(function (scope) { var ephox = scope.ephox = scope.ephox || {}; var bolt = ephox.bolt = ephox.bolt || {}; var def = function (deps, factory) { return factory.apply(null, deps); }; var kernel = bolt.kernel = bolt.kernel || {}; kernel.api = kernel.api || {}; kernel.async = kernel.api || {}; kernel.fp = kernel.fp || {}; kernel.modulator = kernel.modulator || {}; kernel.module = kernel.module || {}; kernel.fp.array = def( [ ], function () { var equals = function (a1, a2) { if (a1.length !== a2.length) return false; for (var i = 0; i < a1.length; ++i) if (a1[i] !== a2[i]) return false; return true; }; var forall = function (a, f) { var fn = f || function (x) { return x === true; }; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) if (fn(a[i]) !== true) return false; return true; }; var map = function (a, f) { var r = []; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) r.push(f(a[i], i)); return r; }; var flatten = function (a) { var r = []; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) r = r.concat(a[i]); return r; }; var flatmap = function (a, f) { return flatten(map(a, f)); }; var filter = function (a, f) { var r = []; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) if (f(a[i])) r.push(a[i]); return r; }; var each = map; var contains = function (a, x) { return !forall(a, function (v) { return v !== x; }); }; var indexof = function (a, x) { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) if (a[i] === x) return i; return -1; }; return { equals: equals, forall: forall, map: map, flatten: flatten, flatmap: flatmap, filter: filter, each: each, contains: contains, indexof: indexof }; } ); kernel.fp.object = def( [ ], function () { var map = function (o, f) { var r = {}; for (var i in o) if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) r[i] = f(i, o[i]); return r; }; var each = map; var merge = function (d, s) { each(s, function (k, v) { d[k] = v; }); }; var keys = function (o) { var r = []; each(o, function (k) { r.push(k); }); return r; }; return { each: each, keys: keys, map: map, merge: merge }; } ); kernel.fp.functions = def( [ ], function () { var curry = function (f) { var slice = Array.prototype.slice; var args = slice.call(arguments, 1); return function () { var all = args.concat(slice.call(arguments, 0)); return f.apply(null, all); }; }; var not = function (z) { return function () { var slice = Array.prototype.slice; return !z.apply(null, slice.call(arguments, 0)); }; }; var apply = function (f) { var slice = Array.prototype.slice; return f.apply(null, slice.call(arguments, 0)); }; return { curry: curry, not: not, apply: apply }; } );kernel.async.map = def( [ kernel.fp.array ], function (ar) { var amap = function (data, f, oncomplete) { var total = data.length; var count = 0; var results = []; ar.each(data, function (datum, i) { f(datum, function (result) { ++count; results[i] = result; if (count === total) oncomplete(results); }); }); }; return { amap: amap }; } ); /** * This module has a dual responsibility: * 1. Ensures that asynchronous function calls, 'f', that share the same * 'key' are not executed in parallel. * 2. In the case where an attempt to call in parallel is prevented, * the 'action' callbacks are executed when the asynchronous call is * completed. * * Example: * When we async-map to remotely fetch module definition, it is * important that only a single define is evaluated, but the * notification that the definition has completed is propagated * to all interested parties. * * 1. we require dependencies 'x' and 'y' * * 2. both x and y are defined in the same file (i.e. compiled together), 'a.js'. * * 3. we resolve x and y, to their load spec using a modulator * x_spec = {load: function () { -- load a.js -- }, url: a.js, serial: false}; * y_spec = {load: function () { -- load a.js -- }, url: a.js, serial: false}; * * 4. we make the piggyback call for x: * piggybacker.piggyback(x_spec.url, x_spec.load, xdone); * * this will register the 'xdone' action, and actually * trigger the load call, with a synthetic callback * responsible for triggering all registered actions. * * 5. we make the piggyback call for y: * piggybacker.piggyback(y_spec.url, y_spec.load, ydone); * * this