module Misc def self.prepare_entity(entity, field, options = {}) return entity unless defined? Entity return entity unless String === entity or Array === entity options ||= {} dup_array = options.delete :dup_array if Annotated === field or Entity.respond_to?(:formats) and Entity.formats.include? field params = options.dup params[:format] ||= params.delete "format" params.merge!(:format => field) unless params.include?(:format) and not ((f = params[:format]).nil? or (String === f and f.empty?)) mod = Entity === field ? field : Entity.formats[field] entity = mod.setup( ((entity.frozen? and not entity.nil?) ? entity.dup : ((Array === entity and dup_array) ? entity.collect{|e| e.nil? ? e : e.dup} : entity) ), params ) end entity end def self.consolidate(list) list.inject(nil){|acc,e| if acc.nil? acc = e else acc.concat e acc end } end def self.append_zipped(current, new) if current.empty? current.replace new.collect{|e| [e]} else current.each do |v| n = new.shift if Array === n v.concat new else v << n end end end current end def self.zip_fields(array) return [] if array.empty? or (first = array.first).nil?*array[1..-1]) end def self.field_position(fields, field, quiet = false) return field if Integer === field or Range === field raise FieldNotFoundError, "Field information missing" if fields.nil? && ! quiet fields.each_with_index{|f,i| return i if f == field} field_re = /^#{field}$/i fields.each_with_index{|f,i| return i if f =~ field_re} raise FieldNotFoundError, "Field #{ field.inspect } was not found" unless quiet end end class Hash def chunked_values_at(keys, max = 5000) Misc.ordered_divide(keys, max).inject([]) do |acc,c| new = self.values_at(*c) new.annotate acc if new.respond_to? :annotate and acc.empty? acc.concat(new) end end end module LaterString def to_s yield end end