C0 code coverage information

Generated on Wed Dec 24 11:03:27 -0600 2008 with rcov

Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...
and this: this line is also marked as covered.
Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,
and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).
Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.
Name Total lines Lines of code Total coverage Code coverage
/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/rcov- 988 602
  1 # rcov Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Mauricio Fernandez <mfp@acm.org>
  2 #
  3 # See LEGAL and LICENSE for licensing information.
  5 # NOTE: if you're reading this in the XHTML code coverage report generated by
  6 # rcov, you'll notice that only code inside methods is reported as covered,
  7 # very much like what happens when you run it with --test-unit-only.
  8 # This is due to the fact that we're running rcov on itself: the code below is
  9 # already loaded before coverage tracing is activated, so only code inside
 10 # methods is actually executed under rcov's inspection.
 12 require 'rcov/version'
 14 SCRIPT_LINES__ = {} unless defined? SCRIPT_LINES__
 16 module Rcov
 18 # Rcov::CoverageInfo is but a wrapper for an array, with some additional
 19 # checks. It is returned by FileStatistics#coverage.
 20 class CoverageInfo
 21   def initialize(coverage_array)
 22     @cover = coverage_array.clone
 23   end
 25 # Return the coverage status for the requested line. There are four possible
 26 # return values:
 27 # * nil if there's no information for the requested line (i.e. it doesn't exist)
 28 # * true if the line was reported by Ruby as executed
 29 # * :inferred if rcov inferred it was executed, despite not being reported 
 30 #   by Ruby.
 31 # * false otherwise, i.e. if it was not reported by Ruby and rcov's
 32 #   heuristics indicated that it was not executed
 33   def [](line)
 34     @cover[line]
 35   end
 37   def []=(line, val) # :nodoc:
 38     unless [true, false, :inferred].include? val
 39       raise RuntimeError, "What does #{val} mean?" 
 40     end
 41     return if line < 0 || line >= @cover.size
 42     @cover[line] = val
 43   end
 45 # Return an Array holding the code coverage information.
 46   def to_a
 47     @cover.clone
 48   end
 50   def method_missing(meth, *a, &b) # :nodoc:
 51     @cover.send(meth, *a, &b)
 52   end
 53 end
 55 # A FileStatistics object associates a filename to:
 56 # 1. its source code
 57 # 2. the per-line coverage information after correction using rcov's heuristics
 58 # 3. the per-line execution counts
 59 #
 60 # A FileStatistics object can be therefore be built given the filename, the
 61 # associated source code, and an array holding execution counts (i.e. how many
 62 # times each line has been executed).
 63 #
 64 # FileStatistics is relatively intelligent: it handles normal comments,
 65 # <tt>=begin/=end</tt>, heredocs, many multiline-expressions... It uses a
 66 # number of heuristics to determine what is code and what is a comment, and to
 67 # refine the initial (incomplete) coverage information.
 68 #
 69 # Basic usage is as follows:
 70 #  sf = FileStatistics.new("foo.rb", ["puts 1", "if true &&", "   false", 
 71 #                                 "puts 2", "end"],  [1, 1, 0, 0, 0])
 72 #  sf.num_lines        # => 5
 73 #  sf.num_code_lines   # => 5
 74 #  sf.coverage[2]      # => true
 75 #  sf.coverage[3]      # => :inferred
 76 #  sf.code_coverage    # => 0.6
 77 #                    
 78 # The array of strings representing the source code and the array of execution
 79 # counts would normally be obtained from a Rcov::CodeCoverageAnalyzer.
 80 class FileStatistics
 81   attr_reader :name, :lines, :coverage, :counts
 82   def initialize(name, lines, counts, comments_run_by_default = false)
 83     @name = name
 84     @lines = lines
 85     initial_coverage = counts.map{|x| (x || 0) > 0 ? true : false }
 86     @coverage = CoverageInfo.new initial_coverage
 87     @counts = counts
 88     @is_begin_comment = nil
 89     # points to the line defining the heredoc identifier
 90     # but only if it was marked (we don't care otherwise)
 91     @heredoc_start = Array.new(lines.size, false)
 92     @multiline_string_start = Array.new(lines.size, false)
 93     extend_heredocs
 94     find_multiline_strings
 95     precompute_coverage comments_run_by_default
 96   end
 98   # Merge code coverage and execution count information.
