# RSyntaxTree: yet another syntax tree generator in Ruby RSyntaxTree is a graphical syntax tree generator written in the Ruby programming language. It is basically a port of [phpSyntaxTree](http://ironcreek.net/phpsyntaxtree/) created by André Eisenbach. While phpSyntaxTree does not accept **multi-byte characters** as those in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, RSyntaxTree handles text of any language as long as encoded in UTF-8 and fonts have been installed. Additionally, RSyntaxTree can output **symmetrized** tree diagrams, a functionality that is not implemented in phpSyntaxTree. RSyntaxTree consists of an easy-to-use command-line app and a web-based interfaces made with [Sinatra](http://www.sinatrarb.com) web framework. ### Web Interface Working web interface of a previous version of RSyntaxTree is available at http://yohasebe.com/rsyntaxtree . New version will be deployed soon. ### Installation `# gem install rsyntaxtree` ### Usage For the web interface, see Usage section in http://yohasebe.com/rsyntaxtree . For the command-line interface, type `$rsyntaxtree -h` after installation. Here's what you get: RSyntaxTree, (linguistic) syntax tree generator written in Ruby. Usage: rsyntaxtree [options] "[NP [N bracket] [NP notation]]]" where [options] are: --outdir, -o : Output directory (default: present working directory) (default: ./) --format, -f : Output format: png or svg (default: png) --leafstyle, -l : visual style of tree leaves: triangle, bar, or nothing (default: triangle) --fontstyle, -n : Font style: sans-serif, serif, jp-gothic, jp-mincho, cjk (default: cjk) --font, -t : Path to a ttf font used to generate tree --fontsize, -s : Font size: 8-20 (default: 16) --color, -c : Color text and bars: on or off (default: on) --symmetrize, -y : Generate symmetrical, balanced tree: on or off (default: on) --autosub, -a : Put subscript numbers to nodes: on or off (default: off) --version, -v: Print version and exit --help, -h: Show this message ### Development For the latest updates and downloads please visit http://github.com/yohasebe/rsyntaxtree ### Author Yoichiro Hasebe yohasebe@gmail.com ### License RSyntaxTree is distributed under the [MIT License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php).