require "rubygems" require "rake/testtask" task :default => :test task :load_path do %w(lib test).each do |path| $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path("../#{path}", __FILE__)) end end do |t| t.libs << "test" t.test_files = FileList['test/*_test.rb'] t.verbose = true end task :clean do %x{rm -rf *.gem doc pkg coverage} %x{rm -f `find . -name '*.rbc'`} end task :gem do %x{gem build friendly_id.gemspec} end task :yard => :guide do puts %x{bundle exec yard} end task :bench => :load_path do require File.expand_path("../bench", __FILE__) end task :guide do def read_comments(path) path = File.expand_path("../#{path}", __FILE__) match =\n=begin(.*)\n=end/m)[1].to_s match.split("\n").reject {|x| x =~ /^@/}.join("\n") end buffer = [] buffer << read_comments("lib/friendly_id.rb") buffer << read_comments("lib/friendly_id/base.rb") buffer << read_comments("lib/friendly_id/slugged.rb") buffer << read_comments("lib/friendly_id/history.rb") buffer << read_comments("lib/friendly_id/scoped.rb") buffer << read_comments("lib/friendly_id/simple_i18n.rb") buffer << read_comments("lib/friendly_id/globalize.rb") buffer << read_comments("lib/friendly_id/reserved.rb")"Guide.rdoc", "w") do |file| file.write("#encoding: utf-8\n") file.write(buffer.join("\n")) end end namespace :test do desc "Run each test class in a separate process" task :isolated do dir = File.expand_path("../test", __FILE__) Dir["#{dir}/*_test.rb"].each do |test| puts "Running #{test}:" puts %x{ruby -Ilib -Itest #{test}} end end end namespace :db do desc "Create the database" task :create => :load_path do require "helper" driver = FriendlyId::Test::Database.driver config = FriendlyId::Test::Database.config[driver] commands = { "mysql" => "mysql -u #{config['username']} -e 'create database #{config["database"]};' >/dev/null", "postgres" => "psql -c 'create database #{config['database']};' -U #{config['username']} >/dev/null" } %x{#{commands[driver] || true}} end desc "Create the database" task :drop => :load_path do require "helper" driver = FriendlyId::Test::Database.driver config = FriendlyId::Test::Database.config[driver] commands = { "mysql" => "mysql -u #{config['username']} -e 'drop database #{config["database"]};' >/dev/null", "postgres" => "psql -c 'drop database #{config['database']};' -U #{config['username']} >/dev/null" } %x{#{commands[driver] || true}} end desc "Set up the database schema" task :up => :load_path do require "helper" FriendlyId::Test::Schema.up end desc "Drop and recreate the database schema" task :reset => [:drop, :create] end task :doc => :yard