EffectivePosts.setup do |config|
  # Every post must have a category
  # Each of these categories parameterized value will be a top level route
  config.categories = ['News', 'Events']

  # Which of the above categories will be considered post.event? 
  # Used to select the fields on the Admin form
  # Can't be unique. Must be subset of config.categories
  config.event_categories = ['Events']

  # Create top level routes for each category
  # Should each of the above categories have a top level route created for it
  # For example:
  #   Visiting /news will display all posts created with the 'news' category
  #   Visiting /events will display all posts created with the 'events' category
  # Regardless of this setting, posts will always be available via /posts?category=events
  config.use_category_routes = true

  # Create routes for a blog.
  # Includes category routes, but they're not top level.
  # /blog is posts#index
  # /blog/category/announcements is posts#index?category=announcements
  # /blog/1-post-title is posts#show
  config.use_blog_routes = true

  # Number of posts displayed per page
  config.per_page = 10

  # Post Meta behaviour
  # Should the author be displayed in the post meta?
  # The author is the user that created the Effective::Post object
  config.post_meta_author = true

  # Layout Settings
  # config.layout = { application: 'application', admin: 'admin' }

  # Display the effective roles 'choose roles' input when an admin creates a new post
  config.use_effective_roles = false

  # Display a file upload field when the admin creates a new post to collect a post.image
  config.use_active_storage = true

  # Display the google search results description field on admin form
  config.use_description = true

  # Display the excerpt field on admin form
  config.use_excerpt = true

  # Submissions
  # Allow users to submit posts (optionally for approval) to display on the website
  config.submissions_enabled = true

  # When true, a user might be signed in to submit a post. (calls devise's authenticate_user!)
  config.submissions_require_current_user = false

  # When true, an Admin must first approve any newly submitted posts before they'll be displayed
  config.submissions_require_approval = true

  # The Thank you message when they submit a post
  config.submissions_note = "Post submitted! A confirmation email has been sent to the website owner. When approved, your submission will appear on the website."

  # Mailer Settings
  # Please see config/initializers/effective_resources.rb for default effective_* gem mailer settings
  # Configure the class responsible to send e-mails.
  # config.mailer = 'Effective::PostsMailer'
  # Override effective_resource mailer defaults
  # config.parent_mailer = nil      # The parent class responsible for sending emails
  # config.deliver_method = nil     # The deliver method, deliver_later or deliver_now
  # config.mailer_layout = nil      # Default mailer layout
  # config.mailer_sender = nil      # Default From value
  # config.mailer_admin = nil       # Default To value for Admin correspondence
  # config.mailer_subject = nil     # Proc.new method used to customize Subject