# frozen_string_literal: true
module Nokogiri
module XML
module SAX
# PushParser can parse a document that is fed to it manually. It
# must be given a SAX::Document object which will be called with
# SAX events as the document is being parsed.
# Calling PushParser#<< writes XML to the parser, calling any SAX
# callbacks it can.
# PushParser#finish tells the parser that the document is finished
# and calls the end_document SAX method.
# Example:
# parser = PushParser.new(Class.new(XML::SAX::Document) {
# def start_document
# puts "start document called"
# end
# }.new)
# parser << "
# parser << "/div>"
# parser.finish
class PushParser
# The Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document on which the PushParser will be
# operating
attr_accessor :document
# Create a new PushParser with +doc+ as the SAX Document, providing
# an optional +file_name+ and +encoding+
def initialize(doc = XML::SAX::Document.new, file_name = nil, encoding = "UTF-8")
@document = doc
@encoding = encoding
@sax_parser = XML::SAX::Parser.new(doc)
## Create our push parser context
initialize_native(@sax_parser, file_name)
# Write a +chunk+ of XML to the PushParser. Any callback methods
# that can be called will be called immediately.
def write(chunk, last_chunk = false)
native_write(chunk, last_chunk)
alias_method :<<, :write
# Finish the parsing. This method is only necessary for
# Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document#end_document to be called.
# ⚠ Note that empty documents are treated as an error when using the libxml2-based
# implementation (CRuby), but are fine when using the Xerces-based implementation (JRuby).
def finish
write("", true)