require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') module YARD; VERSION = '0.5.2'; module Registry; end; end describe 'Bond.load_yard_gems' do def load_yard_gems(*args) args = ['blah'] if args.empty? Bond.load_yard_gems(*args) end it 'prints error if unable to require yard' do Yard.expects(:require).with('yard').raises(LoadError) capture_stderr { load_yard_gems }.should =~ /yard.*not installed/ end it 'prints error if old version of yard' do YARD.send :remove_const, :VERSION YARD::VERSION = '0.5.0' Yard.expects(:require).with('yard') capture_stderr { load_yard_gems }.should =~ /yard.*not installed/ YARD.send :remove_const, :VERSION YARD::VERSION = '0.5.2' end it 'prints error if no yardoc found' do Yard.expects(:require).with('yard') Yard.expects(:find_yardoc).returns(nil) capture_stderr { load_yard_gems('bond') }.should =~ /Didn't.*'bond'.* Unable to find/ end describe 'loads yardoc found by' do before { Yard.expects(:require).at_least(1).with { require 'fileutils'; true } Yard.expects(:create_completion_file) M.expects(:load_file) } it 'registry' do YARD::Registry.expects(:yardoc_file_for_gem).returns('/dir/.yardoc') load_yard_gems end describe 'find_gem_file and' do before { YARD::Registry.expects(:yardoc_file_for_gem).returns(nil) M.expects(:find_gem_file).returns('/dir/blah.rb') } it 'prints building message' do Yard.expects(:system) capture_stdout { load_yard_gems('bond') }.should =~ /Building.*bond's/ end it "caches yardoc by default" do Yard.expects(:system).with {|*args| args.include?('-c') } capture_stdout { load_yard_gems } end it "doesn't cache yardoc with :reload option" do Yard.expects(:system).with {|*args| !args.include?('-c') } capture_stdout { load_yard_gems('blah', :reload=>true) } end it "prints multiple messages with :verbose option" do Yard.expects(:system).with {|*args| !args.include?('-q') } capture_stdout { load_yard_gems('blah', :verbose=>true) }.should =~ /yardoc -n/ end end end describe 'creates completion file' do before { Yard.expects(:require).at_least(1).with { require 'fileutils'; true } Yard.expects(:find_yardoc).returns('/dir/.yardoc') M.expects(:load_file) } it "with :reload option" do File.expects(:exists?).returns(true) Yard.expects(:create_completion_file) load_yard_gems 'blah', :reload=>true end it "with new completion file" do File.expects(:exists?).returns(false) Yard.expects(:create_completion_file) load_yard_gems end describe 'which has' do before { YARD::Registry.expects(:load!) } it 'methods' do Yard.expects(:find_methods_with_options).returns({"Bond::M.start"=>[':one', 'two']}) expected_body = %[complete(:method=>'Bond::M.start') {\n ["one", "two"]\n}] File.expects(:open).yields mock('block') { expects(:write).with(expected_body) } load_yard_gems end it 'no methods' do Yard.expects(:find_methods_with_options).returns({}) File.expects(:open).yields mock('block') { expects(:write).with('') } load_yard_gems end it 'methods that map from #initialize to .new' do Yard.expects(:find_methods_with_options).returns({"Bond::Agent#initialize"=>[':one', 'two']}) expected_body = %[complete(:method=>'') {\n ["one", "two"]\n}] File.expects(:open).yields mock('block') { expects(:write).with(expected_body) } load_yard_gems end end end end