will register the 'ydone' action, but NOT trigger * the load call. * * 6. the load call completes, and calls the synthetic callback, * which is responsible for triggering both 'xdone' and 'ydone'. * * 7. something else happens that means we have to load 'a.js' again, * the piggybacker DOES NOT prevent this call, and will follow * the above process. */ kernel.async.piggybacker = def( [ kernel.fp.array, kernel.fp.functions ], function (ar, fn) { var create = function () { var queue = {}; // key -> [actions] var process = function (key) { var actions = queue[key]; delete queue[key]; ar.each(actions, fn.apply); }; var piggyback = function (key, f, action) { if (queue[key] === undefined) { queue[key] = [ action ]; f(fn.curry(process, key)); } else { queue[key].push(action); } }; return { piggyback: piggyback }; }; return { create: create }; } ); kernel.modulator.globalator = def( [ ], function () { var create = function () { // FIX pull out var resolve = function (name, scope) { var parts = name.split('.'); var r = scope; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length && r !== undefined; ++i) r = r[parts[i]]; return r; }; var global = Function('return this')(); var can = function (id) { return id.indexOf('global!') === 0; }; var get = function (id, define, require) { var name = id.substring('global!'.length); var load = function (onsuccess, onfailure) { var instance = resolve(name, global); if (instance !== undefined) { define(id, [], function () { return instance; }); onsuccess(); } else { onfailure('Modulator error: could not resolve global [' + name + ']'); } }; return { url: id, // this just needs to be unique, no download required. load: load, serial: true }; }; return { can: can, get: get } }; return { create: create }; } ); kernel.modulator.bolt = def( [ kernel.fp.functions ], function (fn) { var create = function (loader, pather, namespace, path, idTransformer, options) { var can = function (id) { return id === namespace || id.indexOf(namespace + '.') === 0 || id.indexOf(namespace + '/') === 0; }; var get = function (id) { var before = options !== undefined && options.absolute === true ? path : pather(path); var after = options !== undefined && options.fresh === true ? '?cachebuster=' + new Date().getTime() : ''; var url = before + "/" + idTransformer(id) + '.js' + after; var load = fn.curry(loader.load, url); return { url: url, load: load, serial: false }; }; return { can: can, get: get }; }; return { create: create }; } );kernel.module.stratifier = def( [ kernel.fp.array ], function (ar) { var stratify = function (specs) { var parallels = ar.filter(specs, function (spec) { return !spec.serial; }); return parallels.length > 0 ? parallels : specs.slice(0, 1); }; return { stratify: stratify }; } ); /** * This module performs dependency analysis of strings that depend on sets of * strings. * * The input is an array of root strings to start analysis from, and an object * that contains a mapping of each string to the strings it depends on. * * Performing an analysis results in either: * 1. an empty array, indicating that all dependencies are satisfied, * 2. an array of strings that are, at the minimum, still needed in order to * satisfy the given dependency trees, or * 3. an array of strings that form a dependency cycle. */ kernel.module.analyser = def( [ kernel.fp.array ], function (array) { var collect = function (path, name) { var i = array.indexof(path, name); var p = path.slice(i); return p.concat([name]); }; /** * @param {array} roots Contains a list of root ids * @param {object} modules Contains dependency information in format: { id: [ 'id1', 'id2' ] } */ var analyse = function (roots, modules) { var done = {}; var path = []; var missing = []; var cycle; var children = function (name) { array.each(modules[name], attempt); }; var examine = function (name) { if (modules[name]) children(name); else missing.push(name); }; var descend = function (name) { path.push(name); examine(name); path.pop(); }; var decycle = function (name) { if (array.contains(path, name)) cycle = collect(path, name); else descend(name); }; var attempt = function (name) { if (!done[name]) { decycle(name); done[name] = true; } }; array.each(roots, attempt); return cycle ? { cycle: cycle } : { load: missing }; }; return { analyse: analyse }; } ); kernel.module.fetcher = def( [ kernel.fp.array, kernel.fp.functions, kernel.async.map, kernel.async.piggybacker, kernel.module.stratifier ], function (ar, fn, map, piggybacker, stratifier) { var create = function (regulator, validator, onerror, define, require, demand) { var piggyback = piggybacker.create(); var validate = function (onsuccess, results) { var failed = ar.filter(results, fn.not(validator)); if (failed.length > 0) onerror('Fetcher error: modules were not defined: ' + failed.join(', ')); else onsuccess(); }; var mapper = function (spec, onresult) { var action = fn.curry(onresult, spec.id); var load = function (callback) { spec.load(callback, onerror); }; piggyback.piggyback(spec.url, load, action); }; var asyncfetch = function (specs, onsuccess) { var oncomplete = fn.curry(validate, onsuccess); var strata = stratifier.stratify(specs); map.amap(strata, mapper, oncomplete); }; var fetch = function (ids, onsuccess) { regulator.regulate(ids, define, require, demand, function (specs) { asyncfetch(specs, onsuccess); }, onerror); }; return { fetch: fetch }; }; return { create: create }; } ); kernel.module.loader = def( [ kernel.module.analyser ], function (analyser) { var load = function (roots, deps, fetcher, oncontinue, onsuccess, onerror) { var result = analyser.analyse(roots, deps); if (result.cycle) onerror('Dependency error: a circular module dependency exists from ' + result.cycle.join(' ~> ')); else if (result.load.length === 0) onsuccess(); else fetcher.fetch(result.load, oncontinue); }; return { load: load }; } ); kernel.module.manager = def( [ kernel.fp.array, kernel.fp.object, kernel.module.loader, kernel.module.fetcher ], function (ar, obj, loader, fetcher) { var create = function (regulator, onerror) { var blueprints = {}; // id -> { id: string, dependencies: [ string ], definition: function } var modules = {}; // id -> module // Adds a module to the system. var define = function (id, dependencies, definition) { if (id === undefined) onerror("Define error: module id can not be undefined"); else if (blueprints[id] !== undefined) onerror("Define error: module '" + id + "' is already defined"); else blueprints[id] = { id: id, dependencies: dependencies, definition: definition }; }; // Loads a set of modules asynchronously. var require = function (ids, callback) { var onsuccess = function () { var instances = ar.map(ids, demand); callback.apply(null, instances); }; var oncontinue = function () { var deps = obj.map(blueprints, function (k, v) { return v.dependencies; }); loader.load(ids, deps, fetch, oncontinue, onsuccess, onerror); }; oncontinue(); }; // Instantiates a module and all of its dependencies. var demand = function (id) { if (modules[id] !== undefined) return modules[id]; if (blueprints[id] === undefined) throw "module '" + id + "' is not defined"; var result = instantiate(id); if (result === undefined) throw "module '" + id + "' returned undefined from definition function"; modules[id] = result; return result; }; var instantiate = function (id) { var blueprint = blueprints[id]; var args = ar.map(blueprint.dependencies, demand); // Instantiate dependencies return blueprint.definition.apply(null, args); // Instantiate self }; var validator = function (id) { return blueprints[id] !== undefined; }; var fetch = fetcher.create(regulator, validator, onerror, define, require, demand); return { define: define, require: require, demand: demand }; }; return { create: create }; } ); kernel.api.sources = def( [ kernel.fp.array, kernel.fp.object, kernel.modulator.globalator ], function (ar, obj, globalator) { var create = function (builtins, configuration) { var data = { 'global': { instance: globalator } }; obj.each(builtins, function (key, value) { data[key] = { instance: value }; }); ar.each(configuration.types, function (spec) { data[spec.type] = { id: spec.modulator }; }); var sourcespecs = configuration.sources.slice(0); var sources = [ globalator.create() ]; var guard = function (type) { if (data[type] === undefined) throw 'Unknown modulator type [' + type + '].'; }; var isResolved = function (type) { guard(type); return data[type].instance !