# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project *loosely tries* to adhere to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/), even before v1.0. ## [1.3.7] - #100 from tongueroo/vendor-gems bundle in vendor/gems folder to avoid vendor/bundle collison - use database from cli option in api mode for new ## [1.3.6] - Merge pull request #91 from mveer99/patch-1 jets deploy production docs - #96 from tongueroo/mega-mode-prod-deploy fix mega mode prod deploy, fix typo - #97 from tongueroo/jets-delete-env support jets delete ENV - #98 from tongueroo/support-import-bb-and-gitlab add import support for bitbucket and gitlab also ## [1.3.5] - Merge pull request #90 from tongueroo/on-exception fix on_exception hook ## [1.3.4] - fix gem replacer for macosx by using rsync to copy ## [1.3.3] - Revert Merge pull request #88 from mveer99/master: faulty -T cp option for now ## [1.3.2] - Merge pull request #88 from mveer99/master: faulty -T cp option ## [1.3.1] - Merge pull request #87 from tongueroo/on-exception - fix helpers for binary support - deprecate report_exception in favor of on_exception - docs: binary upload support ## [1.3.0] - Official AWS Ruby Support - Ruby Version 2.5.3 upgrade - Gem Layer introduced - Removed node shim - Build purger: /tmp/jets/project is auto purge when major or minor version changes - Update default gems source to https://gems2.lambdagems.com ## [1.2.1] - remove comments about routes workaround, auto blue-green deployments resolves this ## [1.2.0] - major upgrades: binary support, custom domain, bluegreen - binary support - custom domains support: http://rubyonjets.com/docs/routing-custom-domain/ - automated bluegreen deploy for api gateway when needed: http://rubyonjets.com/docs/blue-green-deployment/ - Merge pull request #84 from tongueroo/bluegreen ## [1.1.5] - Support multiple path parameters. Also allow path parameters to hold any value other than '/'. - Merge pull request #82 from adam-harwood/master ## [1.1.4] - Fully qualify bundle install path, to fix issue when building on CodeBuild. Fixes #80. - Merge pull request #81 from adam-harwood/master ## [1.1.3] - Merge pull request #79 from tongueroo/misc-fixes - fix has_poly? check to account for shared functions - fix jets new mode job copy_options - fix Jets Turbine require active support fixes issue #78 - parse for project name as workaround to avoid double loading config/application.rb ## [1.1.2] - Add option to specify authorization type application-wide option and on a per-route basis. - Add option to specify endpoint type of the ApiGateway: config.api.endpoint_type option - pull request #74 from adam-harwood/route_authorization - pull request #75 from adam-harwood/apig_endpoint_configuration - pull request #76 from tongueroo/api-endpoint - pull request #77 from tongueroo/api-auth - fix jets new, comment out building of middleware during boot for now ## [1.1.1] - provide instructions to run jets upgrade:v1 for config.ru update ## [1.1.0] - rack compatibility pull request #72 from tongueroo/rack - remove Jets::Timing pull request #73 from tongueroo/rm-timing ## [1.0.18] - re-raise exception properly after reporting locally ## [1.0.17] - Initial Jets Turbine support. http://rubyonjets.com/docs/jets-turbines/ - pull request #71 from tongueroo/turbine - Addresses #70 Exception reporting ## [1.0.16] - fix application iam policy when Jets::Application.default_iam_policy is used in config/application.rb - #69 from tongueroo/fix-app-iam-policy ## [1.0.15] - Fix polymorphic support: #67 from tongueroo/poly-fixes - update .env.development example - remove debugging puts ## [1.0.13] - Fix notice when Jets fails to create first git commit This happens when user doesn't have git credentials available yet - Merge pull request #63 from onnimonni/fix-missing-git-credentials ## [1.0.12] - Fix notice when Jets tries to use aws-cli even when it's not available in PATH - Merge pull request #62 from onnimonni/fix-notice-missing-aws-cli ## [1.0.11] - Don't fail if AWS credentials are missing Fixes #60 - Merge pull request #61 from onnimonni/fix-missing-aws-credentials-local-server ## [1.0.10] - remove emoji from skeleton index.html starter ## [1.0.9] - adjust starter .env.development and config/application.rb ## [1.0.8] - fix s3 assets to work with custom domains #58 from tongueroo/fix-assets ## [1.0.7] - jets new: adjust skeleton template project - jets import:rails: update config/database.yml ## [1.0.6] - method fixes: account for inheritance and private keyword #57 ## [1.0.5] - change config.lambdagems to config.gems - friendly info message when yarn is not installed - improve rails:import rack/config/database.yml generation - update gems check ## [1.0.4] - import:rails reconfigure database.yml pull request #56 from tongueroo/database-yml ## [1.0.3] - Allow control to prewarming of rack endpoint more - add config.prewarm.rack_ratio setting pull request #55 from tongueroo/prewarm-rack-more ## [1.0.2] - jets import:rails --submodule option. pull request #54 from tongueroo/import - upgrade to jets-gems. pull request #53 from tongueroo/gems - jets gems:check command - jets gems:sources hidden command ## [1.0.1] - jets upgrade:v1 command - Merge pull request #52 from tongueroo/upgrade-command ## [1.0.0] - Mega Mode: Rails Support, Rack Support - jets import:rails command - Lazy Loading Support - MySQL support. MySQL is default for jets new command. - Separate Environment configuration support - Default function timeout 30s now and 60s for jobs - Improve config/inflections.yml support - Improve shim: organized code - Improve static asset serving - Improve deploy performance: lazy loading, separate zip files, and only reupload if md5 checksums change. - Improve handler generation: ShimVars concept. - Improve code builder: Tidy class - Improve cfn builder: separate out cfn upload - Improve Jets IO buffer handling - Merge pull request #48 from tongueroo/megamode2 ## [0.10.4] - Merge pull request #51 from tongueroo/fix-aws-account: fix aws account lookup when ~/.aws/config not configured - deprecate config.api_mode for api.mode = "api" ## [0.10.3] - expose Jets::Application.default_iam_policy so user can re-use ## [0.10.2] - fix cloudformation config rule permission race condition with depends on - simplify --templates only cli option - update config rules docs ## [0.10.1] - clear @associated_properties bug - fix jets new . , Merge pull request #46 from tongueroo/jets-new-dot - update upgrade notes ## [0.10.0] - Breaking: Changed logical ids. Refer to upgrading notes: http://rubyonjets.com/docs/upgrading/ - Merge pull request #45 from tongueroo/remove-internal-welcome - Fix routing: Allow multiple paths to point to same controller action ## [0.9.2] - s3 assets support: Merge pull request #44 from tongueroo/s3-assets ## [0.9.1] - add upgrading notes - fix iam policies: flatten ## [0.9.0] - Breaking: Changed logical ids. Refer to upgrading notes: http://rubyonjets.com/docs/upgrading/ - Pretty big update: introduce concept of Shared Resources and Stack DSL - Stack DSL: To support the concept of Custom Shared Resources. Supports extensions and simple functions also. - Stack DSL: Allow for control of DependsOn attribute. - Stack DSL: `MyStack.lookup` method - Remove class name from the namespace. So namespace only has method name now. NOTE: This means upgrading from 0.8.x to 0.9.x requires a blue-green update. - Associated resource extensions support - Associated resources multiple form support: long, medium, short - Add `jets new --mode`: 3 modes: html, api, job. Remove the `--api` - IAM policies inherit from higher precedence and superclasses. - Add `jets runner` command - Fix AWS Config Rules support - Rename event_rule to events_rule - Remove submodule project demo fixture in favor of spec/fixtures/apps/franky - Add spec/bin/integration.sh - Simpler than the CI one and more immediately useful - Improve AWS Config Rules docs - Add config rules namespace setting - Custom inflections support ## [0.8.18] - improve performance of Jets.aws.region, pull request #40 from tongueroo/dir-glob ## [0.8.17] - fix Jets.eager_load ## [0.8.16] - add minimal deploy iam policy docs - harden deploy, auto delete minimal stack in rollback_completed - Merge pull request #38 