 99   # As for code coverage, a line will be considered
100   # * covered for sure (true) if it is covered in either +self+ or in the 
101   #   +coverage+ array
102   # * considered <tt>:inferred</tt> if the neither +self+ nor the +coverage+ array
103   #   indicate that it was definitely executed, but it was <tt>inferred</tt>
104   #   in either one 
105   # * not covered (<tt>false</tt>) if it was uncovered in both
106   #
107   # Execution counts are just summated on a per-line basis.
108   def merge(lines, coverage, counts)
109     coverage.each_with_index do |v, idx|
110       case @coverage[idx]
111       when :inferred 
112         @coverage[idx] = v || @coverage[idx]
113       when false 
114         @coverage[idx] ||= v
115       end
116     end
117     counts.each_with_index{|v, idx| @counts[idx] += v }
118     precompute_coverage false
119   end
121   # Total coverage rate if comments are also considered "executable", given as
122   # a fraction, i.e. from 0 to 1.0.
123   # A comment is attached to the code following it (RDoc-style): it will be
124   # considered executed if the the next statement was executed.
125   def total_coverage
126     return 0 if @coverage.size == 0
127     @coverage.inject(0.0) {|s,a| s + (a ? 1:0) } / @coverage.size
128   end
130   # Code coverage rate: fraction of lines of code executed, relative to the
131   # total amount of lines of code (loc). Returns a float from 0 to 1.0.
132   def code_coverage
133     indices = (0...@lines.size).select{|i| is_code? i }
134     return 0 if indices.size == 0
135     count = 0
136     indices.each {|i| count += 1 if @coverage[i] }
137     1.0 * count / indices.size
138   end
140   # Number of lines of code (loc).
141   def num_code_lines
142     (0...@lines.size).select{|i| is_code? i}.size
143   end
145   # Total number of lines.
146   def num_lines
147     @lines.size
148   end
150   # Returns true if the given line number corresponds to code, as opposed to a
151   # comment (either # or =begin/=end blocks).
152   def is_code?(lineno)
153     unless @is_begin_comment
154       @is_begin_comment = Array.new(@lines.size, false)
155       pending = []
156       state = :code
157       @lines.each_with_index do |line, index|
158         case state
159         when :code
160           if /^=begin\b/ =~ line
161             state = :comment
162             pending << index
163           end
164         when :comment
165           pending << index
166           if /^=end\b/ =~ line
167             state = :code
168             pending.each{|idx| @is_begin_comment[idx] = true}
169             pending.clear
170           end
171         end
172       end
173     end
174     @lines[lineno] && !@is_begin_comment[lineno] && 
175       @lines[lineno] !~ /^\s*(#|$)/ 
176   end
178   private
180   def find_multiline_strings
181     state = :awaiting_string
182     wanted_delimiter = nil
183     string_begin_line = 0
184     @lines.each_with_index do |line, i|
185       matching_delimiters = Hash.new{|h,k| k} 
186       matching_delimiters.update("{" => "}", "[" => "]", "(" => ")")
187       case state
188       when :awaiting_string
189         # very conservative, doesn't consider the last delimited string but
190         # only the very first one
191         if md = /^[^#]*%(?:[qQ])?(.)/.match(line)
192           wanted_delimiter = /(?!\\).#{Regexp.escape(matching_delimiters[md[1]])}/
193           # check if closed on the very same line
194           # conservative again, we might have several quoted strings with the
195           # same delimiter on the same line, leaving the last one open
196           unless wanted_delimiter.match(md.post_match)
197             state = :want_end_delimiter
198             string_begin_line = i
199           end
200         end
201       when :want_end_delimiter
202         @multiline_string_start[i] = string_begin_line
203         if wanted_delimiter.match(line)
204           state = :awaiting_string
205         end
206       end
207     end
208   end
210   def precompute_coverage(comments_run_by_default = true)
211     changed = false
212     lastidx = lines.size - 1
213     if (!is_code?(lastidx) || /^__END__$/ =~ @lines[-1]) && !@coverage[lastidx]
214       # mark the last block of comments
215       @coverage[lastidx] ||= :inferred
216       (lastidx-1).downto(0) do |i|
217         break if is_code?(i)
218         @coverage[i] ||= :inferred
219       end
220     end
221     (0...lines.size).each do |i|
222       next if @coverage[i]
223       line = @lines[i]
224       if /^\s*(begin|ensure|else|case)\s*(?:#.*)?$/ =~ line && next_expr_marked?(i) or
225         /^\s*(?:end|\})\s*(?:#.*)?$/ =~ line && prev_expr_marked?(i) or
226         /^\s*(?:end\b|\})/ =~ line && prev_expr_marked?(i) && next_expr_marked?(i) or
