 * jQuery MotionCAPTCHA Plugin CSS v1.0
 * Concept and Development by Joss Crowcroft
 * http://www.josscrowcroft.com
 * Adapted and modified by Manuel Fernandez
 * http://papayalabs.github.io
 * Copyright (c) 2017 Papaya Labs | http://papayalabs.github.io
 * Incoporates other open source projects, attributed below.
 * Only these rules are absolutely necessary for the plugin.
 * NB. The width & height of the canvas can be flexible to fit your layout but there's a recommended min/max
 * - if you need it much bigger/smaller, you could tweak the background-positions of the shape classes.

/* The canvas: */
#mc-canvas {
	width:220px;  /* For best results, set width to between 210px and 240px */
	height:154px; /* For best results, set height to between 140px and 170px */
	background:#fff -9999px -9999px no-repeat;
	background-image: url('motionCaptcha-shapes.jpg') !important;
	display: block;
	border: 4px solid #433e45;
	-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
	   -moz-border-radius: 4px;
			border-radius: 4px;

#mc-canvas.mc-invalid {
	border: 4px solid #aa4444;
/* Green border when valid */
#mc-canvas.mc-valid {
	border: 4px solid #44aa44;
/* The shapes: */
#mc-canvas.triangle     { background-position:  10px   10px }
#mc-canvas.x            { background-position:-200px   10px }
#mc-canvas.rectangle    { background-position:-400px   10px }
#mc-canvas.circle       { background-position:-600px   10px }
#mc-canvas.check        { background-position:  10px -150px }
#mc-canvas.caret        { background-position:-200px -150px }
#mc-canvas.zigzag       { background-position:-400px -150px }
#mc-canvas.arrow        { background-position:-600px -150px }
#mc-canvas.leftbracket  { background-position:  10px -300px }
#mc-canvas.rightbracket { background-position:-200px -300px }
#mc-canvas.v            { background-position:-400px -300px }
#mc-canvas.delete       { background-position:-600px -300px }
#mc-canvas.leftbrace    { background-position:  10px -450px }
#mc-canvas.rightbrace   { background-position:-200px -450px }
#mc-canvas.star         { background-position:-400px -450px }
#mc-canvas.pigtail      { background-position:-600px -450px }