require 'active_support/core_ext/string' module Hydra module Datastream # Implements Hydra RightsMetadata XML terminology for asserting access permissions class RightsMetadata < ActiveFedora::NokogiriDatastream set_terminology do |t| t.root(:path=>"rightsMetadata", :xmlns=>"", :schema=>"") t.copyright { t.machine { t.uvalicense t.cclicense t.license } t.human_readable(:path=>"human") t.license(:proxy=>[:machine, :license ]) t.cclicense(:proxy=>[:machine, :cclicense ]) } t.access { t.human_readable(:path=>"human") t.machine { t.person } t.person(:proxy=>[:machine, :person])>[:machine, :group]) # accessor :access_person, :term=>[:access, :machine, :person] } t.discover_access(:ref=>[:access], :attributes=>{:type=>"discover"}) t.read_access(:ref=>[:access], :attributes=>{:type=>"read"}) t.edit_access(:ref=>[:access], :attributes=>{:type=>"edit"}) # A bug in OM prevnts us from declaring proxy terms at the root of a Terminology # t.access_person(:proxy=>[:access,:machine,:person]) # t.access_group(:proxy=>[:access,:machine,:group]) t.embargo { t.human_readable(:path=>"human") t.machine{ =>"release") } t.embargo_release_date(:proxy => [:machine, :date]) } end # Generates an empty Mods Article (used when you call without passing in existing xml) def self.xml_template builder = do |xml| xml.rightsMetadata(:version=>"0.1", "xmlns"=>"") { xml.copyright { xml.human xml.machine { xml.uvalicense "no" } } xml.access(:type=>"discover") { xml.human xml.machine } xml.access(:type=>"read") { xml.human xml.machine } xml.access(:type=>"edit") { xml.human xml.machine } xml.embargo{ xml.human xml.machine } } end return builder.doc end # Returns the permissions for the selected person/group # If new_access_level is provided, updates the selected person/group access_level to the one specified # A new_access_level of "none" will remove all access_levels for the selected person/group # @param [Hash] selector hash in format {type => identifier} # @param new_access_level (default nil) # @return Hash in format {type => access_level}. # # ie. # permissions({:person=>"person123"}) # => {"person123"=>"edit"} # permissions({:person=>"person123"}, "read") # => {"person123"=>"read"} # permissions({:person=>"person123"}) # => {"person123"=>"read"} def permissions(selector, new_access_level=nil) type = selector.keys.first.to_sym actor = selector.values.first if new_access_level.nil? xpath = self.class.terminology.xpath_for(:access, type, actor) nodeset = self.find_by_terms(xpath) if nodeset.empty? return "none" else return nodeset.first.ancestors("access").first.attributes["type"].text end else remove_all_permissions(selector) unless new_access_level == "none" access_type_symbol = "#{new_access_level}_access".to_sym result = self.update_values([access_type_symbol, type] => {"-1"=>actor}) end self.dirty = true return new_access_level end end # Reports on which groups have which permissions # @return Hash in format {group_name => group_permissions, group_name => group_permissions} def groups return quick_search_by_type(:group) end # Reports on which groups have which permissions # @return Hash in format {person_name => person_permissions, person_name => person_permissions} def individuals return quick_search_by_type(:person) end # Updates permissions for all of the persons and groups in a hash # @param params ex. {"group"=>{"group1"=>"discover","group2"=>"edit"}, "person"=>{"person1"=>"read","person2"=>"discover"}} # Currently restricts actor type to group or person. Any others will be ignored def update_permissions(params) params.fetch("group", {}).each_pair {|group_id, access_level| self.permissions({"group"=>group_id}, access_level)} params.fetch("person", {}).each_pair {|group_id, access_level| self.permissions({"person"=>group_id}, access_level)} end # @param [Symbol] type (either :group or :person) # @return # This method limits the response to known access levels. Probably runs a bit faster than .permissions(). def quick_search_by_type(type) result = {} [{:discover_access=>"discover"},{:read_access=>"read"},{:edit_access=>"edit"}].each do |access_levels_hash| access_level = access_levels_hash.keys.first access_level_name = access_levels_hash.values.first self.find_by_terms(*[access_level, type]).each do |entry| result[entry.text] = access_level_name end end return result end attr_reader :embargo_release_date def embargo_release_date=(release_date) release_date = release_date.to_s if release_date.is_a? Date begin Date.parse(release_date) rescue return "INVALID DATE" end self.update_values({[:embargo,:machine,:date]=>release_date}) end def embargo_release_date(opts={}) embargo_release_date = self.find_by_terms(*[:embargo,:machine,:date]).first ? self.find_by_terms(*[:embargo,:machine,:date]).first.text : nil if embargo_release_date.present? && opts[:format] && opts[:format] == :solr_date embargo_release_date << "T23:59:59Z" end embargo_release_date end def under_embargo? (embargo_release_date && < embargo_release_date.to_date) ? true : false end def to_solr( super(solr_doc) ::Solrizer::Extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc, "embargo_release_date_dt", embargo_release_date(:format=>:solr_date)) if embargo_release_date solr_doc end private # Purge all access given group/person def remove_all_permissions(selector) return unless ng_xml type = selector.keys.first.to_sym actor = selector.values.first xpath = self.class.terminology.xpath_for(:access, type, actor) nodes_to_purge = self.find_by_terms(xpath) nodes_to_purge.each {|node| node.remove} end end end end