227         /^\s*rescue\b/ =~ line && next_expr_marked?(i) or
228         /(do|\{)\s*(\|[^|]*\|\s*)?(?:#.*)?$/ =~ line && next_expr_marked?(i) or
229         prev_expr_continued?(i) && prev_expr_marked?(i) or
230         comments_run_by_default && !is_code?(i) or 
231         /^\s*((\)|\]|\})\s*)+(?:#.*)?$/ =~ line && prev_expr_marked?(i) or
232         prev_expr_continued?(i+1) && next_expr_marked?(i)
233         @coverage[i] ||= :inferred
234         changed = true
235       end
236     end
237     (@lines.size-1).downto(0) do |i|
238       next if @coverage[i]
239       if !is_code?(i) and @coverage[i+1] 
240         @coverage[i] = :inferred
241         changed = true
242       end
243     end
245     extend_heredocs if changed
247     # if there was any change, we have to recompute; we'll eventually
248     # reach a fixed point and stop there
249     precompute_coverage(comments_run_by_default) if changed
250   end
252   require 'strscan'
253   def extend_heredocs
254     i = 0
255     while i < @lines.size
256       unless is_code? i
257         i += 1
258         next
259       end
260       #FIXME: using a restrictive regexp so that only <<[A-Z_a-z]\w*
261       # matches when unquoted, so as to avoid problems with 1<<2
262       # (keep in mind that whereas puts <<2 is valid, puts 1<<2 is a
263       # parse error, but  a = 1<<2  is of course fine)
264       scanner = StringScanner.new(@lines[i])
265       j = k = i
266       loop do
267         scanned_text = scanner.search_full(/<<(-?)(?:(['"`])((?:(?!\2).)+)\2|([A-Z_a-z]\w*))/, 
268                                            true, true)
269         # k is the first line after the end delimiter for the last heredoc
270         # scanned so far
271         unless scanner.matched?
272           i = k
273           break
274         end
275         term = scanner[3] || scanner[4]
276         # try to ignore symbolic bitshifts like  1<<LSHIFT
277         ident_text = "<<#{scanner[1]}#{scanner[2]}#{term}#{scanner[2]}"
278         if scanned_text[/\d+\s*#{Regexp.escape(ident_text)}/]
279           # it was preceded by a number, ignore
280           i = k
281           break
282         end
283         must_mark = []
284         end_of_heredoc = (scanner[1] == "-") ? 
285                /^\s*#{Regexp.escape(term)}$/ : /^#{Regexp.escape(term)}$/
286         loop do
287           break if j == @lines.size
288           must_mark << j
289           if end_of_heredoc =~ @lines[j]
290             must_mark.each do |n|
291               @heredoc_start[n] = i
292             end
293             if (must_mark + [i]).any?{|lineidx| @coverage[lineidx]}
294               @coverage[i] ||= :inferred
295               must_mark.each{|lineidx| @coverage[lineidx] ||= :inferred}
296             end
297             # move the "first line after heredocs" index
298             k = (j += 1)
299             break
300           end
301           j += 1
302         end
303       end
305       i += 1
306     end
307   end
309   def next_expr_marked?(lineno)
310     return false if lineno >= @lines.size
311     found = false
312     idx = (lineno+1).upto(@lines.size-1) do |i|
313       next unless is_code? i
314       found = true
315       break i
316     end
317     return false unless found
318     @coverage[idx]
319   end
321   def prev_expr_marked?(lineno)
322     return false if lineno <= 0
323     found = false
324     idx = (lineno-1).downto(0) do |i|
325       next unless is_code? i
326       found = true
327       break i
328     end
329     return false unless found
330     @coverage[idx]
331   end
333   def prev_expr_continued?(lineno)
334     return false if lineno <= 0
335     return false if lineno >= @lines.size
336     found = false
337     if @multiline_string_start[lineno] && 
338       @multiline_string_start[lineno] < lineno
339       return true
340     end
341     # find index of previous code line
342     idx = (lineno-1).downto(0) do |i|
343       if @heredoc_start[i]
344         found = true
345         break @heredoc_start[i] 
346       end
347       next unless is_code? i
348       found = true
349       break i
350     end
351     return false unless found
352     #TODO: write a comprehensive list
353     if is_code?(lineno) && /^\s*((\)|\]|\})\s*)+(?:#.*)?$/.match(@lines[lineno])
354       return true
355     end
356     #FIXME: / matches regexps too
357     # the following regexp tries to reject #{interpolation}
358     r = /(,|\.|\+|-|\*|\/|<|>|%|&&|\|\||<<|\(|\[|\{|=|and|or|\\)\s*(?:#(?![{$@]).*)?$/.match @lines[idx]
359     # try to see if a multi-line expression with opening, closing delimiters
360     # started on that line
361     [%w!( )!].each do |opening_str, closing_str| 
362       # conservative: only consider nesting levels opened in that line, not
363       # previous ones too.
