{ "resourceType": "Observation", "id": "unsat", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "

Generated Narrative with Details

id: unsat

identifier: 6323 (OFFICIAL)

status: cancelled

code: Glucose [Moles/volume] in Blood (Details : {LOINC code '15074-8' = 'Glucose [Moles/volume] in Blood', given as 'Glucose [Moles/volume] in Blood'})

subject: P. van de Heuvel

effective: Apr 2, 2013 9:30:10 AM --> Apr 5, 2013 9:30:10 AM

issued: Apr 3, 2013 3:30:10 PM

performer: A. Langeveld

dataAbsentReason: Specimen unsatisfactory for evaluation (Details : {SNOMED CT code '125154007' = 'Specimen unsatisfactory for evaluation', given as 'Specimen unsatisfactory for evaluation'})

comment: Tube broken in transit and sample leaked


*3.1 mmol/l (Details: UCUM code mmol/L = 'mmol/L')6.2 mmol/l (Details: UCUM code mmol/L = 'mmol/L')
" }, "identifier": [ { "use": "official", "system": "http://www.bmc.nl/zorgportal/identifiers/observations", "value": "6323" } ], "status": "cancelled", "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://loinc.org", "code": "15074-8", "display": "Glucose [Moles/volume] in Blood" } ] }, "subject": { "reference": "Patient/f001", "display": "P. van de Heuvel" }, "effectivePeriod": { "start": "2013-04-02T09:30:10+01:00", "end": "2013-04-05T09:30:10+01:00" }, "issued": "2013-04-03T15:30:10+01:00", "performer": [ { "reference": "Practitioner/f005", "display": "A. Langeveld" } ], "dataAbsentReason": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://snomed.info/sct", "code": "125154007", "display": "Specimen unsatisfactory for evaluation" } ] }, "comment": "Tube broken in transit and sample leaked", "referenceRange": [ { "low": { "value": 3.1, "unit": "mmol/l", "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org", "code": "mmol/L" }, "high": { "value": 6.2, "unit": "mmol/l", "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org", "code": "mmol/L" } } ] }