require 'helper' describe JWT do before do @payload = {"foo" => "bar"} end it "encodes and decodes JWTs" do secret = "secret" jwt = JWT.encode(@payload, secret) decoded_payload = JWT.decode(jwt, secret) expect(decoded_payload).to include(@payload) end it "encodes and decodes JWTs for RSA signatures" do private_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(512) jwt = JWT.encode(@payload, private_key, "RS256") decoded_payload = JWT.decode(jwt, private_key.public_key) expect(decoded_payload).to include(@payload) end it "encodes and decodes JWTs with custom header fields" do private_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(512) jwt = JWT.encode(@payload, private_key, "RS256", {"kid" => 'default'}) decoded_payload = JWT.decode(jwt) do |header| expect(header["kid"]).to eq('default') private_key.public_key end expect(decoded_payload).to include(@payload) end it "decodes valid JWTs" do example_payload = {"hello" => "world"} example_secret = 'secret' example_jwt = 'eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJoZWxsbyI6ICJ3b3JsZCJ9.tvagLDLoaiJKxOKqpBXSEGy7SYSifZhjntgm9ctpyj8' decoded_payload = JWT.decode(example_jwt, example_secret) expect(decoded_payload).to include(example_payload) end it "raises exception when the token is invalid" do example_secret = 'secret' # Same as above exmaple with some random bytes replaced example_jwt = 'eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHiMomlwIjogIkJ9.eyJoZWxsbyI6ICJ3b3JsZCJ9.tvagLDLoaiJKxOKqpBXSEGy7SYSifZhjntgm9ctpyj8' expect { JWT.decode(example_jwt, example_secret) }.to raise_error(JWT::DecodeError) end it "raises exception with wrong hmac key" do right_secret = 'foo' bad_secret = 'bar' jwt_message = JWT.encode(@payload, right_secret, "HS256") expect { JWT.decode(jwt_message, bad_secret) }.to raise_error(JWT::DecodeError) end it "raises exception with wrong rsa key" do right_private_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(512) bad_private_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(512) jwt = JWT.encode(@payload, right_private_key, "RS256") expect { JWT.decode(jwt, bad_private_key.public_key) }.to raise_error(JWT::DecodeError) end it "raises exception with invalid signature" do example_secret = 'secret' example_jwt = 'eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJoZWxsbyI6ICJ3b3JsZCJ9.' expect { JWT.decode(example_jwt, example_secret) }.to raise_error(JWT::DecodeError) end it "raises exception with nonexistent header" do expect { JWT.decode("..stuff") }.to raise_error(JWT::DecodeError) end it "raises exception with nonexistent payload" do expect { JWT.decode("eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9..stuff") }.to raise_error(JWT::DecodeError) end it "raises exception with nil jwt" do expect { JWT.decode(nil) }.to raise_error(JWT::DecodeError) end it "allows decoding without key" do right_secret = 'foo' bad_secret = 'bar' jwt = JWT.encode(@payload, right_secret) decoded_payload = JWT.decode(jwt, bad_secret, false) expect(decoded_payload).to include(@payload) end it "checks the key when verify is truthy" do right_secret = 'foo' bad_secret = 'bar' jwt = JWT.encode(@payload, right_secret) verify = "yes" =~ /^y/i expect { JWT.decode(jwt, bad_secret, verify) }.to raise_error(JWT::DecodeError) end it "raises exception on unsupported crypto algorithm" do expect { JWT.encode(@payload, "secret", 'HS1024') }.to raise_error(NotImplementedError) end it "encodes and decodes plaintext JWTs" do jwt = JWT.encode(@payload, nil, nil) expect(jwt.split('.').length).to eq(2) decoded_payload = JWT.decode(jwt, nil, nil) expect(decoded_payload).to include(@payload) end it "requires a signature segment when verify is truthy" do jwt = JWT.encode(@payload, nil, nil) expect(jwt.split('.').length).to eq(2) expect { JWT.decode(jwt, nil, true) }.to raise_error(JWT::DecodeError) end it "does not use == to compare digests" do secret = "secret" jwt = JWT.encode(@payload, secret) crypto_segment = jwt.split(".").last signature = JWT.base64url_decode(crypto_segment) expect(signature).not_to receive('==') expect(JWT).to receive(:base64url_decode).with(crypto_segment).once.and_return(signature) expect(JWT).to receive(:base64url_decode).at_least(:once).and_call_original JWT.decode(jwt, secret) end describe "secure comparison" do it "returns true if strings are equal" do expect(JWT.secure_compare("Foo", "Foo")).to be_true end it "returns false if either input is nil or empty" do [nil, ""].each do |bad| expect(JWT.secure_compare(bad, "Foo")).to be_false expect(JWT.secure_compare("Foo", bad)).to be_false end end it "retuns false if the strings are different" do expect(JWT.secure_compare("Foo", "Bar")).to be_false end end # no method should leave OpenSSL.errors populated after do expect(OpenSSL.errors).to be_empty end it "raise exception on invalid signature" do pubkey =<<-PUBKEY) -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAxCaY7425h964bjaoLeUm SlZ8sK7VtVk9zHbGmZh2ygGYwfuUf2bmMye2Ofv99yDE/rd4loVIAcu7RVvDRgHq 3/CZTnIrSvHsiJQsHBNa3d+F1ihPfzURzf1M5k7CFReBj2SBXhDXd57oRfBQj12w CVhhwP6kGTAWuoppbIIIBfNF2lE/Nvm7lVVYQqL9xOrP/AQ4xRbpQlB8Ll9sO9Or SvbWhCDa/LMOWxHdmrcJi6XoSg1vnOyCoKbyAoauTt/XqdkHbkDdQ6HFbJieu9il LDZZNliPhfENuKeC2MCGVXTEu8Cqhy1w6e4axavLlXoYf4laJIZ/e7au8SqDbY0B xwIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY----- PUBKEY jwt = ( 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhY2NvdW50cy5nb29nbGUuY29tIiwiY' + 'XVkIjoiMTA2MDM1Nzg5MTY4OC5hcHBzLmdvb2dsZXVzZXJjb250ZW50LmNvbSI' + 'sImNpZCI6IjEwNjAzNTc4OTE2ODguYXBwcy5nb29nbGV1c2VyY29udGVudC5jb' + '20iLCJpZCI6IjExNjQ1MjgyNDMwOTg1Njc4MjE2MyIsInRva2VuX2hhc2giOiJ' + '0Z2hEOUo4bjhWME4ydmN3NmVNaWpnIiwiaWF0IjoxMzIwNjcwOTc4LCJleHAiO' + 'jEzMjA2NzQ4Nzh9.D8x_wirkxDElqKdJBcsIws3Ogesk38okz6MN7zqC7nEAA7' + 'wcy1PxsROY1fmBvXSer0IQesAqOW-rPOCNReSn-eY8d53ph1x2HAF-AzEi3GOl' + '6hFycH8wj7Su6JqqyEbIVLxE7q7DkAZGaMPkxbTHs1EhSd5_oaKQ6O4xO3ZnnT4' ) expect { JWT.decode(jwt, pubkey, true) }.to raise_error(JWT::DecodeError) end describe "urlsafe base64 encoding" do it "replaces + and / with - and _" do allow(Base64).to receive(:encode64) { "string+with/non+url-safe/characters_" } expect(JWT.base64url_encode("foo")).to eq("string-with_non-url-safe_characters_") end end describe 'decoded_segments' do it "allows access to the decoded header and payload" do secret = "secret" jwt = JWT.encode(@payload, secret) decoded_segments = JWT.decoded_segments(jwt) expect(decoded_segments.size).to eq(4) expect(decoded_segments[0]).to eq({"typ" => "JWT", "alg" => "HS256"}) expect(decoded_segments[1]).to eq(@payload) end end end