require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper.rb') describe Attributor::Attribute do let(:attribute_options) { } let(:type) { Attributor::String } subject(:attribute) {, attribute_options) } let(:context) { ['context'] } let(:value) { 'one' } context 'initialize' do its(:type) { should be type } its(:options) { should be attribute_options } it 'calls check_options!' do expect_any_instance_of(Attributor::Attribute).to receive(:check_options!), attribute_options) end context 'for anonymous types (aka Structs)' do before do expect(Attributor).to receive(:resolve_type).once.with(Struct, attribute_options, anything).and_call_original end it 'generates the class' do, attribute_options) do attribute :id, Integer end end end end context '==' do let(:other_attribute) {, attribute_options) } it { should eq other_attribute } end context 'describe' do let(:attribute_options) { { required: true, values: ['one'], description: 'something', min: 0 } } let(:expected) do h = { type: { name: 'String', id:, family: } } common = { |k, _v| Attributor::Attribute::TOP_LEVEL_OPTIONS.include? k } h.merge!(common) h[:options] = { min: 0 } h end its(:describe) { should eq expected } context 'with example options' do let(:attribute_options) { { description: 'something', example: 'ex_def' } } its(:describe) { should have_key(:example_definition) } its(:describe) { should_not have_key(:example) } it 'should have the example value in the :example_definition key' do expect(subject.describe[:example_definition]).to eq 'ex_def' end end context 'with custom_data' do let(:custom_data) { { loggable: true, visible_in_ui: false } } let(:attribute_options) { { custom_data: custom_data } } its(:describe) { should have_key(:custom_data) } it 'keep the custom data attribute' do expect(subject.describe[:custom_data]).to eq custom_data end end context 'for an anonymous type (aka: Struct)' do let(:attribute_options) { } let(:attribute) do, attribute_options) do attribute :id, Integer end end subject(:description) { attribute.describe } it 'uses the name of the first non-anonymous ancestor' do expect(description[:type][:name]).to eq 'Struct' end it 'includes sub-attributes' do expect(description[:type][:attributes]).to have_key(:id) end end context 'with an example' do let(:attribute_options) { {} } let(:example) { attribute.example } subject(:described) { attribute.describe(false, example: example) } context 'using a simple terminal type' do let(:type) { String } its(:keys) { should include(:example) } it 'should have the passed example value' do expect(described).to have_key(:example) expect(described[:example]).to eq(example) end it 'should have removed the example from the :type' do expect(described[:type]).not_to have_key(:example) end end context 'using a complex type' do let(:type) { Cormorant } its(:keys) { should_not include(:example) } it 'Should see examples in the right places, depending on leaf/no-leaf types' do # String, a leaf attribute type: should have example name_attr = described[:type][:attributes][:name] expect(name_attr).to include(:example) expect(name_attr[:type]).not_to include(:example) # Struct, a non-leaf attribute type: shouldn't have example ts_attr = described[:type][:attributes][:timestamps] expect(ts_attr).not_to include(:example) expect(ts_attr[:type]).not_to include(:example) # DateTime inside a Struct, a nested leaf attribute type: should have example born_attr = ts_attr[:type][:attributes][:born_at] expect(born_attr).to include(:example) expect(born_attr[:type]).not_to include(:example) end end end end context 'parse' do let(:loaded_object) { double("I'm loaded") } it 'loads and validates' do expect(attribute).to receive(:load).with(value, Attributor::DEFAULT_ROOT_CONTEXT).and_return(loaded_object) expect(attribute).to receive(:validate).with(loaded_object, Attributor::DEFAULT_ROOT_CONTEXT).and_call_original attribute.parse(value) end end context 'checking options' do it 'raises for invalid options' do expect do, unknown_opt: true) raise_error(/unsupported option/) end it 'has a spec that we try to validate the :default value' do expect do, default: 'not an okay integer') raise_error(/Default value doesn't have the correct attribute type/) end context 'custom_data' do it 'raises when not a hash' do expect do, custom_data: 1) raise_error(/custom_data must be a Hash/) end it 'does not raise for hashes' do expect do, custom_data: { loggable: true }) end.not_to raise_error end end end context 'example' do let(:example) { nil } context 