# encoding: utf-8 #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "spec_helper") describe Glyph::Reporter do before do delete_project reset_quiet create_project_dir create_project Glyph.file_copy Glyph::SPEC_DIR/'files/document_for_stats.glyph', Glyph::PROJECT/'document.glyph' Glyph.file_copy Glyph::SPEC_DIR/'files/references.glyph', Glyph::PROJECT/'text/references.glyph' Glyph.run! 'generate:document' @a = Glyph::Analyzer.new end def stats(name, *args) @a.stats_for(name, *args) end def rep @r = Glyph::Reporter.new(@a.stats) end after do delete_project_dir end it "should be initialized with stats" do stats :macros lambda { rep }.should_not raise_error end it "should display macro stats" do stats :macros out = stdout_for { rep.display } out.should match "Total Macro Instances: 20" out.should match "-- Used Macro Definitions:" @r.detailed = false out = stdout_for { @r.display } out.should_not match "-- Used Macro Definitions:" end it "should display stats for a single macro" do stats :macro, :section out = stdout_for { rep.display } out.should match "text/a/b/c/markdown.markdown \\(1\\)" out.should match "-- Total Instances: 4" @r.detailed = false out = stdout_for { @r.display } out.should_not match "text/a/b/c/markdown.markdown \\(1\\)" stats :macro, :"=>" out = stdout_for { rep.display } out.should match "alias for: link" end it "should display bookmark stats" do stats :bookmarks out = stdout_for { rep.display } out.should match "-- Total Bookmarks: 6" out.should match "h_1 h_2 md refs toc" out.should match " - h_1 \\(1\\)" @r.detailed = false out = stdout_for { @r.display } out.should_not match "-- Occurrences:" end it "should display stats for a single bookmark" do stats :bookmark, 'refs' out = stdout_for { rep.display } out.should match "===== Bookmark 'refs' \\(header\\)" out.should match " - text/references.glyph \\(1\\)" @r.detailed = false out = stdout_for { @r.display } out.should_not match "-- Referenced in:" end it "should display snippet stats" do stats :snippets out = stdout_for { rep.display } out.should match "-- Total Snippets: 2" end it "should display stats for a single snippet" do stats :snippets stats :snippet, :test out = stdout_for { rep.display } out.should match "-- Total Used Instances: 2" out.should match " - text/references.glyph \\(1\\)" @r.detailed = false out = stdout_for { @r.display } out.should_not match "-- Usage Details:" end it "should display link stats" do stats :links out = stdout_for { rep.display } out.should match "http://www.h3rald.com" out.should match "-- Total Internal Links: 2" @r.detailed = false out = stdout_for { @r.display } out.should_not match " - text/references.glyph (1)" end it "should display stats for a single link" do stats :link, 'h3' out = stdout_for { rep.display } out.should match "===== Links matching \\/h3\\/" out.should match " - http://www.h3rald.com \\(1\\)" @r.detailed = false out = stdout_for { @r.display } out.should_not match " - http://www.h3rald.com \\(1\\)" end it "should display files stats" do stats :files out = stdout_for { rep.display } out.should match "-- Total Files: 6" out.should match "-- /text -- 4" end it "should display global stats" do stats :global out = stdout_for { rep.display } out.should match "-- Total Files: 6" out.should match " - http://www.h3rald.com" out.should match "Total Macro Instances: 20" out.should match "-- Total Snippets: 2" out.should match "h_1 h_2 md refs toc" end end