0.0.1 - updated to use producer threds pushing onto a SizedQueue for each consumer channel. in this way the producers do not build up a massize parllel data structure but provide data to the consumers only as fast as they can fork and proccess it. basically for a 4 process run you'll end up with 4 channels of size 1 between 4 produces and 4 consumers, each consumer is a thread popping of jobs, forking, and yielding results. - removed use of Queue for capturing the output. now it's simply an array of arrays which removed some sync overhead. - you can configure the number of processes globally with Forkoff.default['proccess'] = 4 - you can now pass either an options hash forkoff( :processes => 2 ) ... or plain vanilla number forkoff( 2 ) ... to the forkoff call - default number of processes is 8, not 2 0.0.0 initial version