### 3/16/17 - Tweak the two benchmark file and made it work - This time around, I am dynamically creating new arrays and counting the number of iterations before it blows up. And it's clear that the `each!` can complete more iteration before it uses all the memory - Changed `each_slice!` implementation to avoid using `slice!`. The execution time comp looks good (seems even faster than the native `each_slice`). And the memory usage comp looks very good too! ### 3/14/17 - Testing benchmark in containerized environment to simulate limited allocated memory. - `each!` seems to be working fine. I can see gradual memory release in docker stat even not by a large margin. - Next thing to test would be creating more objects within the iteration to use up more memory. Given that with 4MB allocation, the current [./benchmark/each.rb](benchmark/each.rb) and [./benchmark/each_bang.rb](benchmark/each_bang.rb) is running at the edge of using up all memory, creating more objects supposedly would kill the process using `each` while `each!` should survive. - `each_slice!` implementation is very slow. Possibly because `slice!` is O(n)?