module Auth module Search module Main ## this def, returns a hash with the structure for the basic ngram query. ## the query_string is left blank, and you should merge this in through any def that wants to perform an ngram query. ## param[Symbol] search_on_field : the field on which we are going to do the n_Gram query. Most of the times this should default to _all_fields ## @return[Hash] def self.es_six_base_ngram_query(search_on_field) search_on_field ||= :all_fields qc = { body: { query: { bool: { must: { match: { } }, filter: { match_all:{ } } } } } } qc[:body][:query][:bool][:must][:match][search_on_field] = { query: "", operator: "and" } qc end ## searches all indices, for the search string. ## @param[Hash] : This is expected to contain the following: ## @query_string : the query supplied by the user ## @resource_id : a resource_id with which to filter search results, if its not provided, no filter is used on the search results ## @size : if not provided a default size of 20 is used ## this def will use the #base_ngram_query hash and merge in a filter for the resource_id. ## 'Public' Resources ## if the public field is present, don't add any resource_id filter. ## if the public field is not present, then add the resource_id filter if the resource_id is provided. ## @return[Hash] : returns a query clause(hash) def self.es_six_finalize_search_query_clause(args) search_on_field = args[:search_field] || :_all_fields args = args.deep_symbolize_keys return [] unless args[:query_string] query = es_six_base_ngram_query(search_on_field) query[:size] = args[:size] || 20 query[:body][:query][:bool][:must][:match][search_on_field][:query] = args[:query_string] if args[:resource_id] query[:body][:query][:bool][:filter] = { bool: { should: [ { bool: { must: [ { term: { public: "no" } }, { term: { resource_id: args[:resource_id] } } ] } }, { term: { public: "yes" } } ] } } else ## if a resource id is not provided then ## it means that the resource is admin, ## and they should be able to access and see ## any resource ## so in that case we leave the query ## as is. end query end ## delegates the building of the query to finalize_search_query_clause. ## @return[Array] response: an array of mongoid search result objects. def query = es_six_finalize_search_query_clause(args) puts "query finalized as:" puts JSON.pretty_generate(query),{:wrapper => :load}).results end end end end