# frozen_string_literal: true describe 'Translation editing', type: :feature do let(:exhibit) { FactoryBot.create(:exhibit, title: 'Sample', subtitle: 'SubSample') } let(:admin) { FactoryBot.create(:exhibit_admin, exhibit: exhibit) } before(:all) do # mimics setting config.i18n.fallbacks = [I18n.default_locale] in the rails environment I18n.fallbacks[:fr] = [:fr, I18n.default_locale] end before do FactoryBot.create(:language, exhibit: exhibit, locale: 'sq') FactoryBot.create(:language, exhibit: exhibit, locale: 'fr') login_as admin end describe 'general' do before do visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_translations_path(exhibit, language: 'fr') end it 'selects the correct language' do expect(page).to have_css '.nav-pills .nav-link.active', text: 'French' end describe 'basic settings' do it 'successfully adds translations' do within '.translation-edit-form #general' do expect(page).to have_css '.form-text', text: 'Sample' expect(page).to have_css '.form-text', text: 'SubSample' fill_in 'Title', id: 'exhibit_translations_attributes_0_value', with: 'Titre français' fill_in 'Subtitle', with: 'Sous-titre français' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_css '.flash_messages', text: 'The exhibit was successfully updated.' within '.translation-basic-settings-title' do expect(page).to have_css 'input[value="Titre français"]' expect(page).to have_css '.translation-complete' end within '.translation-basic-settings-subtitle' do expect(page).to have_css 'input[value="Sous-titre français"]' expect(page).to have_css '.translation-complete' end within '.translation-basic-settings-description' do expect(page).not_to have_css '.translation-complete' end end end describe 'main menu' do before do exhibit.searches.first.update(published: true) within '.translation-edit-form #general' do fill_in 'Home', with: 'Maison' fill_in 'Browse', with: 'parcourir ceci!' click_button 'Save changes' end end it 'adds translations to exhibit navbar' do within '.translation-edit-form #general' do expect(page).to have_css '.form-text', text: 'Home' fill_in 'Home', with: 'Maison' fill_in 'Browse', with: 'parcourir ceci!' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_css '.flash_messages', text: 'The exhibit was successfully updated.' within '.translation-main-menu-home' do expect(page).to have_css 'input[value="Maison"]' expect(page).to have_css '.translation-complete' end within '.translation-main-menu-browse' do expect(page).to have_css 'input[value="parcourir ceci!"]' expect(page).to have_css '.translation-complete' end within '.translation-main-menu-curated_features' do expect(page).not_to have_css '.translation-complete' end within '.translation-main-menu-about' do expect(page).not_to have_css '.translation-complete' end I18n.locale = :fr expect(exhibit.main_navigations.browse.label).to eq 'parcourir ceci!' expect(I18n.t(:'spotlight.curation.nav.home')).to eq 'Maison' I18n.locale = I18n.default_locale end it 'adds translations to user-facing breadcrumbs' do expect(page).to have_css '.flash_messages', text: 'The exhibit was successfully updated.' visit spotlight.exhibit_browse_index_path(exhibit, locale: 'fr') expect(page).to have_breadcrumbs 'Maison', 'parcourir ceci!' end it 'does not translate admin breadcrumbs' do expect(page).to have_css '.flash_messages', text: 'The exhibit was successfully updated.' visit spotlight.exhibit_searches_path(exhibit, locale: 'fr') expect(page).to have_breadcrumbs 'Home', 'Curation', 'Browse' end end describe 'breadcrumbs' do describe 'browse categories' do before do exhibit.searches.first.update(published: true) within '.translation-edit-form #general' do fill_in 'Home', with: 'Maison' fill_in 'Browse', with: 'parcourir ceci!' click_button 'Save changes' end end it 'adds translations to user-facing breadcrumbs' do visit spotlight.exhibit_browse_index_path(exhibit, locale: 'fr') expect(page).to have_breadcrumbs 'Maison', 'parcourir ceci!' end it 'does not translate admin breadcrumbs' do visit spotlight.exhibit_searches_path(exhibit, locale: 'fr') expect(page).to have_breadcrumbs 'Home', 'Curation', 'Browse' end end describe 'pages' do let!(:about_page1) { FactoryBot.create(:about_page, title: 'First Page', exhibit: exhibit, locale: 'fr') } let(:about_page2) { FactoryBot.create(:about_page, title: 'Second Page', exhibit: exhibit, locale: 'fr') } before do within '.translation-edit-form #general' do fill_in 'Home', with: 'Maison' fill_in 'About', with: 'Sur' click_button 'Save changes' end end it 'adds breadcrumbs to pages' do visit spotlight.exhibit_about_page_path(about_page2.exhibit, about_page2, locale: 'fr') expect(page).to have_breadcrumbs 'Maison', 'Sur', about_page2.title end it 'does not translate admin breadcrumbs' do visit spotlight.exhibit_about_pages_path(exhibit, locale: 'fr') expect(page).to have_breadcrumbs 'Home', 'Curation', 'About' end end describe 'Catalog' do