# Prometheus Ruby Mmap Client This Prometheus library is fork of [Prometheus Ruby Client](https://github.com/prometheus/client_ruby) that uses mmap'ed files to share metrics from multiple processes. This allows efficient metrics processing for Ruby web apps running in multiprocess setups like Unicorn. A suite of instrumentation metric primitives for Ruby that can be exposed through a HTTP interface. Intended to be used together with a [Prometheus server][1]. [![Gem Version][4]](http://badge.fury.io/rb/prometheus-client-mmap) [![Build Status][3]](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/prometheus-client-mmap/commits/master) ## Installation prometheus-client-mmap ships with [precompiled native gems](https://rubygems.org/gems/prometheus-client-mmap). Install the gem via: ```shell gem install prometheus-client-mmap ``` ### Requirements for building from source Building from source requires a number of dependencies: * Rust v1.65+ * clang 5.0 or higher for [bindgen](https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-bindgen/requirements.html) * `make` * A C compiler (for legacy extension, which will be removed soon) ## Usage ### Overview ```ruby require 'prometheus/client' # returns a default registry prometheus = Prometheus::Client.registry # create a new counter metric http_requests = Prometheus::Client::Counter.new(:http_requests, 'A counter of HTTP requests made') # register the metric prometheus.register(http_requests) # equivalent helper function http_requests = prometheus.counter(:http_requests, 'A counter of HTTP requests made') # start using the counter http_requests.increment ``` ## Rust extension This gem now uses a rewritten Rust extension instead of C. implementation that reads the metric files and outputs the multiprocess metrics to text. This implementation is significantly faster than the C extension. ### Rack middleware There are two [Rack][2] middlewares available, one to expose a metrics HTTP endpoint to be scraped by a prometheus server ([Exporter][9]) and one to trace all HTTP requests ([Collector][10]). It's highly recommended to enable gzip compression for the metrics endpoint, for example by including the `Rack::Deflater` middleware. ```ruby # config.ru require 'rack' require 'prometheus/client/rack/collector' require 'prometheus/client/rack/exporter' use Rack::Deflater, if: ->(env, status, headers, body) { body.any? && body[0].length > 512 } use Prometheus::Client::Rack::Collector use Prometheus::Client::Rack::Exporter run ->(env) { [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, ['OK']] } ``` Start the server and have a look at the metrics endpoint: [http://localhost:5000/metrics](http://localhost:5000/metrics). For further instructions and other scripts to get started, have a look at the integrated [example application](examples/rack/README.md). ### Pushgateway The Ruby client can also be used to push its collected metrics to a [Pushgateway][8]. This comes in handy with batch jobs or in other scenarios where it's not possible or feasible to let a Prometheus server scrape a Ruby process. TLS and HTTP basic authentication are supported. ```ruby require 'prometheus/client' require 'prometheus/client/push' registry = Prometheus::Client.registry # ... register some metrics, set/increment/observe/etc. their values # push the registry state to the default gateway Prometheus::Client::Push.new(job: 'my-batch-job').add(registry) # optional: specify a grouping key that uniquely identifies a job instance, and gateway. # # Note: the labels you use in the grouping key must not conflict with labels set on the # metrics being pushed. If they do, an error will be raised. Prometheus::Client::Push.new( job: 'my-batch-job', gateway: 'https://example.domain:1234', grouping_key: { instance: 'some-instance', extra_key: 'foobar' } ).add(registry) # If you want to replace any previously pushed metrics for a given grouping key, # use the #replace method. # # Unlike #add, this will completely replace the metrics under the specified grouping key # (i.e. anything currently present in the pushgateway for the specified grouping key, but # not present in the registry for that grouping key will be removed). # # See https://github.com/prometheus/pushgateway#put-method for a full explanation. Prometheus::Client::Push.new(job: 'my-batch-job').replace(registry) # If you want to delete all previously pushed metrics for a given grouping key, # use