describe "Mocker" do it "should be able to call mock()" do mock = mock("poke me") mock.should_receive(:poke) mock.poke end it "should fail when expected message not received" do mock = mock("poke me") mock.should_receive(:poke) end it "should fail when messages are received out of order" do mock = mock("one two three") mock.should_receive(:one).ordered mock.should_receive(:two).ordered mock.should_receive(:three).ordered mock.three mock.two end it "should get yelled at when sending unexpected messages" do mock = mock("don't talk to me") mock.should_not_receive(:any_message_at_all) mock.any_message_at_all end it "has a bug we need to fix" do pending "here is the bug" do # Actually, no. It's fixed. This will fail because it passes :-) mock = mock("Bug") mock.should_receive(:hello) mock.hello end end end