before do within '.translation-edit-form #general' do fill_in 'Home', with: 'Maison' fill_in 'Search results', with: 'Résultats de la recherche' click_button 'Save changes' end end it 'adds breadcrumbs user facing catalog' do visit spotlight.search_exhibit_catalog_path(exhibit, q: '*', locale: 'fr') expect(page).to have_breadcrumbs 'Maison', 'Résultats de la recherche' end it 'does not translate admin catalog' do visit spotlight.admin_exhibit_catalog_path(exhibit, locale: 'fr') expect(page).to have_breadcrumbs 'Home', 'Curation', 'Items' end end end end describe 'Metadata field labels' do before { visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_translations_path(exhibit, language: 'fr') } it 'redirects to the same form tab' do click_link 'Metadata field labels' within('#metadata', visible: true) do fill_in 'Everything', with: 'Tout' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_css '.nav-pills .nav-link.active', text: 'French' expect(page).to have_css '.nav-tabs .nav-link.active', text: 'Metadata field labels' end describe 'configured fields' do it 'has a text input for each metadata field' do within '#metadata' do expect(page).to have_css('input[type="text"]', count: 17) end end it 'allows users to translate both index and show metadata field labels', js: true do click_link 'Metadata field labels' within('#metadata', visible: true) do language_label = find('label', text: 'Language', visible: true) language_input = find("##{language_label['for']}", visible: true) language_input.set('Langue') click_button 'Save changes' end visit spotlight.search_exhibit_catalog_path(exhibit, f: { language_ssim: ['Latin'] }, locale: 'fr') expect(page).to have_css('dt.blacklight-language_ssm', text: 'Langue') click_link 'Orbis terrarum tabula recens emendata et in lucem edita' expect(page).to have_css('dt.blacklight-language_ssm', text: 'Langue') end end describe 'Exhibit-specific fields' do let!(:custom_field) { FactoryBot.create(:custom_field, exhibit: exhibit) } before do visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_translations_path(exhibit, language: 'fr') end it 'has text inputs for the exhibit-specific fields' do within '#metadata' do expect(page).to have_css('input[type="text"]', count: 18) within '.translation-exhibit-specific-fields' do expect(page).to have_css('input[type="text"]', count: 1) end end end it 'allows users to translate exhibit-specific metadata fields' do within '#metadata' do fill_in custom_field.configuration['label'], with: 'French Custom Field Label' click_button 'Save changes' end # Adding some data to our custom field visit spotlight.exhibit_solr_document_path(exhibit, 'dq287tq6352', locale: :fr) expect(page).to have_link 'Edit' click_on 'Edit' fill_in custom_field.configuration['label'], with: 'Custom Field Data' click_on 'Save changes' expect(page).to have_css('dt', text: 'French Custom Field Label') expect(page).to have_css('dd', text: 'Custom Field Data') end end end describe 'Search field labels' do before { visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_translations_path(exhibit, language: 'fr') } it 'redirects to the same form tab' do click_link 'Search field labels' within('#search_fields', visible: true) do fill_in 'Everything', with: 'Tout' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_css '.nav-pills .nav-link.active', text: 'French' expect(page).to have_css '.nav-tabs .nav-link.active', text: 'Search field labels' end describe 'field-based search fields' do it 'has a text input for each enabled search field' do within '#search_fields .translation-field-based-search-fields' do expect(page).to have_css('input[type="text"]', count: 3) end end it 'allows users to translate field-based search fields', js: true do click_link 'Search field labels' within('#search_fields', visible: true) do fill_in 'Everything', with: 'Tout' click_button 'Save changes' end visit spotlight.exhibit_path(exhibit, locale: 'fr') expect(page).to have_css('select#search_field option', text: 'Tout') end end describe 'facet fields' do it 'has a text input for each facet field' do within '#search_fields .translation-facet-fields' do expect(page).to have_css('input[type="text"]', count: 7) end end it 'allows users to translate facet fields', js: true do click_link 'Search field labels' within('#search_fields', visible: true) do fill_in 'Geographic', with: 'Géographique' click_button 'Save changes' end visit spotlight.search_exhibit_catalog_path(exhibit, q: '*', locale: 'fr') expect(page).to have_css('h3.facet-field-heading', text: 'Géographique') end end describe 'sort fields' do it 'has a text input for each sort field' do within '#search_fields .translation-sort-fields' do expect(page).to have_css('input[type="text"]', count: 6) end end it 'allows users to translation sort fields', js: true do click_link 'Search field labels' within('#search_fields', visible: true) do fill_in 