364       # next regexp considers interpolation too
365       line = @lines[idx].gsub(/#(?![{$@]).*$/, "")
366       opened = line.scan(/#{Regexp.escape(opening_str)}/).size
367       closed = line.scan(/#{Regexp.escape(closing_str)}/).size
368       return true if opened - closed > 0
369     end
370     if /(do|\{)\s*\|[^|]*\|\s*(?:#.*)?$/.match @lines[idx]
371       return false
372     end
374     r
375   end
376 end
379 autoload :RCOV__, "rcov/lowlevel.rb"
381 class DifferentialAnalyzer
382   require 'thread'
383   @@mutex = Mutex.new
385   def initialize(install_hook_meth, remove_hook_meth, reset_meth)
386     @cache_state = :wait
387     @start_raw_data = data_default
388     @end_raw_data = data_default
389     @aggregated_data = data_default
390     @install_hook_meth = install_hook_meth
391     @remove_hook_meth= remove_hook_meth
392     @reset_meth= reset_meth
393   end
395   # Execute the code in the given block, monitoring it in order to gather
396   # information about which code was executed.
397   def run_hooked
398     install_hook
399     yield
400   ensure
401     remove_hook
402   end
404   # Start monitoring execution to gather information. Such data will be
405   # collected until #remove_hook is called.
406   #
407   # Use #run_hooked instead if possible.
408   def install_hook
409     @start_raw_data = raw_data_absolute
410     Rcov::RCOV__.send(@install_hook_meth)
411     @cache_state = :hooked
412     @@mutex.synchronize{ self.class.hook_level += 1 }
413   end
415   # Stop collecting information.
416   # #remove_hook will also stop collecting info if it is run inside a
417   # #run_hooked block.
418   def remove_hook
419     @@mutex.synchronize do 
420       self.class.hook_level -= 1
421       Rcov::RCOV__.send(@remove_hook_meth) if self.class.hook_level == 0
422     end
423     @end_raw_data = raw_data_absolute
424     @cache_state = :done
425     # force computation of the stats for the traced code in this run;
426     # we cannot simply let it be if self.class.hook_level == 0 because 
427     # some other analyzer could install a hook, causing the raw_data_absolute
428     # to change again.
429     # TODO: lazy computation of raw_data_relative, only when the hook gets
430     # activated again.
431     raw_data_relative
432   end
434   # Remove the data collected so far. Further collection will start from
435   # scratch.
436   def reset
437     @@mutex.synchronize do
438       if self.class.hook_level == 0
439         # Unfortunately there's no way to report this as covered with rcov:
440         # if we run the tests under rcov self.class.hook_level will be >= 1 !
441         # It is however executed when we run the tests normally.
442         Rcov::RCOV__.send(@reset_meth)
443         @start_raw_data = data_default
444         @end_raw_data = data_default
445       else
446         @start_raw_data = @end_raw_data = raw_data_absolute
447       end
448       @raw_data_relative = data_default
449       @aggregated_data = data_default
450     end
451   end
453   protected
455   def data_default
456     raise "must be implemented by the subclass"
457   end
459   def self.hook_level
460     raise "must be implemented by the subclass"
461   end
463   def raw_data_absolute
464     raise "must be implemented by the subclass"
465   end
467   def aggregate_data(aggregated_data, delta)
468     raise "must be implemented by the subclass"
469   end
471   def compute_raw_data_difference(first, last)
472     raise "must be implemented by the subclass"
473   end
475   private
476   def raw_data_relative
477     case @cache_state
478     when :wait
479       return @aggregated_data
480     when :hooked
481       new_start = raw_data_absolute
482       new_diff = compute_raw_data_difference(@start_raw_data, new_start)
483       @start_raw_data = new_start
484     when :done
485       @cache_state = :wait
486       new_diff = compute_raw_data_difference(@start_raw_data, 
487                                              @end_raw_data)
488     end
490     aggregate_data(@aggregated_data, new_diff)
492     @aggregated_data
493   end
495 end
497 # A CodeCoverageAnalyzer is responsible for tracing code execution and
498 # returning code coverage and execution count information.
