require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__) describe "a syslog packet" do @p = it "should embarrass a person who does not set the fields" do lambda { @p.to_s }.should.raise RuntimeError end it "hostname may not be omitted" do lambda {@p.hostname = ""}.should.raise ArgumentError end it "hostname may only contain ASCII characters 33-126 (no spaces!)" do lambda {@p.hostname = "linux box"}.should.raise ArgumentError lambda {@p.hostname = "\000" + "linuxbox"}.should.raise ArgumentError lambda {@p.hostname = "space_station"}.should.not.raise end it 'tag may only contain ASCII characters 33-126 (no spaces!)' do lambda {@p.tag = "linux box"}.should.raise ArgumentError lambda {@p.tag = "\000" + "linuxbox"}.should.raise ArgumentError lambda {@p.tag = "test"}.should.not.raise end it "facility may only be set within 0-23 or with a proper string name" do lambda {@p.facility = 666}.should.raise ArgumentError lambda {@p.facility = "mir space station"}.should.raise ArgumentError lambda {@p.facility = 16}.should.not.raise @p.facility.should.equal 16 lambda {@p.facility = 'local0'}.should.not.raise @p.facility.should.equal 16 end it "severity may only be set within 0-7 or with a proper string name" do lambda {@p.severity = 9876}.should.raise ArgumentError lambda {@p.severity = "omgbroken"}.should.raise ArgumentError lambda {@p.severity = 6}.should.not.raise @p.severity.should.equal 6 lambda {@p.severity = 'info'}.should.not.raise @p.severity.should.equal 6 end it "severity can be checked using 'some_severity?' methods" do true @p.alert?.should.equal false @p.emerg?.should.equal false end it "PRI is calculated from the facility and severity" do @p.pri.should.equal 134 end it "PRI may only be within 0-191" do lambda {@p.pri = 22331}.should.raise ArgumentError lambda {@p.pri = "foo"}.should.raise ArgumentError end it "facility and severity are deduced and set from setting a valid PRI" do @p.pri = 165 @p.severity.should.equal 5 @p.facility.should.equal 20 end it "return the proper names for facility and severity" do @p.severity_name.should.equal 'notice' @p.facility_name.should.equal 'local4' end it "set a message, which apparently can be anything" do @p.content = "exploring ze black hole" @p.content.should.equal "exploring ze black hole" end it "timestamp must conform to the retarded format (including ms)" do @p.generate_timestamp.should.match /(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\s(\s|[1-9])\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d.\d\d\d/ end it "use the current time and assemble the packet" do timestamp = @p.generate_timestamp @p.to_s.should.equal "<165>#{timestamp} space_station test: exploring ze black hole" end it "packets larger than 1024 will be truncated" do @p.content = "space warp" * 1000 if "".respond_to?(:bytesize) @p.to_s.bytesize.should.equal 1024 else @p.to_s.size.should.equal 1024 end end end