module RbtcArbitrage class Trader attr_reader :buy_client, :sell_client, :received attr_accessor :buyer, :seller, :options def initialize config={} opts = {} config.each do |key, val| opts[(key.to_sym rescue key) || key] = val end @buyer = {} @seller = {} @options = {} set_key opts, :volume, 0.01 set_key opts, :cutoff, 2 default_logger =$stdout) default_logger.datetime_format = "%^b %e %Y %l:%M:%S %p %z" set_key opts, :logger, default_logger set_key opts, :verbose, true set_key opts, :live, false set_key opts, :repeat, nil set_key opts, :notify, false exchange = opts[:buyer] || :bitstamp @buy_client = client_for_exchange(exchange) exchange = opts[:seller] || :campbx @sell_client = client_for_exchange(exchange) self end def set_key config, key, default @options[key] = config.has_key?(key) ? config[key] : default end def trade fetch_prices log_info if options[:verbose] if options[:live] && options[:cutoff] > @percent raise SecurityError, "Exiting because real profit (#{@percent.round(2)}%) is less than cutoff (#{options[:cutoff].round(2)}%)" end execute_trade if options[:live] notify if @options[:repeat] trade_again end self end def trade_again sleep @options[:repeat] " - " if @options[:verbose] @buy_client = @sell_client = trade end def execute_trade fetch_prices unless @paid validate_env raise SecurityError, "--live flag is false. Not executing trade." unless options[:live] get_balance if @percent > @options[:cutoff] if @paid > buyer[:usd] || @options[:volume] > seller[:btc] raise SecurityError, "Not enough funds. Exiting." else "Trading live!" if options[:verbose] @sell_client.sell @buy_client.transfer @sell_client end else "Not trading live because cutoff is higher than profit." if @options[:verbose] end end def fetch_prices "Fetching exchange rates" if @options[:verbose] buyer[:price] = @buy_client.price(:buy) seller[:price] = @sell_client.price(:sell) prices = [buyer[:price], seller[:price]] @paid = buyer[:price] * 1.006 * @options[:volume] @received = seller[:price] * 0.994 * @options[:volume] @percent = ((received/@paid - 1) * 100).round(2) end def log_info lower_ex = higher_ex = "#{lower_ex}: $#{buyer[:price].round(2)}" "#{higher_ex}: $#{seller[:price].round(2)}" "buying #{@options[:volume]} btc from #{lower_ex} for $#{@paid.round(2)}" "selling #{@options[:volume]} btc on #{higher_ex} for $#{@received.round(2)}" profit_msg = "profit: $#{(@received - @paid).round(2)} (#{@percent.round(2)}%)" if cutoff = @options[:cutoff] profit_msg << " is #{@percent < cutoff ? 'below' : 'above'} cutoff" profit_msg << " of #{cutoff}%." end profit_msg end def get_balance @seller[:btc], @seller[:usd] = @sell_client.balance @buyer[:btc], @buyer[:usd] = @buy_client.balance end def logger @options[:logger] end def validate_env [@sell_client, @buy_client].each do |client| client.validate_env end if options[:notify] ["PASSWORD","USERNAME","EMAIL"].each do |key| key = "SENDGRID_#{key}" unless ENV[key] raise ArgumentError, "Exiting because missing required ENV variable $#{key}." end end setup_pony end end def client_for_exchange market market = market.to_sym unless market.is_a?(Symbol) clazz = RbtcArbitrage::Clients.constants.find do |c| clazz = RbtcArbitrage::Clients.const_get(c) == market end begin clazz = RbtcArbitrage::Clients.const_get(clazz) @options rescue TypeError => e raise ArgumentError, "Invalid exchange - '#{market}'" end end def notify return false unless options[:notify] return false unless @percent > options[:cutoff] setup_pony options[:logger].info "Sending email to #{ENV['SENDGRID_EMAIL']}" Pony.mail({ body: notification, to: ENV['SENDGRID_EMAIL'], }) end def setup_pony Pony.options = { from: ENV['FROM_EMAIL'] || "", subject: "rbtc_arbitrage notification", via: :smtp, via_options: { address: '', port: '587', domain: '', user_name: ENV['SENDGRID_USERNAME'], password: ENV['SENDGRID_PASSWORD'], authentication: :plain, enable_starttls_auto: true } } end def notification lower_ex = higher_ex = <<-eos Update from your friendly rbtc_arbitrage trader: ------------------- #{lower_ex}: $#{buyer[:price].round(2)} #{higher_ex}: $#{seller[:price].round(2)} buying #{@options[:volume]} btc from #{lower_ex} for $#{@paid.round(2)} selling #{@options[:volume]} btc on #{higher_ex} for $#{@received.round(2)} profit: $#{(@received - @paid).round(2)} (#{@percent.round(2)}%) ------------------- options: #{options.reject{|k,v| v.is_a?(Logger)}.collect{|k,v| "#{k}: #{v.to_s}"}.join(" | ")} ------------------- eos end end end