'relevance', with: 'French Relevance' click_button 'Save changes' end visit spotlight.search_exhibit_catalog_path(exhibit, q: '*', locale: 'fr') expect(page).to have_css('#sort-dropdown', text: 'Trier par French Relevance', visible: true) end end end describe 'Browse categories' do before do FactoryBot.create(:search, exhibit: exhibit, title: 'Browse Category 1') visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_translations_path(exhibit, language: 'fr') end it 'has a title and description for every browse category' do within '#browse' do expect(page).to have_css('input[type="text"]', count: 4) expect(page).to have_css('textarea', count: 2) expect(page).to have_field 'All exhibit items' expect(page).to have_field 'Browse Category 1' expect(page).to have_css('.form-text', text: 'All items in this exhibit.') end end it 'redirects to the same form tab' do click_link 'Browse categories' within('#browse', visible: true) do fill_in 'All exhibit items', with: "Tous les objets d'exposition" click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_css '.nav-pills .nav-link.active', text: 'French' expect(page).to have_css '.nav-tabs .nav-link.active', text: 'Browse categories' end it 'persists changes', js: true do click_link 'Browse categories' within('#browse', visible: true) do fill_in 'All exhibit items', with: "Tous les objets d'exposition" first('.translation-description-toggle').click textarea = page.find('textarea') textarea.set('Tous les articles de cette exposition.') click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_css('.flash_messages', text: 'The exhibit was successfully updated.') expect(exhibit.searches.first.title).to eq 'All exhibit items' expect(exhibit.searches.first.long_description).to eq 'All items in this exhibit.' I18n.locale = :fr Translation.current_exhibit = exhibit expect(exhibit.searches.first.title).to eq "Tous les objets d'exposition" expect(exhibit.searches.first.long_description).to eq 'Tous les articles de cette exposition.' I18n.locale = I18n.default_locale Translation.current_exhibit = nil end end describe 'Browse groups' do before do FactoryBot.create(:group, exhibit: exhibit, title: 'Browse Group 1') FactoryBot.create(:group, exhibit: exhibit, title: 'Browse Group 2') visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_translations_path(exhibit, language: 'fr') end it 'has a title browse group' do within '#groups' do expect(page).to have_css('input[type="text"]', count: 2) expect(page).to have_field 'Browse Group 1' expect(page).to have_field 'Browse Group 2' end end it 'redirects to the same form tab' do click_link 'Browse categories' within('#groups', visible: true) do fill_in 'Browse Group 1', with: 'parcourir le groupe 1' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_css '.nav-pills .nav-link.active', text: 'French' expect(page).to have_css '.nav-tabs .nav-link.active', text: 'Browse groups' end it 'persists changes', js: true do click_link 'Browse groups' within('#groups', visible: true) do fill_in 'Browse Group 1', with: 'parcourir le groupe 1' click_button 'Save changes' end expect(page).to have_css('.flash_messages', text: 'The exhibit was successfully updated.') expect(exhibit.groups.first.title).to eq 'Browse Group 1' I18n.locale = :fr Translation.current_exhibit = exhibit expect(exhibit.groups.first.title).to eq 'parcourir le groupe 1' I18n.locale = I18n.default_locale Translation.current_exhibit = nil end end describe 'home page translation table entry' do let(:feature_page) { FactoryBot.create(:feature_page, exhibit: exhibit) } let(:about_page) { FactoryBot.create(:about_page, exhibit: exhibit) } before do exhibit.home_page.clone_for_locale('fr').save about_page.clone_for_locale('fr').tap { |p| p.published = true }.save visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_translations_path(exhibit, language: 'fr', tab: 'pages') end it 'renders a disabled checkbox in the table' do # home page should have a disabled checkbox expect(page).to have_css('.translation-home-page-settings input[type="checkbox"][disabled]') # feature page does not have a translation, so don't use checkbox expect(page).not_to have_css('.translation-feature-page-settings input[type="checkbox"]') # about page should have a checked checkbox expect(page).to have_css('.translation-about-page-settings input[type="checkbox"][checked]') end end describe 'translation progress counter', js: true do before do FactoryBot.create(:translation, exhibit: exhibit, locale: 'fr', key: "#{exhibit.slug}.title", value: 'Titre') end it 'counts existing and total available translations' do visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_translations_path(exhibit, language: 'fr') expect(page).to have_link('General 1/8') expect(page).to have_link('Search field labels 0/16') expect(page).to have_link('Browse categories 0/3') expect(page).to have_link('Metadata field labels 0/17') end end end