== undefined; }; var idOf = function (type) { guard(type); return data[type].id; }; var instanceOf = function (type) { guard(type); return data[type].instance; }; var register = function (type, instance) { guard(type); data[type].instance = instance; }; var find = function (id) { for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; ++i) if (sources[i].can(id)) return { found: sources[i] }; return { notfound: true }; }; var crank = function () { var left = []; ar.each(sourcespecs, function (spec) { if (isResolved(spec.type)) { var instance = instanceOf(spec.type); var source = instance.create.apply(null, spec.args); sources.push(source); } else left.push(spec); }); sourcespecs = left; }; return { isResolved: isResolved, idOf: idOf, instanceOf: instanceOf, register: register, find: find, crank: crank }; }; return { create: create }; } ); kernel.api.regulator = def( [ kernel.fp.array, kernel.fp.functions ], function (ar, fn) { var create = function (sources) { /* * 1. Resolve configuration as much as possible * 2. Check for unresolved modulator types that are required to continue. * a) Go ahead and resolve, if we have everything we need. * b) Delay, requiring the modulators, then retry. */ var regulate = function (ids, define, require, demand, onsuccess, onerror) { sources.crank(); var required = ar.map(ids, determinetype); var unresolved = ar.filter(required, fn.not(sources.isResolved)); if (unresolved.length === 0) resolve(ids, define, require, demand, onsuccess, onerror); else delay(unresolved, ids, define, require, demand, onsuccess, onerror); }; var resolve = function (ids, define, require, demand, onsuccess, onerror) { var r = []; for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) { var id = ids[i]; var source = sources.find(id); if (source.notfound) { onerror('Could not find source for module [' + id + ']'); return; } var spec = source.found.get(id, define, require, demand); r[i] = build(id, spec); } onsuccess(r); }; var build = function (id, spec) { return { id: id, url: spec.url, load: spec.load, serial: spec.serial }; }; var delay = function (types, ids, define, require, demand, onsuccess, onerror) { var modulatorids = ar.map(types, sources.idOf); require(modulatorids, function (/* modulators */) { var modulators = arguments; ar.each(types, function (type, i) { sources.register(type, modulators[i]); }); regulate(ids, define, require, demand, onsuccess, onerror); }); }; var determinetype = function (id) { var index = id.indexOf('!'); return index === -1 ? 'bolt' : id.substring(0, index); }; return { regulate: regulate }; }; return { create: create }; } ); kernel.api.config = def( [ kernel.module.manager, kernel.api.regulator, kernel.api.sources ], function (manager, regulator, sources) { var configure = function (configuration, builtins, onerror) { var s = sources.create(builtins, configuration); var r = regulator.create(s); var engine = manager.create(r, onerror); return { define: engine.define, require: engine.require, demand: engine.demand }; }; return { configure: configure }; } ); })(Function('return this')()); (function (scope) { var ephox = scope.ephox = scope.ephox || {}; var bolt = ephox.bolt = ephox.bolt || {}; var def = function (deps, factory) { return factory.apply(null, deps); }; var loader = bolt.loader = bolt.loader || {}; loader.executor = loader.executor || {}; loader.api = loader.api || {}; loader.transporter = loader.transporter || {}; loader.tag = loader.tag || {}; loader.tag.script = def( [ ], function () { var guard = function (callback) { return function (evt) { if (evt.srcElement.readyState === "loaded" || evt.srcElement.readyState === "complete") callback(); }; }; var ie = function (el) { return el.attachEvent && !window.opera; }; var onload = function (el, callback) { if (ie(el)) el.