#### # Config Module #### # The config module manages two distinct sets of config: one is the user's, and one is the application's default. # This allows you to set default values for your configuration files, and can use the default values to generate a # new user config file at any time by writing them to a file. # # Usage # # Rbcli::config[:key] # Provides access to config file hash values under :key. # Note the lowercase 'c' in config, which is different from the rest of the functions below. # # Rbcli::Config::set_file(filename, autoload:true, merge_defaults: false) # This function allows you to set the path for the user's config file (eg: /etc/myscript/config.yml). # autoload will load the file at the same time # merge_defaults will fill in missing values in the user's config with default ones # # Rbcli::Config::add_defaults(filename) # This function loads the contents of a YAML or JSON file into the default config. Used for custom configuration. # # Rbcli::Config::load # This forces a reload of the config file. # # Rbcli::Config::generate_userconf # This writes the config defaults to the filename set using the set_file command. #### require 'yaml' require 'fileutils' require 'deep_merge' module Rbcli def self.config Rbcli::Config::config end end module Rbcli::Config @config = nil @config_file = nil @config_defaults = nil @merge_defaults = false @categorized_defaults = nil @loaded = false def self.set_userfile filename, merge_defaults: false, required: false @config_file = File.expand_path filename @merge_defaults = merge_defaults @userfile_required = required @loaded = false end def self.add_categorized_defaults name, description, config @categorized_defaults ||= {} @categorized_defaults[name.to_sym] = { description: description, config: config } @config_defaults ||= {} @config_defaults[name.to_sym] = {} config.each do |k, v| @config_defaults[name.to_sym][k.to_sym] = v[:value] end @loaded = false end def self.add_default name, description: nil, value: nil @config_individual_lines ||= [] text = "#{name.to_s}: #{value}".ljust(30) + " # #{description}" @config_individual_lines.push text unless @config_individual_lines.include? text @config_defaults[name.to_sym] = value @loaded = false end def self.add_defaults filename=nil, text: nil filename = File.expand_path filename return unless filename and File.exists? filename @config_text ||= '' @config_text += "\n" unless @config_text.empty? File.readlines(filename).each do |line| if (line.start_with? '---' or line.start_with? '...') @config_text << "\n\n" else @config_text << line unless @config_text.include? line end end if filename and File.exists? filename @config_text << "\n\n" << text if text @config_defaults ||= {} @config_defaults.deep_merge! YAML::load(@config_text).deep_symbolize! @loaded = false end def self.load if (! @config_file.nil?) and File.exists? @config_file @config = YAML::load(File.read(@config_file)).deep_symbolize! @config.deep_merge! @config_defaults if @merge_defaults elsif @userfile_required puts "User's config file not found at #{@config_file}. Please run this tool with the -g option to generate it." exit 1 else @config = @config_defaults end @loaded = true @config end def self.config self.load unless @loaded (@config.nil?) ? @config_defaults : @config end def self.generate_userconf filename filepath = "#{(filename) ? filename : "#{Dir.pwd}/config.yml"}" File.write filepath, @config_text File.open(filepath, 'a') do |f| f.puts "# Individual Settings" @config_individual_lines.each { |l| f.puts l } end if @config_individual_lines if @categorized_defaults text = '' @categorized_defaults.each do |name, opts| text += "\n# #{opts[:description]}\n" text += "#{name.to_s}:\n" opts[:config].each do |opt, v| text += " #{opt.to_s}: #{v[:value]}".ljust(30) + " # #{v[:description]}\n" end end File.open(filepath, 'a') do |f| f.puts text end end end end