499 #
500 # Note that you must <tt>require 'rcov'</tt> before the code you want to
501 # analyze is parsed (i.e. before it gets loaded or required). You can do that
502 # by either invoking ruby with the <tt>-rrcov</tt> command-line option or
503 # just:
504 #  require 'rcov'
505 #  require 'mycode'
506 #  # ....
507 #
508 # == Example
509 #
510 #  analyzer = Rcov::CodeCoverageAnalyzer.new
511 #  analyzer.run_hooked do 
512 #    do_foo  
513 #    # all the code executed as a result of this method call is traced
514 #  end
515 #  # ....
516 #  
517 #  analyzer.run_hooked do 
518 #    do_bar
519 #    # the code coverage information generated in this run is aggregated
520 #    # to the previously recorded one
521 #  end
522 #
523 #  analyzer.analyzed_files   # => ["foo.rb", "bar.rb", ... ]
524 #  lines, marked_info, count_info = analyzer.data("foo.rb")
525 #
526 # In this example, two pieces of code are monitored, and the data generated in
527 # both runs are aggregated. +lines+ is an array of strings representing the 
528 # source code of <tt>foo.rb</tt>. +marked_info+ is an array holding false,
529 # true values indicating whether the corresponding lines of code were reported
530 # as executed by Ruby. +count_info+ is an array of integers representing how
531 # many times each line of code has been executed (more precisely, how many
532 # events where reported by Ruby --- a single line might correspond to several
533 # events, e.g. many method calls).
534 #
535 # You can have several CodeCoverageAnalyzer objects at a time, and it is
536 # possible to nest the #run_hooked / #install_hook/#remove_hook blocks: each
537 # analyzer will manage its data separately. Note however that no special
538 # provision is taken to ignore code executed "inside" the CodeCoverageAnalyzer
539 # class. At any rate this will not pose a problem since it's easy to ignore it
540 # manually: just don't do
541 #   lines, coverage, counts = analyzer.data("/path/to/lib/rcov.rb")
542 # if you're not interested in that information.
543 class CodeCoverageAnalyzer < DifferentialAnalyzer
544   @hook_level = 0
545   # defined this way instead of attr_accessor so that it's covered
546   def self.hook_level      # :nodoc:
547     @hook_level 
548   end   
549   def self.hook_level=(x)  # :nodoc: 
550     @hook_level = x 
551   end 
553   def initialize
554     @script_lines__ = SCRIPT_LINES__
555     super(:install_coverage_hook, :remove_coverage_hook,
556           :reset_coverage)
557   end
559   # Return an array with the names of the files whose code was executed inside
560   # the block given to #run_hooked or between #install_hook and #remove_hook.
561   def analyzed_files
562     update_script_lines__
563     raw_data_relative.select do |file, lines|
564       @script_lines__.has_key?(file)
565     end.map{|fname,| fname}
566   end
568   # Return the available data about the requested file, or nil if none of its
569   # code was executed or it cannot be found.
570   # The return value is an array with three elements:
571   #  lines, marked_info, count_info = analyzer.data("foo.rb")
572   # +lines+ is an array of strings representing the 
573   # source code of <tt>foo.rb</tt>. +marked_info+ is an array holding false,
574   # true values indicating whether the corresponding lines of code were reported
575   # as executed by Ruby. +count_info+ is an array of integers representing how
576   # many times each line of code has been executed (more precisely, how many
577   # events where reported by Ruby --- a single line might correspond to several
578   # events, e.g. many method calls).
579   #
580   # The returned data corresponds to the aggregation of all the statistics
581   # collected in each #run_hooked or #install_hook/#remove_hook runs. You can
582   # reset the data at any time with #reset to start from scratch.