the #delete method. Prometheus::Client::Push.new(job: 'my-batch-job').delete ``` ## Metrics The following metric types are currently supported. ### Counter Counter is a metric that exposes merely a sum or tally of things. ```ruby counter = Prometheus::Client::Counter.new(:service_requests_total, '...') # increment the counter for a given label set counter.increment({ service: 'foo' }) # increment by a given value counter.increment({ service: 'bar' }, 5) # get current value for a given label set counter.get({ service: 'bar' }) # => 5 ``` ### Gauge Gauge is a metric that exposes merely an instantaneous value or some snapshot thereof. ```ruby gauge = Prometheus::Client::Gauge.new(:room_temperature_celsius, '...') # set a value gauge.set({ room: 'kitchen' }, 21.534) # retrieve the current value for a given label set gauge.get({ room: 'kitchen' }) # => 21.534 ``` ### Histogram A histogram samples observations (usually things like request durations or response sizes) and counts them in configurable buckets. It also provides a sum of all observed values. ```ruby histogram = Prometheus::Client::Histogram.new(:service_latency_seconds, '...') # record a value histogram.observe({ service: 'users' }, Benchmark.realtime { service.call(arg) }) # retrieve the current bucket values histogram.get({ service: 'users' }) # => { 0.005 => 3, 0.01 => 15, 0.025 => 18, ..., 2.5 => 42, 5 => 42, 10 = >42 } ``` ### Summary Summary, similar to histograms, is an accumulator for samples. It captures Numeric data and provides an efficient percentile calculation mechanism. ```ruby summary = Prometheus::Client::Summary.new(:service_latency_seconds, '...') # record a value summary.observe({ service: 'database' }, Benchmark.realtime { service.call() }) # retrieve the current quantile values summary.get({ service: 'database' }) # => { 0.5 => 0.1233122, 0.9 => 3.4323, 0.99 => 5.3428231 } ``` ## Configuration ### Memory mapped files storage location Set `prometheus_multiproc_dir` environment variable to the path where you want metric files to be stored. Example: ``` prometheus_multiproc_dir=/tmp ``` ## Pitfalls ### PID cardinality In multiprocess setup e.g. running under Unicorn or Puma, having worker process restart often can lead to performance problems when proccesing metric files. By default each process using Prometheus metrics will create a set of files based on that process PID. With high worker churn this will lead to creation of thousands of files and in turn will cause very noticable slowdown when displaying metrics To reduce this problem, a surrogate process id can be used. Set of all such IDs needs have low cardinality, and each process id must be unique among all running process. For Unicorn and Puma a worker id/number can be used to greatly speedup the metrics rendering. If you are using Unicorn, add this line to your `configure` block: ```ruby config.pid_provider = Prometheus::Client::Support::Unicorn.method(:worker_pid_provider) ``` If you are using Puma, add this line to your `configure` block: ```ruby config.pid_provider = Prometheus::Client::Support::Puma.method(:worker_pid_provider) ``` ## Tools ### `bin/parse` This command can be used to parse metric files located on the filesystem just like a metric exporter would. It outputs either `json` formatted raw data or digested data in prometheus `text` format. #### Usage: ```bash $ ./bin/parse -h Usage: parse [options] files... -t, --to-prometheus-text format output using Prometheus text formatter -p, --profile enable profiling -h, --help Show this message ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. ### Releasing a new version To release a new version: 1. Update `lib/prometheus/client/version.rb` with the version number. 1. Update `CHANGELOG.md` with the changes in the release. 1. Create a merge request and merge it to `master`. 1. Push a new tag to the repository. The new version with precompiled, native gems will automatically be published to [RubyGems](https://rubygems.org/gems/prometheus-client-mmap) when the pipeline for the tag completes. [1]: https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus [2]: http://rack.github.io/ [3]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/prometheus-client-mmap/badges/master/pipeline.svg [4]: https://badge.fury.io/rb/prometheus-client.svg [8]: https://github.com/prometheus/pushgateway [9]: lib/prometheus/client/rack/exporter.rb [10]: lib/prometheus/client/rack/collector.rb