# This file will be required by Origen before your target is loaded, you # can use this to require all of your files, which is the easiest way # to get started. As your experience grows you may wish to require only the # minimum files required to allow the target to be initialized and let # each class require its own dependencies. # # It is recommended that you keep all of your application logic in lib/ # The lib directory has already been added to the search path and so any files # in there can be referenced from here with a relative path. # # Note that pattern files do not need to be referenced from here and these # will be located automatically by origen. # This says load the file "lib/pioneer.rb" the first time anyone makes a # reference to the class name 'Pioneer'. #autoload :Pioneer, "pioneer" # This is generally preferable to using require which will load the file # regardless of whether it is needed by the current target or not: #require "pioneer" # Sometimes you have to use require however:- # 1. When defining a test program interface: #require "interfaces/j750" # 2. If you want to extend a class defined by an imported application, in # this case your must use required and supply a full path (to distinguish # it from the one in the parent application): #require "#{Origen.root}/c90_top_level/p2" module CrossOrigen autoload :XMLDoc, "cross_origen/xml_doc" autoload :Headers, "cross_origen/headers" autoload :Ralf, "cross_origen/ralf" autoload :IpXact, "cross_origen/ip_xact" autoload :DesignSync, "cross_origen/design_sync" autoload :OrigenFormat, "cross_origen/origen_format" autoload :CMSISSVD, "cross_origen/cmsis_svd" end require "cross_origen"