583   def data(filename)
584     raw_data = raw_data_relative
585     update_script_lines__
586     unless @script_lines__.has_key?(filename) && 
587            raw_data.has_key?(filename)
588       return nil 
589     end
590     refine_coverage_info(@script_lines__[filename], raw_data[filename])
591   end
593   # Data for the first file matching the given regexp.
594   # See #data.
595   def data_matching(filename_re)
596     raw_data = raw_data_relative
597     update_script_lines__
599     match = raw_data.keys.sort.grep(filename_re).first
600     return nil unless match
602     refine_coverage_info(@script_lines__[match], raw_data[match])
603   end
605   # Execute the code in the given block, monitoring it in order to gather
606   # information about which code was executed.
607   def run_hooked; super end
609   # Start monitoring execution to gather code coverage and execution count
610   # information. Such data will be collected until #remove_hook is called.
611   #
612   # Use #run_hooked instead if possible.
613   def install_hook; super end
615   # Stop collecting code coverage and execution count information.
616   # #remove_hook will also stop collecting info if it is run inside a
617   # #run_hooked block.
618   def remove_hook; super end
620   # Remove the data collected so far. The coverage and execution count
621   # "history" will be erased, and further collection will start from scratch:
622   # no code is considered executed, and therefore all execution counts are 0.
623   # Right after #reset, #analyzed_files will return an empty array, and
624   # #data(filename) will return nil.
625   def reset; super end
627   def dump_coverage_info(formatters) # :nodoc:
628     update_script_lines__
629     raw_data_relative.each do |file, lines|
630       next if @script_lines__.has_key?(file) == false
631       lines = @script_lines__[file]
632       raw_coverage_array = raw_data_relative[file]
634       line_info, marked_info, 
635         count_info = refine_coverage_info(lines, raw_coverage_array)
636       formatters.each do |formatter|
637         formatter.add_file(file, line_info, marked_info, count_info)
638       end
639     end
640     formatters.each{|formatter| formatter.execute}
641   end
643   private
645   def data_default; {} end
647   def raw_data_absolute
648     Rcov::RCOV__.generate_coverage_info
649   end
651   def aggregate_data(aggregated_data, delta)
652     delta.each_pair do |file, cov_arr|
653       dest = (aggregated_data[file] ||= Array.new(cov_arr.size, 0))
654       cov_arr.each_with_index{|x,i| dest[i] += x}
655     end
656   end
658   def compute_raw_data_difference(first, last)
659     difference = {}
660     last.each_pair do |fname, cov_arr|
661       unless first.has_key?(fname)
662         difference[fname] = cov_arr.clone
663       else
664         orig_arr = first[fname]
665         diff_arr = Array.new(cov_arr.size, 0)
666         changed = false
667         cov_arr.each_with_index do |x, i|
668           diff_arr[i] = diff = (x || 0) - (orig_arr[i] || 0)
669           changed = true if diff != 0
670         end
671         difference[fname] = diff_arr if changed
672       end
673     end
674     difference
675   end
678   def refine_coverage_info(lines, covers)
679     marked_info = []
680     count_info = []
681     lines.size.times do |i|
682       c = covers[i]
683       marked_info << ((c && c > 0) ? true : false)
684       count_info << (c || 0)
685     end
687     script_lines_workaround(lines, marked_info, count_info)
688   end
690   # Try to detect repeated data, based on observed repetitions in line_info:
691   # this is a workaround for SCRIPT_LINES__[filename] including as many copies
692   # of the file as the number of times it was parsed.
