require 'spec_helper' ID = 'AlMacInnisSportsCentre' describe FacebookEvents do a = it "has a facebook id" do a.facebook_id.should == ID end it "sets up authorization" do a.auth_token.class.should == String end describe "list" do l = a.list it "returns an array" do l.class.should == Array end describe "first" do f = l.first it "is an Event" do f.class.should == FacebookEvents::Event end it "has a facebook id" do f.facebook_id.should == '348500465212758' end it "has a name" do == "Father's Day Fundraiser" end it "has a start_time" do f.start_time.should == "2012-06-16T16:00:00" end it "has a description" do f.description.should == "The Al MacInnis Sports Centre is hosting a fundraiser on Saturday, June 16th from 8pm - 12am. Live entertainment, hot & cold hors d\u2019oeuvres, game tables, horse shoes, door prizes. All of this will take place in heated tents with an ambience that will set the stage. Entertainment by Billy Spears, Gary Trenholm & Stephen Doiron.\n\nTickets are $40 each and can be purchased by contacting Shannon MacDougall at 631-1401. Visa & M/C accepted." end it "has an updated_time" do f.updated_time.should == "2012-04-27T12:13:07+0000" end end end end