require "numru/netcdf" require "numru/netcdf_miss" require "numru/gphys/varray" # for constants of VArray =begin ==INDEX * (()) * (()) * (()) * (()) * (()) =module NumRu::NetCDF_Conventions NetCDF_Conventions is the general handler of NetCDF conventions for the GPhys library. ==Module Functions ---find( netcdf ) Figures out what NetCDF convention a netcdf file is following. ARGUMENTS * ((|netcdf|)) (NetCDF): the file RETURN VALUE * a Module (NumRu::NetCDF_Convention_Users_Guide etc.) REMARK * The convention is figured out from the 'Conventions' global attribute. You can instead fix the convention by using (()). ---fix_to( convention ) Fix the convention to be returned by (()) regardless the value of the 'Conventions' attribute. ARGUMENTS * ((|convention|)) (Module): NumRu::NetCDF_Convention_Users_Guide etc. RETURN VALUE * convention ---add_history(netcdf, str=nil) Adds a line to the 'history' global convention of ((|netcdf|)). The line consists of date, time, user name, and ((|str|)) if present (e.g., '2004-03-02 17:52:25 JST horinout> '+str). ARGUMENTS * ((|netcdf|)) (NetCDF): the file in which the history is updated * ((|str|)) (nil or String): if present, added to the end of the line. =module NumRu::NetCDF_Convention_Users_Guide The NetCDF Users Guide Convention ( ==Constants ---Attribute_Mixin See below: (()). ---VArray_Mixin See below: (()). ==Module Functions ---to_s Returns a string to be used as representing the convention. The Users Guide Convention does not have one, so a string was tentatively assigned by Horinouchi. ---coord_var_names(ncvar) Returns the names of coordinate variables for all the dimensions of ((|ncvar|)). ARGUMENTS * ((|ncvar|)) (NetCDFVar) RETURN VALUE * Array of strings, whose length is the rank of ((|ncvar|)). ---cell_bounds?(coord_var) Document to be written. (returns false&nil in this convention.) Might be reorganized in future when the gtool4 convention is supported. ---cell_center?(coord_var) Document to be written. (returns false&nil in this convention.) Might be reorganized in future when the gtool4 convention is supported. -------------------------------------------------- ==module NumRu::NetCDF_Convention_Users_Guide::Attribute_Mixin The module to be mixed in NumRu::AttributeNetCDF. ===Instance Methods Methods below will become sigular methods of NumRu::AttributeNetCDF. ---copy(to=nil) Same as (('super')) (the one overridden by this method), but edits some standard attributes if (('to')) is nil (copy onto memory)): * scale_factor, add_offset: removed, since data copying includes "unpaking" by interpreting them * valid_*, missing_value: unpacked if packed. * _FillValue, FORTRAN_format, C_format: eliminated --------------------------------------------------- ==module NumRu::NetCDF_Convention_Users_Guide::VArray_Mixin The module to be mixed in NumRu::VArrayNetCDF. ===Instance Methods Currently none, meaning is that no modification is made in VArrayNetCDF. --------------------------------------------------------------------- =module NumRu::NetCDF_Convention_Wind_Profiler The Wind Profiler convention ( Inherits NetCDF_Convention_Users_Guide and makes appropriate redefinitions. See (()) for the description of constants and module functions. =end module NumRu ## /// COMMON --> class NetCDFVar alias get get_with_miss_and_scaling alias put put_with_miss_and_scaling end # Other implicit convention # # * to use the "units" attribute to indicate the physical units # (which is assumed in VArray, the super class of VArrayNetCDF). module NetCDF_Conventions module_function @@fixed = nil def fix_to( convention ) @@fixed == convention end def find( netcdf ) # netcdf is assumed to be a NetCDF if @@fixed @@fixed else convention = (att=netcdf.att('Conventions')) && att.get case convention #when /gtool/ # raise "Sorry, the gtool convention is yet to be supported" when /^Wind Profiler/ NetCDF_Convention_Wind_Profiler else #NetCDF_Convention_Users_Guide NetCDF_Convention_CF end end end def add_history(netcdf, str=nil) hstatt = netcdf.att('history') if hstatt history = hstatt.get.chomp + "\n" else history = '' end time = history += ( time.respond_to?