module Pollster class Chart < Base attr_reader :title, :slug, :poll_count, :last_updated, :url, :estimates, :estimates_by_date, :state, :topic def initialize(params={}) params.each_pair do |k,v| instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v) end end # Get a list of polls for this chart. def polls(params={}) Poll.where(params.merge({:chart => self.slug})) end # Get a list of all charts. def self.all invoke('charts').map { |chart| self.create(chart) } end # Get a chart based on its slug. def self.find(slug) self.create invoke("charts/#{slug}") end # Get a list of charts based on the given parameters. # See API documentation for acceptable parameters. def self.where(params={}) if params.empty? raise "A search parameter is required" end invoke('charts', params).map { |chart| self.create(chart) } end def to_s "#{self.class}: #{self.title}" end def inspect "<#{self.class}: #{self.title}>" end def estimates_by_date @estimates_by_date ||= Pollster::Chart.find(slug).estimates_by_date end private def self.create(data) data = Hash[* { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }.flatten(1)] data[:last_updated] = Time.parse(data[:last_updated]) data[:estimates].map! { |estimate| {:choice => estimate['choice'], :value => estimate['value']} } if data[:estimates_by_date] data[:estimates_by_date] = data[:estimates_by_date].map do |x| estimate = hash_keys_to_sym(x) estimate[:date] = Date.parse(estimate[:date]) estimate[:estimates] = estimate[:estimates].map { |e| hash_keys_to_sym(e) } estimate end end end end end