import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react"; import classnames from "classnames"; import { buildAriaProps, buildCss, buildDataProps, buildHtmlProps } from "../utilities/props"; import { globalProps } from "../utilities/globalProps"; import { GenericObject } from "../types"; import Body from '../pb_body/_body'; import Caption from "../pb_caption/_caption"; import DropdownContainer from "./subcomponents/DropdownContainer"; import DropdownContext from "./context"; import DropdownOption from "./subcomponents/DropdownOption"; import DropdownTrigger from "./subcomponents/DropdownTrigger"; import useDropdown from "./hooks/useDropdown"; import { separateChildComponents, prepareSubcomponents, handleClickOutside, } from "./utilities"; type DropdownProps = { aria?: { [key: string]: string }; autocomplete?: boolean; blankSelection?: string; children?: React.ReactChild[] | React.ReactChild | React.ReactElement[]; className?: string; dark?: boolean; data?: { [key: string]: string }; defaultValue?: GenericObject; error?: string; htmlOptions?: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean | (() => void) }, id?: string; isClosed?: boolean; label?: string; onSelect?: (arg: GenericObject) => null; options: GenericObject; triggerRef?: any; }; const Dropdown = (props: DropdownProps) => { const { aria = {}, autocomplete = false, blankSelection = '', children, className, dark = false, data = {}, defaultValue = {}, error, htmlOptions = {}, id, isClosed = true, label, onSelect, options, triggerRef } = props; const ariaProps = buildAriaProps(aria); const dataProps = buildDataProps(data); const htmlProps = buildHtmlProps(htmlOptions); const classes = classnames( buildCss("pb_dropdown"), globalProps(props), className ); const [isDropDownClosed, setIsDropDownClosed, toggleDropdown] = useDropdown(isClosed); const [filterItem, setFilterItem] = useState(""); const [selected, setSelected] = useState(defaultValue); const [isInputFocused, setIsInputFocused] = useState(false); const [hasTriggerSubcomponent, setHasTriggerSubcomponent] = useState(true); const [hasContainerSubcomponent, setHasContainerSubcomponent] = useState(true); //state for keyboard events const [focusedOptionIndex, setFocusedOptionIndex] = useState(-1); const dropdownRef = useRef(null); const inputRef = useRef(null); const inputWrapperRef = useRef(null); const dropdownContainerRef = useRef(null); const { trigger, container, otherChildren } = separateChildComponents(children); useEffect(() => { // Set the parent element of the trigger to relative to allow for absolute positioning of the dropdown //Only needed for when useDropdown hook used with external trigger if (triggerRef?.current) { const parentElement = triggerRef.current.parentNode; if (parentElement) { = 'relative'; } } // Handle clicks outside the dropdown const handleClick = handleClickOutside({ inputWrapperRef, dropdownContainerRef, setIsDropDownClosed, setFocusedOptionIndex, setIsInputFocused, }); window.addEventListener("click", handleClick); return () => { window.removeEventListener("click", handleClick); }; }, []); useEffect(() => { setHasTriggerSubcomponent(!!trigger); setHasContainerSubcomponent(!!container); }, []); // dropdown to toggle with external control useEffect(() => { setIsDropDownClosed(isClosed) }, [isClosed]) const blankSelectionOption: GenericObject = blankSelection ? [{ label: blankSelection, value: "" }] : []; const optionsWithBlankSelection = blankSelectionOption.concat(options); const filteredOptions = optionsWithBlankSelection?.filter((option: GenericObject) => { const label = typeof option.label === 'string' ? option.label.toLowerCase() : option.label; return String(label).toLowerCase().includes(filterItem.toLowerCase()); }); // For keyboard accessibility: Set focus within dropdown to selected item if it exists useEffect(() => { if (!isDropDownClosed) { let newIndex = 0; if (selected && selected?.label) { const selectedIndex = filteredOptions.findIndex((option: GenericObject) => option.label === selected.label); if (selectedIndex >= 0) { newIndex = selectedIndex; } } setFocusedOptionIndex(newIndex); } }, [isDropDownClosed]); const handleChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent) => { setFilterItem(; setIsDropDownClosed(false); }; const handleOptionClick = (selectedItem: GenericObject) => { setSelected(selectedItem); setFilterItem(""); setIsDropDownClosed(true); onSelect && onSelect(selectedItem); }; const handleWrapperClick = () => { autocomplete && inputRef.current.focus(); toggleDropdown(); }; const handleBackspace = () => { setSelected({}); onSelect && onSelect(null); setFocusedOptionIndex(-1); }; const componentsToRender = prepareSubcomponents({ children, hasTriggerSubcomponent, hasContainerSubcomponent, trigger, container, otherChildren, dark }); return (
{label && }
{ // Debounce to delay the execution to prevent jumpiness in Focus state setTimeout(() => { if (!dropdownRef.current.contains(document.activeElement)) { setIsInputFocused(false); } }, 0); }} onFocus={() => setIsInputFocused(true)} ref={dropdownRef} > {children ? ( <> {, index) => ( {component} ))} ) : ( <> {optionsWithBlankSelection && optionsWithBlankSelection?.map((option: GenericObject) => ( ))} )} {error && }
) }; Dropdown.Option = DropdownOption; Dropdown.Trigger = DropdownTrigger; Dropdown.Container = DropdownContainer; export default Dropdown;