(:strftime) ? time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z ') : time.to_s ) + ( ENV['USER'] || '' ) + '>' history += (' '+str) if str netcdf.put_att('history', history) end end ## <-- COMMON /// ###################################################### ## Indivisual Conventions --- Can be figured out by ## NetCDF_Conventions.find( netcdf ) ###################################################### module NetCDF_Convention_Users_Guide # NetCDF Convention of the NetCDF User's Guide # To be used by (not to be included in) NetCDF_IO. module Attribute_Mixin def _unpack_missing_specification(attr) # -- private method -- # unpack missing data specification # if the missing data type is in the external data type) ao = attr['add_offset'] # must be narray or nil sf = attr['scale_factor'] # must be narray or nil if ao || sf raise "add_offset is not a numeric" if ao.is_a?(String) raise "scale_factor is not a numeric" if sf.is_a?(String) satyp = ( ao || sf ).typecode extyp = @nv.typecode sf = 1 if !sf ao = 0 if !ao if (x=attr['valid_range']) && (x.typecode==extyp ||x.typecode!=satyp) attr['valid_range'] = x * sf + ao end if (x=attr['valid_min']) && (x.typecode==extyp || x.typecode!=satyp) attr['valid_min'] = x * sf + ao end if (x=attr['valid_max']) && (x.typecode==extyp || x.typecode!=satyp) attr['valid_max'] = x * sf + ao end if (x=attr['missing_value']) && (x.typecode==extyp || x.typecode!=satyp) attr['missing_value'] = x * sf + ao end attr end end private :_unpack_missing_specification def _op_attr_edit( attr ) # -- private method -- attr.delete('C_format') attr.delete('FORTRAN_format') _unpack_missing_specification(attr) attr.delete('add_offset') attr.delete('scale_factor') attr.delete('_FillValue') ##attr.delete('long_name') attr end private :_op_attr_edit def copy(to=nil) newattr = super newattr = _op_attr_edit(newattr) if !to newattr end end # module Attribute_Mixin module VArray_Mixin # currently none end # module VArray_Mixin #################### module_function def to_s "NetCDF User's Guide" end def coord_var_names(ncvar) # name of the coordinate variables (to be the "pos" object in Axis) ncvar.dim_names end def cell_bounds?(coord_var) # whether the coordinate variale represent grid cell bounds. # coordvar (VArray) # return value: result = false # Always false, because User's guide does not define it cell_center_name = nil [result, cell_center_name] end def cell_center?(coord_var) # whether the coordinate variale represent grid cell centers. # coordvar (VArray) # return value: # false if not # true if true and the corresponding cell bounds are not identified. # a VArray if true and the bounds are found (returns it) result = false # Always false, because User's guide does not define it cell_bounds_name = nil [result, cell_bounds_name] end def aux_var_names(coord_var) nil # no rule for that end def assoc_coord_names(data) nil # no rule for that end end module NetCDF_Convention_CF # # < inherit the Users guide convention > module Attribute_Mixin include NetCDF_Convention_Users_Guide::Attribute_Mixin end # module Attribute_Mixin module VArray_Mixin include NetCDF_Convention_Users_Guide::VArray_Mixin end # module VArray_Mixin module_function extend NetCDF_Convention_Users_Guide public_class_method :aux_var_names, :coord_var_names, :cell_bounds?, :cell_center? ########### original part starts here ################# def assoc_coord_names(data) if s = data.get_att("coordinates") nms = s.split(/ +/) case data.file when NArray fl = data.file[0] else fl = data.file end nms.delete_if{|nm| !fl.var(nm)} nms.delete_if{|nm| fl.dim_names.include?(nm)} nms else nil end end end module NetCDF_Convention_Wind_Profiler # Wind Profiler Convention # module Attribute_Mixin include NetCDF_Convention_Users_Guide::Attribute_Mixin end # module Attribute_Mixin module VArray_Mixin include NetCDF_Convention_Users_Guide::VArray_Mixin end # module VArray_Mixin ######################## module_function extend NetCDF_Convention_Users_Guide public_class_method :cell_bounds?, :cell_center?, :assoc_coord_names def to_s "Wind Profiler (" end def coord_var_names(ncvar) if (c=ncvar.att('coordinates')) coordinates = c.get.split(/ +/) elsif (ct=ncvar.att('t_coordinates')) || (cz=ncvar.att('z_coordinates')) coordinates = coordinates.push(ct.get) if ct coordinates.push(cz.get) if cz else coordinates = nil end dimnames = ncvar.dim_names if coordinates cdvnames = [] coordinates.each{ |varname| var = ncvar.file.var(varname) raise "#{var.inspect} is not 1D" unless var.rank==1 dimnm = var.dim(0).name idx = dimnames.index(dimnm) if idx cdvnames[idx] = varname else raise "#{varname} cannot be a coordinate variable -- "+ "#{ncvar.file.path} not comply with the Wind Profiler convention" end } for i in 0...dimnames.length cdvnames[i] = dimnames[i] if !cdvnames[i] #if not found, use dimname end cdvnames else # follow the users guide convention dimnames end end def aux_var_names(coord_var) Hash['coordinate', coord_var.dim_names[0] ] end end end # module NumRu