en: activerecord: attributes: pageflow/linkmap_page/area: color_map_component_id: Mask inverted: Invert link_description: Link decription text link_title: Link description title marker: Link display name: Label page_transition: Page transition target_id: Target target_type: Area type values: pageflow/linkmap_page/area: marker: dynamic_marker: Circle no_marker: None target_type: audio_file: Audio file external_site: External link page: Page link text_only: Text only pageflow: editor: files: stages: pageflow/linkmap_page/color_map_file: processing: active: Extracting color areas. failed: Extracting color areas failed. finished: Color areas extracted. pageflow/linkmap_page/masked_image_file: processing: active: Applying mask. failed: Apllying mask failed. finished: Mask applied. linkmap_page: editor: area_types: audio_file: Audio file external_site: External link page: Page link text_only: Text only templates: edit_area: back: Back destroy: Delete embedded: area_item: hide_marker: Hide marker set_mask: Select mask show_marker: Show marker unset_mask: Detach from mask file_area_item: edit: Edit remove: Remove toggle_marker: Toggle marker file_areas: add: Add label: Label select_area_position_hint: cancel: Cancel views: area_mask_input_view: present: "(Active)" areas_list: add: Add label: Areas edit_area_view: confirm_destroy: Really delete this area? embedded: area_item: external_link_disabled: External links are deactivated inside the editor. scaled_on_phone_hint: orientations: both: phones landscape: phones in landscape orientation portrait: phones in portrait orientation text: The panorama will be scaled on %{orientation} to ensure minimum hotspot size for touch interaction. Increase hotspot size to prevent scaling. select_area_position_hint: drag_hint: Select the hotspot's dimension by clicking and dragging somewhere inside the panorama. select_mask_hint: Click on one of the colored areas of the mask image to determine the hotspots shape and position. select_mask_or_drag_hint: Click on one of the colored areas of the mask image or select the hotspot's dimensions by clicking and dragging somewhere inside the panorama. errors: invalid_image_data: There has been an error while identifying color components. Ensure color areas are bounded inside the image and all other parts of the image are transparent. loading_remote_image_failed: Error while loading the image. mask_image_failed: There was an error while processing the mask image. no_big_enough_color_map_components: No color components identified. Ensure each component is at least 7x7 pixels big. saving_mask_image_failed: There has been an error while saving the mask image. help_entries: page_type: menu_item: Hotspots text: |- # Hotspots Links with configurable click areas. Hotspots can play audio files, link to other pages in a Pageflow or to external websites. You can define as many hotspots as you want. Decide if you want to show a background image or a background video. (Keep in mind, that background videos will not be played on mobile devices, therefore use an additional fallback image for the mobile version) The hotspot page type allows to use panoramic images that are wider and taller than the screen-size. It enables users to explore these images by horizontal or vertical scrolling. To add a Hotspot just click on „Areas“ and choose between „Audio“, „Internal link“, or „External link“. There are two ways to display hotspot areas: ## Hotspots as circles Display a white circle whose position and size can be defined by dragging. Click on the eye-symbol button of the corresponding hotspot and move this circle onto the desired position. If you use an audio file, a headphone-symbol will appear within the circle. The size of the symbol depends on the circle´s size. The circle becomes more visible when the cursor moves closer to it. ## Individually designed hotspots Alternatively, an additional panorama image can be used to determine the look of hotspots when the cursor hovers above them. Two images have to be prepared: 1. An image with all hotspots in an inactive state (e.g. a map with cities represented by black dots) 2. An image with all hotspots in an active state (e.g. the same map with red dots representing cities) Now the rectangular hotspot areas are positioned to cover the graphic representations of the hotspots. When the cursor hovers above one of the hotspots, the corresponding part of the hover-image will be displayed inside the hotspot's area. That way the hotspot is displayed in its active state while all others remain inactive. It is also possible to use videos instead of images. The following combinations are possible: 1. Background image with hover image 2. Background video with hover image 3. Background image with hover video If you wish to mark hotspots as \"already visited\" you can also upload a „Visited-Image“ which then shows a certain spot in a different color after visiting the linked page. ## Free form hotspots It's not always possible to cover the visual elements of a panorama image with rectangular hotspots without creating overlapping hotspot areas. For example, trying to turn the countries on a map into clickable areas that change color when the cursor hovers a country is not possible with a single hover image: soon as a hotspot is not properly contained inside a county's borders, a part of the neighbor country changes its color together with the hovered country. For cases like this, we can use a so called mask image, allowing us to freely determine the shape of our hotspots. We need to create PNG image with transparent background on which the desired hotspot areas are represented as unicolor areas. The dimensions of the image have to match those of the panorama and hover images. For the map example, we could come up with an identically proportioned map image, in which each country's shape is filled with a different color leaving oceans and other non-clickable parts transparent. Once the map image has been selected, we can not only create new hotspots by dragging rectangular shapes, but also by clicking on of predefined colored areas given in the