module PT::Flow class UI < PT::UI def my_work #default command super help end def start tasks = @client.get_work(@project) table = title("Available tasks in #{project_to_s}") task = select("Please select a task to start working on", table) estimate_task(task, ask("How many points do you estimate for it? (#{@project.point_scale})")) if task.estimate && task.estimate < 0 assign_task(task, @local_config[:user_name]) start_task(task) run("git checkout -b #{current_target}-#{}") end def finish run("git push origin #{current_branch}") task = PivotalTracker::Story.find(current_task_id, title ='"',"'") + " [##{}]" run("hub pull-request -b #{current_target} -h #{repo.user}:#{current_branch} \"#{title}\"") finish_task(task) end def deliver run('git fetch') run("git checkout #{current_target}") run("git pull --rebase origin #{current_target}") run("git merge #{current_branch}") run("git push origin #{current_target}") run("git push origin :#{current_branch}") run("git branch -d #{current_branch}") task = PivotalTracker::Story.find(current_task_id, deliver_task(task) end def review table = pull_request = select("Please select a pull request to review", table) run("git fetch") run("git checkout #{pull_request.head.ref}") run("open #{pull_request.html_url}") rescue Github::Error::Unauthorized => e error("Error from github: #{e.message}") end def cleanup # Update our list of remotes run("git fetch") run("git remote prune origin") # Remove local branches fully merged with origin/master run("git branch --merged origin/master | grep -v 'master$' | xargs git branch -D") # Remove remote branches fully merged with origin/master run("git branch -r --merged origin/master | sed 's/ *origin\\///' | grep -v 'master$' | xargs -I% git push origin :%") congrats('All clean!') end def help if ARGV[0] && ARGV[0] != 'help' message("Command #{ARGV[0]} not recognized. Showing help.") end title("Command line usage") puts("flow start # start working on a story") puts("flow finish # finish a story and create a pull request") puts("flow review # review a pull request") puts("flow deliver # merge current branch and clean up") puts("flow cleanup # deleted merged local/remote branches and prune origin") end private def repo end def assign_task(task, owner) result = @client.assign_task(@project, task, owner) if result.errors.any? error(result.errors.errors) else congrats("Task assigned to #{owner}") end end def current_branch @current_branch ||= `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.strip end def current_target current_branch.sub(current_task_id, '').chomp('-') end def current_task_id current_branch[/\d+$/] || '' end def run(command) title(command) error("Error running: #{command}") unless system(command) end def error(*msg) super exit(false) end end end