require 'rails/generators/named_base' module Thecore class AddGitGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) # TODO: add a .gitignore good for Rails and manage git # "Traversing the DIR structures it adds git remote URL", "By checking wether or not the .git folder exists, it inits or changes the url." def update_or_init_git_remote create_file '.gitignore', " # Created by,osx,windows,rails,ruby,rubymine ### Linux ### *~ # temporary files which can be created if a process still has a handle open of a deleted file .fuse_hidden* # KDE directory preferences .directory # Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk .Trash-* # .nfs files are created when an open file is removed but is still being accessed .nfs* ### OSX ### *.DS_Store .AppleDouble .LSOverride # Icon must end with two \r Icon\r\r # Thumbnails ._* # Files that might appear in the root of a volume .DocumentRevisions-V100 .fseventsd .Spotlight-V100 .TemporaryItems .Trashes .VolumeIcon.icns # Directories potentially created on remote AFP share .AppleDB .AppleDesktop Network Trash Folder Temporary Items .apdisk ### Windows ### # Windows thumbnail cache files Thumbs.db ehthumbs.db ehthumbs_vista.db # Folder config file Desktop.ini # Recycle Bin used on file shares $RECYCLE.BIN/ # Windows Installer files *.cab *.msi *.msm *.msp # Windows shortcuts *.lnk ### Rails ### /test/dummy/log *.rbc capybara-*.html .rspec /log /tmp /db/*.sqlite3 /db/*.sqlite3-journal /public/system /coverage/ /spec/tmp **.orig rerun.txt pickle-email-*.html # TODO Comment out this rule if you are OK with secrets being uploaded to the repo config/initializers/secret_token.rb # Only include if you have production secrets in this file, which is no longer a Rails default # config/secrets.yml # dotenv # TODO Comment out this rule if environment variables can be committed .env ## Environment normalization: /.bundle /vendor/bundle # these should all be checked in to normalize the environment: # Gemfile.lock, .ruby-version, .ruby-gemset # unless supporting rvm < 1.11.0 or doing something fancy, ignore this: .rvmrc # if using bower-rails ignore default bower_components path bower.json files /vendor/assets/bower_components *.bowerrc bower.json # Ignore pow environment settings .powenv # Ignore Byebug command history file. .byebug_history # Ignore bundler config /vendor/bundle/ /vendor/ruby/ # Ignore the default database. /db/*.javadb/ # Ignore all logfiles and tempfiles. /log/* .powder .virb* *.*~ # various artifacts **.war *.gem *.sassc .redcar/ .config .sass-cache /public/cache /public/stylesheets/compiled /public/system/* /public/assets/* /public/sitemaps /spec/tmp/* /cache /capybara* /capybara-*.html /gems /specifications .zeus.sock /solr/ /.gemtags /coverage / /InstalledFiles /pkg/ /spec/reports/ /test/tmp/ /test/version_tmp/ # scm revert files # Configuration files config/app_config.yml config/database.yml config/application.yml config/mandrill.yml config/paperclip.yml # System Recordings from Tropo public/tropo_recordings/**/* public/system/**/* # Dev Machines .DS_Store */.DS_Store .env.development .env.test .env.staging .env.production /*.sublime-workspace # Netbeans project directory /nbproject/ # RubyMine project files .idea # Textmate project files /*.tmproj # vim artifacts **.swp .vim /.tags /.tags_sorted_by_file # Application specific *.txt /doc /public/uploads # Specific to RubyMotion: .dat* .repl_history build/ # Documentation cache and generated files: /.yardoc/ /_yardoc/ /rdoc/ # Environment normalisation: /.bundle/ /lib/bundler/man/ # for a library or gem, you might want to ignore these files since the code is # intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in: Gemfile.lock # .ruby-version # .ruby-gemset .DS_store # Windows image file caches ### Ruby ### /.config /spec/examples.txt /tmp/ # Used by dotenv library to load environment variables. # .env ## Specific to RubyMotion: *.bridgesupport build-iPhoneOS/ build-iPhoneSimulator/ ## Specific to RubyMotion (use of CocoaPods): # # We recommend against adding the Pods directory to your .gitignore. However # you should judge for yourself, the pros and cons are mentioned at: # # vendor/Pods/ ## Documentation cache and generated files: /doc/ ### RubyMine ### # Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio and Webstorm # Reference: # User-specific stuff: .idea/workspace.xml .idea/tasks.xml # Sensitive or high-churn files: .idea/dataSources/ .idea/dataSources.ids .idea/dataSources.xml .idea/dataSources.local.xml .idea/sqlDataSources.xml .idea/dynamic.xml .idea/uiDesigner.xml # Gradle: .idea/gradle.xml .idea/libraries # Mongo Explorer plugin: .idea/mongoSettings.xml ## File-based project format: *.iws ## Plugin-specific files: # IntelliJ /out/ # mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin .idea_modules/ # JIRA plugin atlassian-ide-plugin.xml # Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml ### RubyMine Patch ### # Comment Reason: # *.iml # modules.xml # .idea/misc.xml # *.ipr # End of,osx,windows,rails,ruby,rubymine " git :init git add: ".gitignore" git commit: "-a -m 'Added gitignore'" git add: ". -A" git commit: "-a -m 'First commit'" Dir.chdir(".git/hooks") do File.rename("post-update.sample", "post-update") rescue nil system "chmod +x post-update" end project_dir = File.basename File.expand_path("..", Dir.pwd) engine_dir = File.basename File.expand_path(".", Dir.pwd) remote_url = `git config --get remote.origin.url` action = remote_url.empty? ? "add" : "set-url" system "git remote #{action} origin{project_dir}/#{engine_dir}.git" system "git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master" Dir.chdir("..") do system "git clone --bare #{engine_dir} #{engine_dir}.git" end say "Remember to run (on the server)\n\tgit update-server-info\nafter uploading the #{engine_dir}.git directory", :red end end end