693   def script_lines_workaround(line_info, coverage_info, count_info)
694     is_repeated = lambda do |div|
695       n = line_info.size / div
696       break false unless line_info.size % div == 0 && n > 1
697       different = false
698       n.times do |i|
699         if (0...div).map{|j| line_info[i+j*n]}.uniq.size != 1
700           different = true
701           break
702         end
703       end
705       ! different
706     end
708     factors = braindead_factorize(line_info.size)
709     factors.each do |n|
710       if is_repeated[n]
711         line_info = line_info[0, line_info.size / n]
712         coverage_info = coverage_info[0, coverage_info.size / n]
713         count_info = count_info[0, count_info.size / n]
714       end
715     end if factors.size > 1   # don't even try if it's prime
717     [line_info, coverage_info, count_info]
718   end
720   def braindead_factorize(num)
721     return [0] if num == 0
722     return [-1] + braindead_factorize(-num) if num < 0
723     factors = []
724     while num % 2 == 0
725       factors << 2
726       num /= 2
727     end
728     size = num
729     n = 3
730     max = Math.sqrt(num)
731     while n <= max && n <= size
732       while size % n == 0
733         size /= n
734         factors << n
735       end
736       n += 2
737     end
738     factors << size if size != 1
739     factors
740   end
742   def update_script_lines__
743     @script_lines__ = @script_lines__.merge(SCRIPT_LINES__)
744   end
746   public
747   def marshal_dump # :nodoc:
748     # @script_lines__ is updated just before serialization so as to avoid
749     # missing files in SCRIPT_LINES__
750     ivs = {}
751     update_script_lines__
752     instance_variables.each{|iv| ivs[iv] = instance_variable_get(iv)}
753     ivs
754   end
756   def marshal_load(ivs) # :nodoc:
757     ivs.each_pair{|iv, val| instance_variable_set(iv, val)}
758   end
760 end # CodeCoverageAnalyzer
762 # A CallSiteAnalyzer can be used to obtain information about:
763 # * where a method is defined ("+defsite+")
764 # * where a method was called from ("+callsite+")
765 #
766 # == Example
767 # <tt>example.rb</tt>:
768 #  class X
769 #    def f1; f2 end
770 #    def f2; 1 + 1 end
771 #    def f3; f1 end
772 #  end
773 #
774 #  analyzer = Rcov::CallSiteAnalyzer.new
775 #  x = X.new
776 #  analyzer.run_hooked do 
777 #    x.f1 
778 #  end
779 #  # ....
780 #  
781 #  analyzer.run_hooked do 
782 #    x.f3
783 #    # the information generated in this run is aggregated
784 #    # to the previously recorded one
785 #  end
786 #
787 #  analyzer.analyzed_classes        # => ["X", ... ]
788 #  analyzer.methods_for_class("X")  # => ["f1", "f2", "f3"]
789 #  analyzer.defsite("X#f1")         # => DefSite object
790 #  analyzer.callsites("X#f2")       # => hash with CallSite => count
791 #                                   #    associations
792 #  defsite = analyzer.defsite("X#f1")
793 #  defsite.file                     # => "example.rb"
794 #  defsite.line                     # => 2
795 #
796 # You can have several CallSiteAnalyzer objects at a time, and it is
797 # possible to nest the #run_hooked / #install_hook/#remove_hook blocks: each
798 # analyzer will manage its data separately. Note however that no special
799 # provision is taken to ignore code executed "inside" the CallSiteAnalyzer
800 # class. 
801 #
802 # +defsite+ information is only available for methods that were called under
803 # the inspection of the CallSiteAnalyzer, i.o.w. you will only have +defsite+
804 # information for those methods for which callsite information is
805 # available.
806 class CallSiteAnalyzer < DifferentialAnalyzer
807   # A method definition site.
808   class DefSite < Struct.new(:file, :line)
809   end
811   # Object representing a method call site.
812   # It corresponds to a part of the callstack starting from the context that
813   # called the method.   
814   class CallSite < Struct.new(:backtrace)
815     # The depth of a CallSite is the number of stack frames
816     # whose information is included in the CallSite object.
817     def depth
818       backtrace.size
819     end
821     # File where the method call originated.
822     # Might return +nil+ or "" if it is not meaningful (C extensions, etc).
823     def file(level = 0)
824       stack_frame = backtrace[level]
825       stack_frame ? stack_frame[2] : nil
826     end
828     # Line where the method call originated.
829     # Might return +nil+ or 0 if it is not meaningful (C extensions, etc).
830     def line(level = 0)
831       stack_frame = backtrace[level]
832       stack_frame ? stack_frame[3] : nil
833     end
835     # Name of the method where the call originated.
836     # Returns +nil+ if the call originated in +toplevel+.
837     # Might return +nil+ if it could not be determined.
838     def calling_method(level = 0)
839       stack_frame = backtrace[level]
840       stack_frame ? stack_frame[1] : nil
841     end
843     # Name of the class holding the method where the call originated.
844     # Might return +nil+ if it could not be determined.
845     def calling_class(level = 0)
846       stack_frame = backtrace[level]
847       stack_frame ? stack_frame[0] : nil
848     end
849   end
851   @hook_level = 0
852   # defined this way instead of attr_accessor so that it's covered
853   def self.hook_level      # :nodoc:
854     @hook_level 
855   end   
856   def self.hook_level=(x)  # :nodoc: 
857     @hook_level = x 
858   end 
860   def initialize
861     super(:install_callsite_hook, :remove_callsite_hook,
862           :reset_callsite)
863   end
865   # Classes whose methods have been called.
