# Beta ## 0.2.0.beta, 0.2.0 - Fix a bug and correctly handle ``serverHost`` event level attribute. Now if an event contains ``serverHost`` attribute, this attribute will be correctly set on the event level and available for "Sources" filtering in the UI. - Plugin doesn't set ``serverHost`` attribute with a fixed value of ``Logstash`` on each event level anymore. If you still want this behavior, you can achieve that with logstash mutate filter. - Session level ``serverHost`` value now defaults to logstash aggregator node hostname (``use_hostname_for_serverhost`` config option now defaults to true). - ``host`` attribute is not removed by default from all the events. By default, logstash adds ``host`` attribute which contains logstash aggregator host to each event. This is now redundant and unncessary with the fixed and improved serverHost behavior (host and serverHost would contain the same value by default). If you want to change this behavior and and still include ``host`` attribute on each event you can do that by setting ``remove_host_attribute_from_events`` config option to false. ## 0.1.26.beta - Add support for new ``json_library`` config option. Valid values are ``stdlib`` (default) are ``jrjackson``. The later may offer 2-4x faster JSON serialization. ## 0.1.23.beta - Add testing support for disabling estimation of serialized event size for each event in the batch. ## 0.1.22.beta - Add new plugin metric for tracking the duration of ``build_multi_event_request_array`` method. - Update internal dependencies (``manticore``) to latest stable version. ## 0.1.21.beta - Fix issue with iterative flattening function when dealing with empty collections. ## 0.1.20.beta - Rewrite flattening function to no longer be recursive, to help avoid maxing out the stack. - Added a configurable value `flattening_max_key_count` to create a limit on how large of a record we can flatten. It limits the maximum amount of keys we can have in the final flattened record. Defaults to unlimited. ## 0.1.19.beta - Undo a change to nested value flattening functionality to keep existing formatting. This change can be re-enabled by setting the `fix_deep_flattening_delimiters` configuration option to true. ## 0.1.18.beta - Add metrics for successfully sent and failed logstash events, and retries. - Make array flattening optional during nested value flattening with the `flatten_nested_arrays` configuration option. ## 0.1.17.beta - Catch errors relating to Bignum conversions present in the ``json`` library and manually convert to string as a workaround. ## 0.1.16.beta - Fix race condition in ``register()`` method. ## 0.1.15.beta - Only call ``send_status`` method at the end of ``multi_receive()`` if there is at least one record in the batch when ``report_status_for_empty_batches`` config option is set to ``false``. - Update ``register()`` method to use a separate short-lived client session for sending initial client status. ## 0.1.14.beta - Add configurable max retries for requests when running into errors. - Add ability to send messages to the dead letter queue if we exhaust all retries and if it is configured. - Log truncated error body for all errors to help with debugging. ## 0.1.13 - Fix synchronization of status message sending code to avoid duplicate logs. ## 0.1.12 - Add logging of successful request retries after an error for additional clarity. - Add debug level logging of request body on error. ## 0.1.11.beta - Fixes to retry mechanisms. - More thorough catching of events, preferring to retry requests rather than crashing the plugin. ## 0.1.10.beta - Switch to shared concurrency to allow the use of multiple worker threads for increased throughput. - Switch HTTP client library to `manticore` to work better with new shared concurrency. ## 0.1.9 - Add support for logging status messages with metrics to stdout in addition to sending this data to Scalyr by setting ``log_status_messages_to_stdout`` config option. By default those lines are logged under INFO log level and you may need to enable / configure pluggin logging as per https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/logging.html. - Update metric reporting code to round float values to 4 decimal points so we also record sub millisecond values for per event metrics. ## 0.1.8 - Add additional metrics. - Correctly handle flatten_nested_values_duration metric - Add support for setting sampling rate for per event level metrics. It defaults to %5 (``0.05``.) - Status log line format has been updated so it doesn't include comma between key=value pair to make parser definition a bit simpler. ## 0.1.7 - Tracking of new statistics such as `multi_receive` method duration and batch sizes. - Addition of percentiles for both existing and new stats. - Add ability to define a parser name for status messages using the `status_parser` configuration option. ## 0.1.6 - Allow for a customer delimiter when flattening values using the `flatten_nested_values_delimiter` configuration option ## 0.1.2 - Remove special treatment of `origin` field in favor of `serverHost` - Change concurrency type to `single` to help guarantee one-time ordered delivery in Scalyr - Change default compression to `deflate` - Don't use aggregator hostname as `serverHost` by default - Update upload request format to match latest Scalyr API - Add `User-Agent` header to Scalyr requests # Alpha ## 0.0.4 - Docs: Set the default_codec doc attribute. ## 0.0.3 - Docs: Add documentation template ## 0.0.2 - Add encoding: utf-8 to spec files. This can help prevent issues during testing. ## 0.0.1 - Plugins were updated to follow the new shutdown semantic, this mainly allows Logstash to instruct input plugins to terminate gracefully, instead of using Thread.raise on the plugins' threads. Ref: https://github.com/elastic/logstash/pull/3895 - Dependency on logstash-core update to 2.0