap_with :i, "", opts end def material_icon_tag icon, opts={} add_class opts, "material-icons" wrap_with :i, icon, opts end def bootstrap_icon_tag icon, opts={} prepend_class opts, "bi-#{icon}" wrap_with :i, "", opts end def universal_icon_tag library, icon, opts={} with_icon_tag_opts(opts) do |tag_opts| send "#{library}_icon_tag", icon, tag_opts end end def all_icon_keys basket[:icons] end private def icon_lookup icon icon = icon.to_sym icon_libraries.each do |library| found_icon = basket[:icons][library][icon] return [library, found_icon] if found_icon end [icon_libraries.last, icon] end def with_icon_tag_opts opts={} opts = { class: opts } unless opts.is_a? Hash yield opts end end