mask image. The shape of the hotspot corresponds exactly to the selected color area. Also when the hotspot is hovered the hover image is displayed cropped to that shape. When determining hotspot areas, only the area's color is taking into account: areas do not need to be connected. Hence, turning to the map example one last time, islands belonging to a country can also be highlighted together with the mainland when it is hovered, while the sea surrounding those islands need not be part of the clickable area. Important: Make sure that anti aliasing is turned off in your image composing application while preparing the mask image. We require a mask image with sharp edges and clearly separated areas. Anti aliasing on the other hand creates tiny color gradients which are then treated as multiple pixel sized areas. During processing, the mask image is mapped to a fixed palette of colors. Areas using too similar colors may thus be recognized as a single area. At the moment, it is not possible to use mask images in combintation with hover images. ## Text options Both of these hotspot types can be entitled and have additional text/description. The description editor contains basic formatting options like bold, italic & underline. ## Phone layout panorama navigation To improve discoverability on devices with small screens, a different mode of panorama navigation can be enabled in phone layout. On the tab “areas”, select “Guided (via left/right swipe gesture)” as “Phone panorama navigation”. This lets the user visit the hotspot one by one using horizonzal swipe gestures. Info box descriptions are displayed in a box at the bottom of the view port. Select phone layout inside the preview menu at the bottom left of the editor side bar to test the behaviour. ## Atmo options Every Hotspot page, can play an additional backround sound that can optionally stop or continue playing (at the same or a lower volume) while an audio-Hotspot is playing. ## Further options Restrict scrolling to hotspot areas: Only scroll between hotspots. Force scrolling: Ensure there is a margin which ensures the panorama can be scrolled both vertically and horizontally. Deactivate scrolling at image border: Do not scroll in panorama view when user moves the cursor. Examples of application: Menu site, multiple choice, exploration tour manage_sites: Manage links page: scroll_down: Scroll down scroll_left: Scroll left scroll_right: Scroll right scroll_up: Scroll up page_attributes: add_environment: inline_help: Zoom panorama to allow scrolling in both directions. label: Ensure scroll margin audio_areas: label: Audio areas background_type: label: Panorama type values: hover_video: Background image/hover video image: Background image/hover image video: Background video/hover image hide_linkmap_overlay_boxes: inline_help: Do not display info boxes next to hotspots in tablet or desktop layout. label: Display info boxes only in phone layout hover_image_id: inline_help: A part of this image is displayed inside the area of a hotspot when the cursor hovers it. label: Hover image hover_video_type: hover_image_id: inline_help: Image to display instead of hover video on mobile platforms label: Hover image (mobile) panorama_video_id: inline_help: A part of this video will be displayed in the area of a hotspot when the cursor hovers it. label: Hover video limit_scrolling: inline_help: Enable scrolling only if there hotspot areas outside the view port. label: Restrict to hotspot areas linked_linkmap_page_perma_ids: label: Page links linkmap_areas: label: Link areas linkmap_color_map_image_id: inline_help: Image with colored areas which determine the shape of hotspots. Further instructions can be found in the help entry of the hotspot page type. label: Mask image margin_scrolling_disabled: inline_help: Do not scroll panorama when the cursor moves. label: Disable autoscroll in page margin mobile_info_box_description: label: Description for mobile info box mobile_info_box_title: inline_help: Displayed in phone layout, when no hotspot is selected label: Title for mobile infox box mobile_panorama_navigation: inline_help: Depending on hotspot size and location, it can be hard to locate and click hotspots on phones. You can choose a different mode of navigation to be used in phone layout. Inside the editor, activate phone layout preview to test different options. label: Phone Panorama Navigation values: free: Standard (via drag gesture) pan_zoom: Guided (via left/right swipe gesture) panorama_image_id: inline_help: Image to place hotspots on label: Panorama image panorama_video_id: inline_help: Video to place hotspots on label: Panorama video video_type: panorama_image_id: inline_help: Image displayed instead of panorama video on mobile platforms. label: Panorama image (mobile) visited_image_id: inline_help: A part of this image is displayed inside the areas of hotspots whose target pages have already been visited. label: Visited image page_type_category_name: Links page_type_description: Links with configurable click areas page_type_feature_name: Hotspot page type page_type_name: Hotspots ui: configuration_editor: tabs: appearance: Appearance areas: Areas inline_help: pageflow/linkmap_page/area: color_map_component_id: Colored area inside mask image which determines the shape of the hotspot. color_map_component_id_disabled: Colored area inside mask image which determines the shape of the hotspot. Only available if a mask image has been selected on the hotspot page's 'Files' tab and the panorama type is not 'Hover video'. inverted: Display dark pictograms to improve visibility on light backgrounds. link_title: The description is displayed inside an overlay when the cursor hovers the hotspot. marker: 'Choose the hotspot''s visual appearance. ' name: Choose a label to recognize the link within the overview. This label is for your orientation only and will not be displayed to the reader. page_transition: Choose the animation, that will be used to transition to the link's target page. target_id: Object the hotspot links to. target_type: Choose the type of object the hotspot is supposed to link to.