module KuppayamHelper # fa_icon('plus') # # theme_fa_icon('plus', 'lg') # def fa_icon(icon_text, size="") size_class = %w{lg 2x 3x 4x 5x}.include?(size.strip) ? " fa-#{size.strip}" : "" "" end # Example # paginate_kuppayam(@projects, false) # # is equivalent to: # --------------------------- #
# <% if @projects.any? %> # <%= content_tag :div, :class=>"pull-right" do %> # <%= paginate @projects, :remote => true %> # <% end %> # <% end %> # # --------------------------- def paginate_kuppayam(collection, remote=true) return "" if collection.empty? clear_tag(10) + content_tag(:div, :class=>"pull-right") do paginate(collection, :remote => remote) end + clear_tag(10) end # theme_search_form is a helper to create a form to filter the results by entering a search query def search_form_kuppayam(cls, url, **options) options.reverse_merge!( method: :get, remote: true, text: "", param_name: "q", placeholder: "Search ...", button_text: "Search!", form_html: { :class=>"pull-right", :style=>"margin-bottom:0px;width:100%;"}, div_html: {:class=>"input-group"}, button_class: "btn btn-primary", text_class: "btn-text hidden-sm hidden-xs" ) form_for, :url => url, :method => options[:method], :remote=>options[:remote], :html=>options[:form_html] do |f| content_tag :div, options[:div_html] do text_field_tag(options[:param_name], options[:text], :class => 'form-control', :placeholder => options[:placeholder]) + content_tag(:span, class: "input-group-btn") do button_tag(type: 'submit', class: options[:button_class]) do raw(fa_icon('search') + content_tag(:span, class: options[:text_class]) do " " + options[:button_text] end) end end end end end end