866   # Returns an array of strings describing the classes (just klass.to_s for
867   # each of them). Singleton classes are rendered as:
868   #   #<Class:MyNamespace::MyClass>
869   def analyzed_classes
870     raw_data_relative.first.keys.map{|klass, meth| klass}.uniq.sort
871   end
873   # Methods that were called for the given class. See #analyzed_classes for
874   # the notation used for singleton classes.
875   # Returns an array of strings or +nil+
876   def methods_for_class(classname)
877     a = raw_data_relative.first.keys.select{|kl,_| kl == classname}.map{|_,meth| meth}.sort
878     a.empty? ? nil : a
879   end
880   alias_method :analyzed_methods, :methods_for_class
882   # Returns a hash with <tt>CallSite => call count</tt> associations or +nil+
883   # Can be called in two ways:
884   #   analyzer.callsites("Foo#f1")         # instance method
885   #   analyzer.callsites("Foo.g1")         # singleton method of the class
886   # or
887   #   analyzer.callsites("Foo", "f1")
888   #   analyzer.callsites("#<class:Foo>", "g1")
889   def callsites(classname_or_fullname, methodname = nil)
890     rawsites = raw_data_relative.first[expand_name(classname_or_fullname, methodname)]
891     return nil unless rawsites
892     ret = {}
893     # could be a job for inject but it's slow and I don't mind the extra loc
894     rawsites.each_pair do |backtrace, count|
895       ret[CallSite.new(backtrace)] = count
896     end
897     ret
898   end
900   # Returns a DefSite object corresponding to the given method
901   # Can be called in two ways:
902   #   analyzer.defsite("Foo#f1")         # instance method
903   #   analyzer.defsite("Foo.g1")         # singleton method of the class
904   # or
905   #   analyzer.defsite("Foo", "f1")
906   #   analyzer.defsite("#<class:Foo>", "g1")
907   def defsite(classname_or_fullname, methodname = nil)
908     file, line = raw_data_relative[1][expand_name(classname_or_fullname, methodname)]
909     return nil unless file && line
910     DefSite.new(file, line)
911   end
913   private
915   def expand_name(classname_or_fullname, methodname = nil)
916     if methodname.nil?
917       case classname_or_fullname
918       when /(.*)#(.*)/: classname, methodname = $1, $2
919       when /(.*)\.(.*)/: classname, methodname = "#<Class:#{$1}>", $2
920       else
921         raise ArgumentError, "Incorrect method name"
922       end
924       return [classname, methodname]
925     end
927     [classname_or_fullname, methodname]
928   end
930   def data_default; [{}, {}] end
932   def raw_data_absolute
933     raw, method_def_site = RCOV__.generate_callsite_info
934     ret1 = {}
935     ret2 = {}
936     raw.each_pair do |(klass, method), hash|
937       begin  
938         key = [klass.to_s, method.to_s]
939         ret1[key] = hash.clone #Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(hash))
940         ret2[key] = method_def_site[[klass, method]]
941       #rescue Exception
942       end
943     end
945     [ret1, ret2]
946   end
948   def aggregate_data(aggregated_data, delta)
949     callsites1, defsites1 = aggregated_data
950     callsites2, defsites2 = delta
952     callsites2.each_pair do |(klass, method), hash|
953       dest_hash = (callsites1[[klass, method]] ||= {})
954       hash.each_pair do |callsite, count|
955         dest_hash[callsite] ||= 0
956         dest_hash[callsite] += count
957       end
958     end
960     defsites1.update(defsites2)
961   end
963   def compute_raw_data_difference(first, last)
964     difference = {}
965     default = Hash.new(0)
967     callsites1, defsites1 = *first
968     callsites2, defsites2 = *last
970     callsites2.each_pair do |(klass, method), hash|
971       old_hash = callsites1[[klass, method]] || default
972       hash.each_pair do |callsite, count|
973         diff = hash[callsite] - (old_hash[callsite] || 0)
974         if diff > 0
975           difference[[klass, method]] ||= {}
976           difference[[klass, method]][callsite] = diff
977         end
978       end
979     end
981     [difference, defsites1.update(defsites2)]
982   end
984 end
986 end # Rcov
988 # vi: set sw=2:

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