module ActivityNotification # Mailer module of ActivityNotification module Mailers # Provides helper methods for mailer. # Use to resolve parameters from email configuration and send notification email. module Helpers extend ActiveSupport::Concern protected # Send notification email with configured options. # # @param [Notification] notification Notification instance to send email # @param [Hash] options Options for notification email # @option options [String, Symbol] :fallback (:default) Fallback template to use when MissingTemplate is raised def notification_mail(notification, options = {}) initialize_from_notification(notification) headers = headers_for(notification.key, options) send_mail(headers, options[:fallback]) end # Send batch notification email with configured options. # # @param [Object] target Target of batch notification email # @param [Array] notifications Target notifications to send batch notification email # @param [String] batch_key Key of the batch notification email # @param [Hash] options Options for notification email # @option options [String, Symbol] :fallback (:batch_default) Fallback template to use when MissingTemplate is raised def batch_notification_mail(target, notifications, batch_key, options = {}) initialize_from_notifications(target, notifications) headers = headers_for(batch_key, options) @notification = nil send_mail(headers, options[:fallback]) end # Initialize instance variables from notification. # # @param [Notification] notification Notification instance def initialize_from_notification(notification) @notification, @target, @batch_email = notification,, false end # Initialize instance variables from notifications. # # @param [Object] target Target of batch notification email # @param [Array] notifications Target notifications to send batch notification email def initialize_from_notifications(target, notifications) @target, @notifications, @notification, @batch_email = target, notifications, notifications.first, true end # Prepare email header from notification key and options. # # @param [String] key Key of the notification # @param [Hash] options Options for email notification def headers_for(key, options) if !@batch_email && @notification.notifiable.respond_to?(:overriding_notification_email_key) && @notification.notifiable.overriding_notification_email_key(@target, key).present? key = @notification.notifiable.overriding_notification_email_key(@target, key) end if @notification.notifiable.respond_to?(:overriding_notification_email_subject) && @notification.notifiable.overriding_notification_email_subject(@target, key).present? subject = @notification.notifiable.overriding_notification_email_subject(@target, key) else subject = subject_for(key) end headers = { subject: subject, to: mailer_to(@target), from: mailer_from(key), reply_to: mailer_reply_to(key), template_path: template_paths, template_name: template_name(key) }.merge(options) @email = headers[:to] headers end # Returns target email address as 'to'. # # @param [Object] target Target instance to notify # @return [String] Target email address as 'to' def mailer_to(target) target.mailer_to end # Returns sender email address as 'reply_to'. # # @param [String] key Key of the notification or batch notification email # @return [String] Sender email address as 'reply_to' def mailer_reply_to(key) mailer_sender(key, :reply_to) end # Returns sender email address as 'from'. # # @param [String] key Key of the notification or batch notification email # @return [String] Sender email address as 'from' def mailer_from(key) mailer_sender(key, :from) end # Returns sender email address configured in initializer or mailer class. # # @param [String] key Key of the notification or batch notification email # @return [String] Sender email address configured in initializer or mailer class def mailer_sender(key, sender = :from) default_sender = default_params[sender] if default_sender.present? default_sender.respond_to?(:to_proc) ? instance_eval(&default_sender) : default_sender elsif ActivityNotification.config.mailer_sender.is_a?(Proc) else ActivityNotification.config.mailer_sender end end # Returns template paths to find email view # # @return [Array] Template paths to find email view def template_paths paths = ["#{ActivityNotification.config.mailer_templates_dir}/default"] paths.unshift("#{ActivityNotification.config.mailer_templates_dir}/#{@target.to_resources_name}") if @target.present? paths end # Returns template name from notification key # # @param [String] key Key of the notification # @return [String] Template name def template_name(key)'.', '/') end # Set up a subject doing an I18n lookup. # At first, it attempts to set a subject based on the current mapping: # en: # notification: # {target}: # {key}: # mail_subject: '...' # # If one does not exist, it fallbacks to default: # Notification for #{notification.printable_notifiable_type} # # @param [String] key Key of the notification # @return [String] Subject of notification email def subject_for(key) k = key.split('.') k.unshift('notification') if k.first != 'notification' k.insert(1, @target.to_resource_name) k = k.join('.') I18n.t(:mail_subject, scope: k, default: ["Notification of #{@notification.notifiable.printable_type.downcase}"]) end private # Send email with fallback option. # # @param [Hash] headers Prepared email header # @param [String, Symbol] fallback Fallback option def send_mail(headers, fallback = nil) begin mail headers rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate => e if fallback.present? mail headers.merge(template_name: fallback) else raise e end end end end end end