'with nothing specified' do let(:attribute_options) { {} } before do expect(type).to receive(:example).and_return(example) end it 'defers to the type' do expect(attribute.example).to be example end end context 'with an attribute that has the values option set' do let(:values) { %w(one two) } let(:attribute_options) { { values: values } } it 'picks a random value' do expect(values).to include subject.example end end context 'deterministic examples' do let(:example) { /\w+/ } let(:attribute_options) { { example: example } } it 'can take a context to pre-seed the random number generator' do example_1 = subject.example(['context']) example_2 = subject.example(['context']) expect(example_1).to eq example_2 end it 'can take a context to pre-seed the random number generator' do example_1 = subject.example(['context']) example_2 = subject.example(['different context']) expect(example_1).not_to eq example_2 end end context 'with an example option' do let(:example) { 'Bob' } let(:attribute_options) { { example: example, regexp: /Bob/ } } its(:example) { should eq example } context 'that is not valid' do let(:example) { 'Frank' } it 'raises a validation error' do expect do subject.example raise_error(Attributor::AttributorException, /Error generating example/) end end end end context 'example_from_options' do let(:example) { nil } let(:generated_example) { example } let(:attribute_options) { { example: example } } let(:parent) { nil } let(:context) { Attributor::DEFAULT_ROOT_CONTEXT } subject(:example_result) { attribute.example_from_options(parent, context) } before do expect(attribute).to receive(:load).with(generated_example, an_instance_of(Array)).and_call_original end context 'with a string' do let(:example) { 'example' } it { should be example } end context 'with an integer' do let(:type) { Attributor::Integer } let(:example) { 5 } it { should be example } end context 'with a regexp' do let(:example) { /\w+/ } let(:generated_example) { /\w+/.gen } it 'calls #gen on the regexp' do expect(example).to receive(:gen).and_return(generated_example) expect(example_result).to match example end context 'for a type with a non-String native_type' do let(:type) { Attributor::Integer } let(:example) { /\d{5}/ } let(:generated_example) { /\d{5}/.gen } it 'coerces the example value properly' do expect(example).to receive(:gen).and_return(generated_example) expect(type).to receive(:load).and_call_original expect(example_result).to be_kind_of(type.native_type) end end end context 'with a proc' do let(:parent) { } context 'with one argument' do let(:example) { ->(_obj) { 'ok' } } let(:generated_example) { 'ok' } before do expect(example).to receive(:call).with(parent).and_return(generated_example) end it 'passes any given parent through to the example proc' do expect(example_result).to eq 'ok' end end context 'with two arguments' do let(:example) { ->(_obj, context) { "#{context} ok" } } let(:generated_example) { "#{context} ok" } let(:context) { ['some_context'] } before do expect(example).to receive(:call).with(parent, context).and_return(generated_example) end it 'passes any given parent through to the example proc' do expect(example_result).to eq "#{context} ok" end end end context 'with an Collection (of Strings)' do let(:type) { Attributor::Collection.of(String) } let(:example) { ['one'] } it { should eq example } end end context 'load' do let(:context) { ['context'] } let(:value) { '1' } it 'delegates to type.load' do # Need to add the "anything" of the 3rd element, as in ruby < 2.7 it comes as an empty hash expect(type).to receive(:load) do |v, c, _other| expect(v).to eq(value) expect(c).to eq(context) end attribute.load(value, context) end it 'passes options to type.load' do expect(type).to receive(:load).with(value, context, foo: 'bar') attribute.load(value, context, foo: 'bar') end context 'applying default values' do let(:value) { nil } let(:default_value) { 'default value' } let(:attribute_options) { { default: default_value } } subject(:result) { attribute.load(value) } context 'for nil' do it { should eq default_value } end context 'for false' do let(:type) { Attributor::Boolean } let(:default_value) { false } it { should eq default_value } end context 'for a Proc-based default value' do let(:context) { ['$'] } subject(:result) { attribute.load(value, context) } context 'with no arguments arguments' do let(:default_value) { proc { 'no_params' } } it { should eq } end context 'with 1 argument (the parent)' do let(:default_value) { proc { |parent| "parent is fake: #{parent.class}" } } it { should eq 'parent is fake: Attributor::FakeParent' } end context 'with 2 argument (the parent and the contents)' do let(:default_value) { proc { |parent, context| "parent is fake: #{parent.class} and context is: #{context}" } } it { should eq 'parent is fake: Attributor::FakeParent and context is: ["$"]' } end context 'which attempts to use the parent (which is not supported for the moment)' do let(:default_value) { proc { |parent| "any parent method should spit out warning: [#{parent.something}]" } } it 'should output a warning' do begin old_verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil expect(Kernel).to receive(:warn).and_call_original expect(attribute.load(value, context)).to eq 'any parent method should spit out warning: []' ensure $VERBOSE = old_verbose end end end end end context 'validating a value' do context '#validate' do context 'applying attribute options' do context ':required' do let(:attribute_options) { { required: true } } context 'with a nil value' do let(:value) { nil } it 'returns an error' do expect(attribute.validate(value, context).first).to eq 'Attribute context is required' end end end context ':values' do let(:values) { %w(one two) } let(:attribute_options) { { values: values } } let(:value) { nil } subject(:errors) { attribute.validate(value, context) } context 'with a value that is allowed' do let(:value) { 'one' } it 'returns no errors' do expect(errors).to be_empty end end context 'with a value that is not allowed' do let(:value) { 'three' } it 'returns an error indicating the problem' do expect(errors.first).to match(/is not within the allowed values/) end end end end it 'calls the right validate_X methods?' do expect(attribute).to receive(:validate_type).with(value, context).and_call_original expect(attribute).not_to receive(:validate_dependency) expect(type).to receive(:validate).and_call_original attribute.validate(value, context) end end context '#validate_type' do subject(:errors) { attribute.validate_type(value, context) } context 'with a value of the right type' do let(:value) { 'one' } it 'returns no errors' do expect(errors).to be_empty end end context 'with a value of a value different than the native_type' do let(:value) { 1 } it 'returns errors' do expect(errors).not_to be_empty expect(errors.first).to match(/is of the wrong type/) end end end context '#validate_missing_value' do let(:key) { '$' } let(:value) { /\w+/.gen } let(:attribute_options) { { required_if: key } } let(:ssh_key) { double('ssh_key', name: value) } let(:instance) { double('instance', ssh_key: ssh_key) } before { Attributor::AttributeResolver.current.register('instance', instance) } let(:attribute_context) { ['$', 'params', 'key_material'] } subject(:errors) { attribute.validate_missing_value(attribute_context) } context 'for a simple dependency without a predicate' do context 'that is satisfied' do it { should_not be_empty } end context 'that is missing' do let(:value) { nil } it { should be_empty } end end context 'with a dependency that has a predicate' do let(:value) { 'default_ssh_key_name' } # subject(:errors) { attribute.validate_missing_value('') } context 'where the target attribute exists, and matches the predicate' do let(:attribute_options) { { required_if: { key => /default/ } } } it { should_not be_empty } its(:first) { should match(/Attribute #{Regexp.quote(Attributor.humanize_context(attribute_context))} is required when #{Regexp.quote(key)} matches/) } end context 'where the target attribute exists, but does not match the predicate' do let(:attribute_options) { { required_if: { key => /other/ } } } it { should be_empty } end context 'where the target attribute does not exist' do let(:attribute_options) { { required_if: { key => /default/ } } } let(:ssh_key) { double('ssh_key', name: nil) } it { should be_empty } end end end end context 'for an attribute for a subclass of Model' do let(:type) { Chicken } let(:type_options) { Chicken.options } subject(:attribute) {, attribute_options) } it 'has attributes' do expect(attribute.attributes).to eq type.attributes end # it 'has compiled_definition' do # attribute.compiled_definition.should eq type.definition # end it 'merges its options with those of the compiled_definition' do expect(attribute.options).to eq attribute_options.merge(type_options) end it 'describe handles sub-attributes nicely' do describe = attribute.describe(false) expect(describe[:type][:name]).to eq common_options = { |k, _v| Attributor::Attribute.TOP_LEVEL_OPTIONS.include? k } special_options = attribute_options.reject { |k, _v| Attributor::Attribute.TOP_LEVEL_OPTIONS.include? k } common_options.each do |k, v| expect(describe[k]).to eq v end special_options.each do |k, v| expect(describe[:options][k]).to eq v end type_options.each do |k, v| expect(describe[:options][k]).to eq v end attribute.attributes.each do |name, _attr| expect(describe[:type][:attributes]).to have_key(name) end end it 'supports deterministic examples' do example_1 = attribute.example(['Chicken context']) example_2 = attribute.example(['Chicken context']) expect(example_1.attributes).to eq(example_2.attributes) end context '#validate' do let(:chicken) { Chicken.example } let(:type_attributes) { type.attributes } it 'validates sub-attributes' do errors = attribute.validate(chicken) expect(errors).to be_empty end context 'with a failing validation' do subject(:chicken) { Chicken.example(age: 150, email: 'foo') } let(:email_validation_response) { ["$.email value \(#{}\) does not match regexp (/@/)"] } let(:age_validation_response) { ["$.age value \(#{chicken.age}\) is larger than the allowed max (120)"] } it 'collects sub-attribute validation errors' do errors = attribute.validate(chicken) expect(errors).to match_array(age_validation_response | email_validation_response) end end end context '#validate_missing_value' do let(:type) { Duck } let(:attribute_name) { nil } let(:attribute) { Duck.attributes[attribute_name] } let(:attribute_context) { ['$', 'duck', attribute_name.to_s] } subject(:errors) { attribute.validate_missing_value(attribute_context) } before do Attributor::AttributeResolver.current.register('duck', duck) end context 'for a dependency with no predicate' do let(:attribute_name) { :email } let(:duck) do d = d.age = 1 = 'Donald' d end context 'where the target attribute exists, and matches the predicate' do it { should_not be_empty } its(:first) { should eq 'Attribute $ is required when name (for $.duck) is present.' } end context 'where the target attribute does not exist' do before do = nil end it { should be_empty } end end context 'for a dependency with a predicate' do let(:attribute_name) { :age } let(:duck) do d = = 'Daffy' = '' # he's a duck,get it? d end context 'where the target attribute exists, and matches the predicate' do it { should_not be_empty } its(:first) { should match(/Attribute #{Regexp.quote('$.duck.age')} is required when name #{Regexp.quote('(for $.duck)')} matches/) } end context 'where the target attribute exists, and does not match the predicate' do before do = 'Donald' end it { should be_empty } end context 'where the target attribute does not exist' do before do = nil end it { should be_empty } end end end end end context 'for a Collection' do context 'of non-Model (or Struct) type' do let(:member_type) { Attributor::Integer } let(:type) { Attributor::Collection.of(member_type) } let(:member_options) { { max: 10 } } let(:attribute_options) { { member_options: member_options } } context 'the member_attribute of that type' do subject(:member_attribute) { attribute.type.member_attribute } it { should be_kind_of(Attributor::Attribute) } its(:type) { should be(member_type) } its(:options) { should eq(member_options) } end context 'working with members' do let(:values) { ['1', 2, 12] } it 'loads' do expect(attribute.load(values)).to match_array [1, 2, 12] end it 'validates' do object = attribute.load(values) errors = attribute.validate(object) expect(errors).to have(1).item expect(errors[0]).to match(/value \(12\) is larger/) end end end context 'of a Model (or Struct) type' do subject(:attribute) {, attribute_options, &attribute_block) } let(:attribute_block) { proc { attribute :angry, required: true } } let(:attribute_options) { { reference: Chicken, member_options: member_options } } let(:member_type) { Attributor::Struct } let(:type) { Attributor::Collection.of(member_type) } let(:member_options) { {} } context 'the member_attribute of that type' do subject(:member_attribute) { attribute.type.member_attribute } it { should be_kind_of(Attributor::Attribute) } its(:options) { should eq(member_options.merge(reference: Chicken, identity: :email)) } its(:attributes) { should have_key :angry } it 'inherited the type and options from the reference' do expect(member_attribute.attributes[:angry].type).to be(Chicken.attributes[:angry].type) expect(member_attribute.attributes[:angry].options).to eq(Chicken.attributes[:angry].options.merge(required: true)) end end end end end