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", guard(callback)); else el.addEventListener("load", callback, false); }; var createtag = function (callback) { var el = document.createElement("script"); el.type = "text/javascript"; onload(el, callback); return el; }; var insert = function (decorator, callback) { var el = createtag(callback); decorator(el); var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; head.appendChild(el); }; return { insert: insert }; } ); loader.transporter.commonjs = def( [ ], function () { var read = function (url, success, error) { var fs = require('fs'); fs.exists(url, function (exists) { if (exists) fs.readFile(url, 'UTF-8', function (err, data) { if (err) error('Error reading file [' + url + '], error [' + err + ']'); else success(data); }); else error('File does not exist [' + url + ']'); }); }; return { read: read }; } ); loader.transporter.xhr = def( [ ], function () { var requestObject = function () { // Correct way to use XMLHttpRequest in IE: // http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2006/01/23/516393.aspx var factories = [ function () { return new XMLHttpRequest() }, function () { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } ]; return fallback(factories); }; var fallback = function (items) { for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) { try { return items[i](); } catch (e) { } } }; var handler = function (req, url, success, error) { return function () { if (req.readyState === 4) done(req, url, success, error); }; }; var done = function (req, url, success, error) { if (req.status === 200 || req.status === 304) success(req.responseText); else error('Transport error: ' + req.status + ' ' + req.statusText + ' for resource: "' + url + '"'); }; var getUrl = function (req, url, success, error) { req.open('GET', url, true); req.onreadystatechange = handler(req, url, success, error); req.send(); }; var request = function (url, success, error) { var req = requestObject(); if (req) getUrl(req, url, success, error); else error('Transport error: browser does not support XMLHttpRequest.'); }; return { request: request }; } ); loader.executor.evaller = def( [ ], function () { var execute = function (data, onsuccess, onfailure) { try { eval(data); } catch(e) { onfailure(e); return; } onsuccess(); }; return { execute: execute }; } ); loader.executor.injector = def( [ loader.tag.script ], function (script) { var execute = function (data, onsuccess, onfailure) { var inject = function (tag) { tag.text = data; }; var noop = function () {}; // Injection does not fire events, but execution happens synchronously, // so we just make an explicit callback script.insert(inject, noop); onsuccess(); }; return { execute: execute }; } ); loader.api.commonjsevaller = def( [ loader.transporter.commonjs, loader.executor.evaller ], function (commonjs, evaller) { var load = function (url, onsuccess, onfailure) { var inject = function (data) { evaller.execute(data, onsuccess, onfailure); }; commonjs.read(url, inject, onfailure); }; return { load: load }; } ); loader.api.scripttag = def( [ loader.tag.script ], function (script) { var load = function (url, onsuccess, onfailure) { var sourcer = function (tag) { tag.src = url; }; script.insert(sourcer, onsuccess); }; return { load: load }; } ); loader.api.xhrevaller = def( [ loader.transporter.xhr, loader.executor.evaller ], function (xhr, evaller) { var load = function (url, onsuccess, onfailure) { var inject = function (data) { evaller.execute(data, onsuccess, onfailure); }; xhr.request(url, inject, onfailure); }; return { load: load }; } ); loader.api.xhrinjector = def( [ loader.transporter.xhr, loader.executor.injector ], function (xhr, injector) { var load = function (url, onsuccess, onfailure) { var inject = function (data) { injector.execute(data, onsuccess); }; xhr.request(url, inject, onfailure); }; return { load: load }; } ); })(Function('return this')()); (function (scope) { var ephox = scope.ephox = scope.ephox || {}; var bolt = ephox.bolt = ephox.bolt || {}; var def = function (deps, factory) { return factory.apply(null, deps); }; var module = bolt.module = bolt.module || {}; module.bootstrap = module.bootstrap || {}; module.config = module.config || {}; module.error = module.error || {}; module.modulator = module.modulator || {}; module.reader = module.reader || {}; module.runtime = module.runtime || {}; module.util = module.util || {}; module.error.error = def( [ ], function () { var die = function (msg) { throw msg || new Error('unknown error'); }; return { die: die }; } ); module.config.mapper = def( [ ], function () { var flat = function (id) { return id; }; var hierarchical = function (id) { return id.replace(/\./g, '/'); }; var constant = function (name) { return function () { return name; }; }; return { flat: flat, hierarchical: hierarchical, constant: constant }; } ); module.api = def( [ module.runtime ], function (runtime) { var delegate = function (method) { return function () { return runtime[method].apply(null, arguments); }; }; return { define: delegate('define'), require: delegate('require'), demand: delegate('demand'), main: delegate('main'), load: delegate('load'), loadscript: delegate('loadscript') }; } ); module.util.path = def( [ ], function () { var dirname = function (file) { var normalized = file.replace(/\\/g, '/'); var end = normalized.lastIndexOf('/'); return normalized.substring(0, end); }; var basename = function (file) { var normalized = file.replace(/\\/g, '/'); var end = normalized.lastIndexOf('/'); return normalized.substring(end + 1); }; return { basename: basename, dirname: dirname }; } ); module.util.locator = def( [ ], function () { var browser = function () { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); return scripts[scripts.length - 1].src; }; var runtime = module.runtime.locate; var locate = function () { var f = runtime || browser; return f(); }; return { locate: locate }; } ); module.util.pather = def( [ module.util.path ], function (path) { var create = function (relativeto) { var base = path.dirname(relativeto); return function (path) { return base + '/' + path; }; }; return { create: create }; } );module.modulator.modulators = def( [ ephox.bolt.kernel.fp.functions, ephox.bolt.kernel.modulator.bolt, ephox.bolt.loader.api.commonjsevaller, ephox.bolt.loader.api.scripttag, ephox.bolt.loader.api.xhrevaller, ephox.bolt.loader.api.xhrinjector ], function (fn, bolt, commonjsevaller, scripttag, xhrevaller, xhrinjector) { var wrap = function (modulator, loader) { var create = fn.curry(modulator.create, loader); return { create: create } }; return { boltcommonjs: wrap(bolt, commonjsevaller), boltscripttag: wrap(bolt, scripttag), boltxhreval: wrap(bolt, xhrevaller), boltxhrinjector: wrap(bolt, xhrinjector) }; } ); module.config.builtins = def( [ ephox.bolt.module.modulator.modulators.boltscripttag, ephox.bolt.module.modulator.modulators.boltcommonjs ], function (boltscripttag, boltcommonjs) { return { // TODO: 'amd' is maintained for backwards compatibility, will be removed // at some point. browser: { bolt: boltscripttag, amd: boltscripttag }, commonjs: { bolt: boltcommonjs, amd: boltcommonjs } }; } ); module.config.specs = def( [ module.util.pather ], function (pather) { var type = function (type, implementation) { return { type: type, implementation: implementation, modulator: implementation + '.Modulator', compiler: implementation + '.Compiler' }; }; var source = function (relativeto) { return function (type /*, args */) { return { type: type, relativeto: relativeto, args: [ pather.create(relativeto) ].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)) }; } }; return { type: type, source: source }; } ); module.reader.bouncing = def( [ ephox.bolt.kernel.fp.array, module.error.error, module.config.specs ], function (ar, error, specs) { var bounce = function (done, read, acc) { var next = acc.configs.shift(); read(next.relativeto, next.config, done, acc); }; var tick = function (file, cfg, done, read, acc) { var munged = ar.map(cfg.configs || [], function (config) { return { relativeto: file, config: config }; }); var accumulated = { sources: acc.sources.concat(cfg.sources || []), types: acc.types.concat(cfg.types || []), configs: munged.concat(acc.configs) }; if (accumulated.configs.length > 0) bounce(done, read, accumulated); else done({ sources: accumulated.sources, types: accumulated.types }); }; /* * All precedence is depth-first, pre-order. Example: * * A * /-\ * B C * /| |\ * D E F G * * Configs are read in A, B, D, E, C, F, G. * * If configs mixed delegation and sources, the * sources would be ordered the same: A, B, D, E, C, F, G. */ var evaluate = function (file, payload, done, read, acc) { var result = {}; /* eval scope */ var mapper = module.config.mapper; var type = specs.type; var source = specs.source(file); var configure = function (configuration) { result = configuration; }; try { eval(payload); } catch (e) { throw 'Could not load configuration [' + file + '], with: ' + e; } tick(file, result, done, read, acc); }; return { evaluate: evaluate }; } ); module.reader.browser = def( [ module.error.error, module.reader.bouncing, module.util.path, ephox.bolt.loader.transporter.xhr ], function (error, bouncing, path, xhr) { var read = function (relativeto, file, done, acc) { var accumulated = acc || { sources: [], types: [], configs: [] }; var base = path.dirname(relativeto); var absolute = base + '/' + file; xhr.request(absolute, function (payload) { bouncing.evaluate(absolute, payload, done, read, accumulated); }, error.die); }; return { read: read }; } ); module.reader.node = def( [ module.reader.bouncing ], function (bouncing, path, fs) { var read = function (relativeto, file, done, acc) { var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var accumulated = acc || { sources: [], types: [], configs: [] }; var base = path.dirname(relativeto); var absolute = path.resolve(base, file); var payload = fs.readFileSync(absolute, 'UTF-8'); bouncing.evaluate(absolute, payload, done, read, accumulated); }; return { read: read }; } ); module.reader.direct = def( [ ], function () { var create = function (configuration) { return function (done) { done({ sources: configuration.sources || [], types: configuration.types || [], configs: configuration.configs || [] }); }; }; return { create: create }; } ); module.bootstrap.configloader = def( [ module.util.locator, module.reader.browser ], function (locator, browser) { var create = function (file) { var script = locator.locate(); return function (done) { browser.read(script, file, done); }; }; return { create: create }; } );module.bootstrap.deferred = def( [ ephox.bolt.kernel.fp.array ], function (ar) { var deferred = []; var require = function (ids, fn) { var r = function (real) { real(ids, fn); }; deferred.push(r); }; var configured = function (require) { ar.each(deferred, function (action) { action(require); }); deferred = []; }; return { require: require, configured: configured }; } ); module.bootstrap.main = def( [ ephox.bolt.kernel.api.config, module.bootstrap.deferred, module.runtime ], function (config, deferred, runtime) { var main = function (id, args, configids, callback) { runtime.require(configids || [], function () { callback && callback.apply(null, arguments); runtime.require([ id ], function (module) { module.apply(null, args || []); }); }); }; return { main: main }; } ); module.bootstrap.install = def( [ ephox.bolt.kernel.api.config, module.bootstrap.deferred, module.bootstrap.main, module.runtime, module.error.error ], function (config, deferred, main, runtime, error) { var notready = function () { throw 'bolt not initialised, can not call define or demand, did you mean to use require or main?'; }; var install = function (reader, builtins, load, loadscript) { runtime.define = notready; runtime.demand = notready; runtime.require = deferred.require; runtime.main = main.main; runtime.load = load; runtime.loadscript = loadscript; reader(function (configuration) { var bolt = config.configure(configuration, builtins, error.die); runtime.define = bolt.define; runtime.require = bolt.require; runtime.demand = bolt.demand; deferred.configured(runtime.require); }); }; return { install: install }; } ); })(Function('return this')()); (function (global) { var obj = ephox.bolt.kernel.fp.object; var api = ephox.bolt.module.api; var builtins = ephox.bolt.module.config.builtins.browser; var install = ephox.bolt.module.bootstrap.install; var reader = ephox.bolt.module.bootstrap.configloader.create("browser.js"); var transport = ephox.bolt.loader.transporter.xhr.request; var script = ephox.bolt.loader.api.scripttag.load; install.install(reader, builtins, transport, script); obj.merge(global, api); })(Function("return this;")());