# SoarSr SoarSr is a client library for accessing the features of a jUDDI registry. SoarSr translates jUDDI concepts into a SOA architectural view on UDDI storage. Services are concise singly responsible functional units. Service components are devices and application servers that offer services on a URI. Domain perspectives are functional grouping of services et al in pursuit of business goals. Teams are a kind of domain perspective. Services are described by wadl service definitions. Associating services or service components with domain perspectvice indicates functional association. Associating services or service components with teams indicate ownership. Domain perspectives (and so also teams) have one or more contacts associated. This is accomplished by translating as follows: Teams and Domain perspectives => jUDDI businesses Service components and services => jUDDI services Associations => ruby Hashes, url encoded in an entity's description ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'soar_sr' And then execute: bundle Or install it yourself as: gem install soar_sr ## Usage spec.add_development_dependency 'soar_sr' bundle exec irb ### Helpers require 'soar_sr' credentials = { 'username' => 'uddi', 'password' => 'uddi' } freshness = 0 # > 0 to enable cache @soar_sr = SoarSr::ServiceRegistry.new('http://localhost:8080', 'hetzner.co.za', 'hetzner', credentials, freshness) ds = @soar_sr.domain_perspectives sv = @soar_sr.services sc = @soar_sr.service_components sd = @soar_sr.service_definitions ts = @soar_sr.teams cc = @soar_sr.contacts as = @soar_sr.associations ss = @soar_sr.search ### Domain perspectives ds.list_domain_perspectives ds.register_domain_perspective('my domain') ds.domain_perspective_registered?('my domain') ds.domain_perspective_by_name('domains', 'my domain') ds.deregister_domain_perspective('my domain') ### Services sv.register_service({'name' => 'my service', 'description' => 'a new service', 'definition' => 'http://de.finiti.on'}) sv.service_registered?('my service') sv.configure_meta_for_service('my service', {'some' => 'meta'}) sv.meta_for_service('my service') sv.add_service_uri('my service', 'http://one-uri.com/my_service') sv.add_service_uri('my service', 'http://find-me-here.com/my_service') sv.remove_uri_from_service('my service', 'http://one-uri.com/my_service') sv.service_uris('my service') sv.service_by_name('my service') sv.deregister_service('my service') ### Service components sc.list_service_components sc.register_service_component('my sc') sc.configure_service_component_uri('my sc', 'http://my-sc.com') sc.service_component_registered?('my sc') sc.service_component_uri('my sc') sc.deregister_service_component('my sc') ### Service definitions sd.register_service_definition('my service', 'http://github.com/myservice/def.wadl') sd.service_definition_for_service('my service') sd.deregister_service_definition('my service') ### Teams ts.register_team('my team') ts.team_registered?('my team') ts.deregister_team('my team') ### Contacts contact = { 'name' => 'Peter Umpkin', 'email' => 'p.umpkin@ppatch.com', 'description' => 'Director of operations', 'phone' => '0917872413'} contact2 = { 'name' => 'Bruce Atman', 'email' => 'b.atman@marvelling.com', 'description' => 'Head of sales'} cc.add_contact_to_domain_perspective('my domain', contact) cc.add_contact_to_domain_perspective('my domain', contact2) cc.contact_details_for_domain_perspective('my domain') cc.remove_contact_from_domain_perspective('my domain', contact) ### Associations as.associate_service_component_with_domain_perspective('my sc', 'my domain') as.service_component_has_domain_perspective_associations?('my sc') as.associate_service_with_domain_perspective('my service', 'my domain') as.domain_perspective_has_associations?('my domain') as.domain_perspective_associations('my domain') as.disassociate_service_component_from_domain_perspective('my domain', 'my sc') as.disassociate_service_from_domain_perspective('my domain', 'my service') as.delete_all_domain_perspective_associations('my domain') ### Search #sv.register_service({'name' => 'search me', 'description' => 'pretty please', 'definition' => 'http://de.finiti.on'}) ss.search_for_service('search') # name ss.search_for_service('please') # description ss.search_for_service('ti.on') # definition ss.search_domain_perspective('my domain', 'search') ss.search_for_service_by_name('search') ## Contributing Bug reports and feature requests are welcome by email to ernst dot van dot graan at hetzner dot co dot za. This gem is sponsored by Hetzner (Pty) Ltd (http://hetzner.co.za) ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).