from tongueroo/harden-deploy-rollbacks ## [0.8.15] - fix route resources macro for api mode pull request #35 - remove pg dependency from jets and add as part of project Gemfile pull request #36 ## [0.8.14] - Add faq docs - add setting response headers support for cookies: pull request #31 - Replace `Timing` header with `X-Runtime`: pull request #30 from y8/patch-1 ## [0.8.13] - even simpler iam policy expansions: pull request #27 from tongueroo/iam - specify rdoc options: pull request #28 from tongueroo/rdoc - add gem version badge and specify ruby 2.5.x requirement in gemspec ## [0.8.12] - fix jets gem summary and description ## [0.8.11] - Inherit class properties from parent classes PR #25 - Make more puts like methods show up in cloudwatch logs - Fix add_logical_id_counter to events ## [0.8.10] - allow perform_now to run with default empty event - fix env_properties in function resource, fixes stage name ## [0.8.9] - clean up convenience properties and add rest of them PR #24 ## [0.8.8] - fix cron expression ## [0.8.7] - add JETS_ENV_REMOTE and fix database config load for jets console ## [0.8.6] - fix local server ## [0.8.5] - Rename to Camelizer PR #23 - Fix helpers PR #22 ## [0.8.4] - fix custom iam policies - fix edge case: allow stack to be delete in rollback completed state ## [0.8.3] - adjust prewarm.public_ratio default to 10 ## [0.8.2] - add prewarm.public_ratio option: http://rubyonjets.com/docs/prewarming/ ## [0.8.1] - Upgrade all cfn resources to use the core jets resource model: request #21 from tongueroo/core-resource2 - Rid of mimimal-stack.yml and use jets core resource model - Rescue encoding exception for the Jets IO flush to prevent process from crashing - wip: binary support, set proper isBase64Encoded for binary content, but commented out binary media types due to form post breaking ## [0.8.0] - Introduce core resource, pull request #20 - Future template generation will lead to core resource. Start the move away from the older cfn template generator logic. - Allows for more control and customization of the associated resources with the lambda functions. - Allows multiple associated resources to be connected to a lambda function. - Support for CloudWatch event patterns, not just scheduled expression ## [0.7.1] - fix application-wide config.iam_policy ability ## [0.7.0] - add managed_iam_policy concept, pull request #19 - bump to 0.7.0, enough changes since 0.6.x ## [0.6.9] - add aws managed rule support, pull request #18 ## [0.6.8] - add jets clean:log and clean:build commands pull request #17 - allow integration.sh test script to run locally ## [0.6.7] - eager load jets lib also, pull request #16 ## [0.6.6] - improve puts handling: PR #15 ## [0.6.5] - fix prewarming after a deploy ## [0.6.4] - fix client.puts(result) ## [0.6.3] - fix app logging: pull request #14 ## [0.6.2] - add versions to gemspec dependencies ## [0.6.1] - only prewarm if Jets::PreheatJob.warm available ## [0.6.0] - fine grain iam policy abilities: pull request #13 from tongueroo/iam-policy - changed quite a few logical ids in the CloudFormation templates ## [0.5.8] - fix config.prewarm defaults ## [0.5.7] - adjust default function memory size to 1536 ## [0.5.6] - use Lambdagem.log_level = :info ## [0.5.5] - clean old git submodules from cache to reduce cache bloat - dont prewarm after deploy if disabled :pull request #12 - update docs ## [0.5.4] - add route check before cloudformation update: pull request #11 - hide confusing debugging logs for node shim for user - update docs, grammar fixes - update initial welcome page, improve mobile, use encoding: utf-8 for starter index page - update to use Jets::RUBY_VERSION ## [0.5.3] - add x-jets-prewarm-count and x-jets-call-count headers: pull request #10 from tongueroo/call-count - adjust default prewarming concurrency to 2 - Jets.eager_load as part of warmup - rename config.prewarm.enable - update docs ## [0.5.2] - format the js error in the node shim properly ## [0.5.1] - fix gemspec - fix Docker base build, comment out unneeded broken maven - update docs ## [0.5.0] - First big good release ## [0.1.2] - Fix bundled gems.